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socket_to_numeric_name(3ncs) [ultrix man page]

socket_to_numeric_name(3ncs)											      socket_to_numeric_name(3ncs)

       socket_to_numeric_name - convert a socket address to a numeric name and port number

       #include <idl/c/socket.h>

       void socket_$to_numeric_name(sockaddr, slength, name, nlength, port,				   status

       socket_$addr_t *sockaddr;
       unsigned long slength;
       socket_$string_t name;
       unsigned long *nlength;
       unsigned long *port;
       status_$t *status;

       sockaddr 	   A socket address.  The socket address is the structure returned by either or

       slength		   The length, in bytes, of sockaddr.

       name		   A  string in the format family:host[port], where family is the address family and host is the host name in the standard
			   numeric form (for example, # for an IP address).  Currently only ip is supported for family.

       nlength		   On input, the maximum length, in bytes, of the name to be returned.	(error if less than  size  of  "nnnnn.nnnn").	On
			   output, the actual length of the name returned.

       port		   The port number.

       status		   The	completion status. If the completion status returned in is equal to status_$ok , then the routine that supplied it
			   was successful.

       The routine converts a socket address to a textual address family, a numeric host name, and a port number.

See Also
       intro(3ncs), socket_family_to_name(3ncs), socket_from_name(3ncs), socket_to_name(3ncs)


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rpc_sockaddr_to_name(3ncs)												rpc_sockaddr_to_name(3ncs)

       rpc_sockaddr_to_name - convert a socket address to a host name and port number (client or server)

       #include <idl/c/rpc.h>

       void rpc_$sockaddr_to_name(sockaddr, slength, name, nlength,				    port, status)
       socket_$addr_t *sockaddr;
       unsigned long slength;
       unsigned char name;
       unsigned long *nlength;
       unsigned long *port;
       status_$t *status;

       sockaddr 	   A socket address.

       slength		   The length, in bytes, of sockaddr.

       name		   A string that contains the host name and the address family.  The format is family:host [port] where family is ip.

       nlength		   On  input,  nlength	is  the length of the name buffer.  On output, nlength is the number of characters returned in the
			   name parameter.

       port		   The socket port number.

       status		   The completion status.  If the completion status returned in is equal to status_$ok , then the routine that supplied it
			   was successful.

       The routine provides the address family, the host name, and the port number identified by the specified socket address.

       This section lists status codes for errors returned by this routine in

       rpc_$not_in_call    An internal error.

       rpc_$proto_error    An internal protocol error.	This routine has been superseded by the routine.

See Also
       intro(3ncs), rpc_name_to_sockaddr(3ncs), socket_to_name(3ncs)

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