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getw(3s) [ultrix man page]

getc(3s)																  getc(3s)

       getc, getchar, fgetc, getw - get character or word from stream

       #include <stdio.h>

       int getc(stream)
       FILE *stream;

       int getchar()

       int fgetc(stream)
       FILE *stream;

       int getw(stream)
       FILE *stream;

       The function returns the next character from the named input stream.

       The function is identical to (stdin).

       The function behaves like but is a genuine function, not a macro.  It may be used to save object text.

       The  function returns the next word (in a 32-bit integer on a VAX-11 or MIPS machine) from the named input stream.  It returns the constant
       EOF upon end of file or error, but since that is a good integer value, feof and should be used to check the success of The assumes no  spe-
       cial alignment in the file.

       Because it is implemented as a macro, treats a stream argument with side effects incorrectly.  In particular, `getc(*f++);' doesn't work as

       These functions return the integer constant EOF at end of file or upon read error.

       A stop with message, `Reading bad file', means an attempt has been made to read from a stream that has not been opened for reading by

See Also
       fopen(3s), fread(3s), gets(3s), putc(3s), scanf(3s), ungetc(3s)


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getc(3s)																  getc(3s)

       getc, getchar, fgetc, getw - get character or word from stream

       #include <stdio.h>

       int getc(stream)
       FILE *stream;

       int getchar()

       int fgetc(stream)
       FILE *stream;

       int getw(stream)
       FILE *stream;

       The function returns the next character from the named input stream.

       The function is identical to (stdin).

       The function behaves like but is a genuine function, not a macro.  It may be used to save object text.

       The  function returns the next word (in a 32-bit integer on a VAX-11 or MIPS machine) from the named input stream.  It returns the constant
       EOF upon end of file or error, but since that is a good integer value, feof and should be used to check the success of The assumes no  spe-
       cial alignment in the file.

       Because it is implemented as a macro, treats a stream argument with side effects incorrectly.  In particular, `getc(*f++);' doesn't work as

       These functions return the integer constant EOF at end of file or upon read error.

       A stop with message, `Reading bad file', means an attempt has been made to read from a stream that has not been opened for reading by

See Also
       fopen(3s), fread(3s), gets(3s), putc(3s), scanf(3s), ungetc(3s)

Man Page

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