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rpc_use_family(3ncs) [ultrix man page]

rpc_use_family(3ncs)													      rpc_use_family(3ncs)

       rpc_use_family - create a socket of a specified address family for a remote procedure call (RPC) server (server only)

       #include <idl/c/rpc.h>

       void rpc_$use_family(family, sockaddr, slength, status)
       unsigned long family;
       socket_$addr_t *sockaddr;
       unsigned long *slength;
       status_$t *status;

       family	      The address family of the socket to be created.  The value must be one of socket_$internet or socket_$unspec.

       sockaddr       The socket address of the socket on which the server will listen.

       slength	      The length, in bytes, of sockaddr.

       status	      The  completion status.  If the completion status returned in is equal to status_$ok , then the routine that supplied it was

       The routine creates a socket for a server without specifying its port number.  The RPC runtime software assigns a port number.  If a server
       must listen on a particular well-known port, use to create the socket.

       A  server listens on one socket per address family, regardless of how many interfaces that it exports.  Therefore, servers should make this
       call once per supported address family.

       The following statement creates a server's socket:
       rpc_$use_family (family, &saddr, &slen, &status);

       This section lists status codes for errors returned by this routine in

			   The RPC runtime library was unable to create a socket.

       rpc_$not_in_call    An internal error.

       rpc_$proto_error    An internal protocol error.

			   The server is trying to use more than the maximum number of sockets that is allowed; it has called or too many times.

       rpc_$addr_in_use    The address and port specified in an routine are already in use.  This is caused by multiple calls  to  with  the  same
			   well-known port.

See Also
       intro(3ncs), rpc_use_family_wk(3ncs)


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rpc_set_binding(3ncs)													     rpc_set_binding(3ncs)

       rpc_set_binding - bind an RPC handle to a server (client only)

       #include <idl/c/rpc.h>

       void rpc_$set_binding(handle, sockaddr, slength, status)
       handle_t handle;
       socket_$addr_t *sockaddr;
       unsigned long slength;
       status_$t *status;

       handle		   An RPC handle.

       sockaddr 	   The socket address of the server with which the handle is being associated.

       slength		   The length, in bytes, of sockaddr.

       status		   The completion status.  If the completion status returned in is equal to status_$ok , then the routine that supplied it
			   was successful.

       The routine sets the binding of an RPC handle to the specified server.  The handle then identifies a specific object at a specific  server.
       Any subsequent remote procedure calls that a client makes using the handle are sent to this destination.

       You  can  use  this routine either to set the binding in an unbound handle or to replace the existing binding in a fully bound or bound-to-
       host handle.

       The following statement sets the binding on the handle to the first server in the array, which was returned by a previous  Location  Broker
       lookup routine,
       rpc_$set_binding (h, &lbresults[0].saddr, lbresults[0].saddr_len,

       This section lists status codes for errors returned by this routine in

       rpc_$cant_bind_sock The RPC runtime library created a socket but was unable to bind it to a socket address.

       rpc_$not_in_call    An internal error.

       rpc_$proto_error    An internal protocol error.

See Also
       intro(3ncs), rpc_alloc_handle(3ncs), rpc_clear_binding(3ncs), rpc_clear_server_binding(3ncs)

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