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yppasswd(3yp) [ultrix man page]

yppasswd(3yp)															     yppasswd(3yp)

       yppasswd - update user password in yellow pages password map.

       #include <rpcsvc/yppasswd.h>

       yppasswd(oldpass, newpw)
       char *oldpass;
       struct passwd *newpw;

       The  routine  uses  Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and External Data Representation (XDR) routines to update a user password in a Yellow Pages
       password map.  The RPC and XDR elements that are used are listed below under the RPC INFO heading.

       If oldpass is indeed the old user password, this routine replaces the password entry with newpw.  It returns 0 if successful.

   RPC Information
       program number:
       xdr routines:
	    xdr_ppasswd(xdrs, yp)
		 XDR *xdrs;
		 struct yppasswd *yp;
	    xdr_yppasswd(xdrs, pw)
		 XDR *xdrs;
		 struct passwd *pw;
		 Takes struct yppasswd as argument, returns integer.
		 Same behavior as yppasswd() wrapper.
		 Uses UNIX authentication.
	    struct yppasswd {
		 char *oldpass; /* old (unencrypted) password */
		 struct passwd newpw;	  /* new pw structure */

See Also
       yppasswd(1yp), yppasswdd(8yp)


Check Out this Related Man Page

yppasswd(1yp)															     yppasswd(1yp)

       yppasswd - change password in yellow pages (YP) service.

       yppasswd [ name ]

       The  command lets you change your password in the yellow pages (YP) map, a network data base service.  Only you or the superuser can change
       your YP password.

       When you enter the command, the program prompts you for the old password and then for the new password. Note that  the  passwords  are  not
       displayed on the screen.

       Next,  the  program asks you for the new password again, to verify that you have typed it correctly.  If you do not type the passwords cor-
       rectly, you will receive an error message after you enter the new password.

       Your new YP password must meet one of the following requirements:

	  o It must be a combination of at least six alphanumeric characters, or

	  o It must be a minimum of four characters, with at least one being non-alphanumeric, such as a control sequence.
       The command does not change the YP password.  This command only changes the local password file and not the YP master password  file.   See
       Chapter 3 of the Guide to the Yellow Pages Service for further information.

       Please use a longer password
       Your new password does not meet the minimum length requirement.

       Mismatch- password unchanged
       You misspelled your new password or its verification.

       couldn't change passwd
       Your new password can not be activated. It must be different from your old password and your login name.

       Password file

       Yellow Pages directory

See Also
       passwd(1), passwd(5yp), ypfiles(5yp), yppasswdd(8yp)
       Guide to the Yellow Pages Service

Man Page

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