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getauthent(3x) [ultrix man page]

getauthuid(3x)															    getauthuid(3x)

       getauthuid, getauthent, storeauthent, setauthent, setauthfile, endauthent - get/set auth entry

       #include <sys/types.h>
       #include <auth.h>

       AUTHORIZATION *getauthuid(uid)
       uid_t uid;

       AUTHORIZATION *getauthent()

       int storeauthent(auth)
       AUTHORIZATION *auth;

       void setauthent()

       void setauthfile(pathname)
       char *pathname;

       int endauthent()

       The function looks up the auth entry for the specified user ID and returns a pointer to a static area containing it.

       The function retrieves the next sequential entry from the auth database and returns a pointer to a static area containing it.

       The function stores the specified auth entry into the local auth database, overwriting any existing entry with the same a_uid field.

       The  function  sets  a  pointer to the beginning of the auth database.  This function is used with to make multiple passes through the auth

       The function sets the pathname of the file to be used for the local auth database in all subsequent operations.

       The function closes the auth database.  Subsequent calls to getauthuid, getauthent, or storeauthent reopen it.

       The auth database can be distributed via the BIND/Hesiod naming service.

       Only the superuser and members of the group authread may read information from the auth database.

       Only the superuser may modify the auth database.

       The auth database cannot be distributed via the Yellow Pages service.

       When the auth database is served by BIND/Hesiod, a program must perform its own Kerberos initialization prior to using any of  these  func-

       The values returned by and point to a static area which is overwritten when subsequent calls are made.

Return Values
       Functions which return a pointer value return the null pointer(0) on EOF or error.  Other functions return zero(0) on success and a nega-
       tive value on failure.

See Also
       getpwent(3), auth(5), edauth(8)
       Security Guide for Users
       Security Guide for Administrators
       Guide to the BIND/Hesiod Service


Check Out this Related Man Page

getauth(8)						      System Manager's Manual							getauth(8)

       getauth, setauth, rmauth - auth database maintenance

       getauth [username]


       rmauth username

       The  command  takes as it's only argument a user name or UID.  If a user name is supplied it is converted to a UID by searching through The
       UID is then used to look up the users entry in the database.  If an entry is found it is converted to an ASCII string with a syntax  resem-
       bling  that  of	the  passwd  file  and printed out as a single line.  If no entry is found nothing is printed and an exit status of `1' is
       # getauth username
       The first field is the UID of the entry which is used as the key into the database.  Then follows: the encrypted password, password modifi-
       cation  time, minimum password lifetime, maximum password lifetime, account mask, login failure count, audit ID, audit control, audit mask,
       and a reserved field.

       If the optional username argument is not supplied to getauth it will produce an output line for every entry in the auth database.

       The command expects one or more lines from the standard input which must be of a form identical to that produced by the command.  The  com-
       mand  converts  and  stores  these lines into the database, one entry per line, replacing any entry already existing for the given UID.	By
       piping the output of the command into the input of the command an expensive NOP can be produced:
       # /usr/etc/sec/getauth | /usr/etc/sec/setauth

       The command expects exactly one argument, the user name or UID of an auth entry to be deleted.  If the entry is	found  it  is  erased  and
       deleted.  If it is not found no action is taken and an exit status of 1 is returned.

       Only the superuser and members of the group may read information from the auth database.  Only the superuser may modify the auth database.

       An  exit  value of 0 indicates a successful operation. An exit status of 1 indicates the entry was not found on a lookup or deletion opera-
       tion.  Any other exit status indicates an error.

See Also
       getauthuid(3), getpwent(3), auth(5), edauth(8)
       Security Guide for Administrators

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