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putc(3s) [ultrix man page]

putc(3s)																  putc(3s)

       putc, putchar, fputc, putw - put character or word on a stream

       #include <stdio.h>

       int putc(c, stream)
       char c;
       FILE *stream;


       fputc(c, stream)
       FILE *stream

       putw(w, stream)
       FILE *stream;

       The routine appends the character c to the named output stream.	It returns the character written.

       The routine is defined as (c, stdout).

       The routine behaves like but is a genuine function rather than a macro.

       The routine appends word (that is, int) w to the output stream.	It returns zero.  The routine neither assumes nor causes special alignment
       in the file.

       Because it is implemented as a macro, treats a stream argument with side effects incorrectly.  In particular, `putc(c, *f++);' doesn't work
       as expected.

       The and functions return the constant EOF upon error.  The function returns a non-zero value on error.

See Also
       fclose(3s), fopen(3s), fread(3s), getc(3s), printf(3s), puts(3s)


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PUTC(3S)																  PUTC(3S)

putc, putchar, fputc, putw - put character or word on a stream SYNOPSIS
#include <stdio.h> int putc(c, stream) char c; FILE *stream; int putchar(c) int fputc(c, stream) FILE *stream; int putw(w, stream) FILE *stream; DESCRIPTION
Putc appends the character c to the named output stream. It returns the character written. Putchar(c) is defined as putc(c, stdout). Fputc behaves like putc, but is a genuine function rather than a macro. Putw appends word (that is, int) w to the output stream. It returns the word written. Putw neither assumes nor causes special alignment in the file. SEE ALSO
fopen(3S), fclose(3S), getc(3S), puts(3S), printf(3S), fread(3S) DIAGNOSTICS
These functions return the constant EOF upon error. Since this is a good integer, ferror(3S) should be used to detect putw errors. BUGS
Because it is implemented as a macro, putc treats a stream argument with side effects improperly. In particular putc(c, *f++); doesn't work sensibly. Errors can occur long after the call to putc. 7th Edition November 6, 1985 PUTC(3S)
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