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xtcreatepopupshell(3xt) [ultrix man page]

XtCreatePopupShell(3Xt) 					     MIT X11R4						   XtCreatePopupShell(3Xt)

       XtCreatePopupShell - create a popup shell

       Widget XtCreatePopupShell(name, widget_class, parent, args, num_args)
	  String name;
	  WidgetClass widget_class;
	  Widget parent;
	  ArgList args;
	  Cardinal num_args;

       args	 Specifies the argument list to override the resource defaults.

       name	 Specifies the text name for the created shell widget.

       num_args  Specifies the number of arguments in the argument list.

       parent	 Specifies the parent widget.

		 Specifies the widget class pointer for the created shell widget.

       The function ensures that the specified class is a subclass of and, rather than using insert_child to attach the widget to the parent's
       children list, attaches the shell to the parent's pop-ups list directly.

       A spring-loaded pop-up invoked from a translation table already must exist at the time that the translation is invoked, so the translation
       manager can find the shell by name.  Pop-ups invoked in other ways can be created ``on-the-fly'' when the pop-up actually is needed.  This
       delayed creation of the shell is particularly useful when you pop up an unspecified number of pop-ups.  You can look to see if an appropri-
       ate unused shell (that is, not currently popped up) exists and create a new shell if needed.

See Also
       XtCreateWidget(3Xt), XtPopdown(3Xt), XtPopup(3Xt)
       X Window System Toolkit: The Complete Programmer's Guide and Specification, Paul J. Asente and Ralph Swick
       X Window System: The Complete Reference, Second Edition, Robert W. Scheifler and James Gettys


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XtCreatePopupShell(3Xt) 					   XT FUNCTIONS 					   XtCreatePopupShell(3Xt)

XtCreatePopupShell, XtVaCreatePopupShell - create a popup shell SYNTAX
Widget XtCreatePopupShell(String name, WidgetClass widget_class, Widget parent, ArgList args, Cardinal num_args); Widget XtVaCreatePopupShell(String name, WidgetClass widget_class, Widget parent, ...); ARGUMENTS
args Specifies the argument list to override the resource defaults. name Specifies the text name for the created shell widget. num_args Specifies the number of arguments in the argument list. parent Specifies the parent widget. widget_class Specifies the widget class pointer for the created shell widget. ... Specifies the variable argument list to override the resource defaults. DESCRIPTION
The XtCreatePopupShell function ensures that the specified class is a subclass of Shell and, rather than using insert_child to attach the widget to the parent's children list, attaches the shell to the parent's pop-ups list directly. A spring-loaded pop-up invoked from a translation table already must exist at the time that the translation is invoked, so the translation manager can find the shell by name. Pop-ups invoked in other ways can be created ``on-the-fly'' when the pop-up actually is needed. This delayed creation of the shell is particularly useful when you pop up an unspecified number of pop-ups. You can look to see if an appropri- ate unused shell (that is, not currently popped up) exists and create a new shell if needed. SEE ALSO
XtCreateWidget(3Xt), XtPopdown(3Xt), XtPopup(3Xt) X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface Xlib - C Language X Interface XFree86 Version 4.7.0 XtCreatePopupShell(3Xt)
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