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xsetzoomhints(3x11) [ultrix man page]

XSetZoomHints(3X11)													       XSetZoomHints(3X11)

       XSetZoomHints, XGetZoomHints - set or get zoom state hints

       XSetZoomHints(display, w, zhints)
	     Display *display;
	     Window w;
	     XSizeHints *zhints;

       Status XGetZoomHints(display, w, zhints_return)
	     Display *display;
	     Window w;
	     XSizeHints *zhints_return;

       display	 Specifies the connection to the X server.

       w	 Specifies the window.

       zhints	 Specifies a pointer to the zoom hints.

		 Returns the zoom hints.

       Many  window  managers  think  of windows in one of three states: iconic, normal, or zoomed.  The function provides the window manager with
       information for the window in the zoomed state.

       can generate and errors.

       The function returns the size hints for a window in its zoomed state.  It returns a nonzero status if it succeeds or zero if  the  applica-
       tion specified no zoom size hints for this window.

       can generate a error.


       The server failed to allocate the requested resource or server memory.

       A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.

See Also
       XSetClassHint(3X11),  XSetCommand(3X11), XSetIconName(3X11), XSetIconSizeHints(3X11), XSetNormalHints(3X11), XSetSizeHints(3X11), XSetStan-
       dardProperties(3X11), XSetTransientForHint(3X11), XSetWMHints(3X11), XStoreName(3X11)
       Guide to the Xlib Library


Check Out this Related Man Page

XSetWMHints(3X11)														 XSetWMHints(3X11)

       XSetWMHints, XGetWMHints - set or get window manager hints

       XSetWMHints(display, w, wmhints)
	     Display *display;
	     Window w;
	     XWMHints *wmhints;

       XWMHints *XGetWMHints(display, w)
	     Display *display;
	     Window w;

       display	 Specifies the connection to the X server.

       w	 Specifies the window.

       wmhints	 Specifies a pointer to the window manager hints.

       The  function  sets  the  window manager hints that include icon information and location, the initial state of the window, and whether the
       application relies on the window manager to get keyboard input.

       can generate and errors.

       The function reads the window manager hints and returns NULL if no WM_HINTS property was set on the window or a pointer to a  structure	if
       it succeeds.  When finished with the data, free the space used for it by calling

       can generate a error.


       The server failed to allocate the requested resource or server memory.

       A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window.

See Also
       XSetClassHint(3X11),  XSetCommand(3X11), XSetIconName(3X11), XSetIconSizeHints(3X11), XSetNormalHints(3X11), XSetSizeHints(3X11), XSetStan-
       dardProperties(3X11), XSetTransientForHint(3X11), XSetZoomHints(3X11), XStoreName(3X11)
       Guide to the Xlib Library

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