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rpc_listen(3ncs) [ultrix man page]

rpc_listen(3ncs)														  rpc_listen(3ncs)

       rpc_listen - listen for and handle remote procedure call (RPC) packets (server only)

       #include <idl/c/rpc.h>

       void rpc_$listen(max_calls, status)
       unsigned long max_calls;
       status_$t *status;

       max_calls      This  value  indicates  the  maximum number of calls that the server is allowed to process concurrently.	On ULTRIX systems,
		      this value should be 1; any other value is ignored and defaulted to one.

       status	      The completion status.  If the completion status returned in is equal to status_$ok , then the routine that supplied it  was

       The  routine  dispatches  incoming  remote procedure call requests to manager procedures and returns the responses to the client.  You must
       issue or before you use This routine normally does not return.  A return from this routine indicates either an irrecoverable error, or that
       an call has been issued.  If is equal to status_$ok , the assumption is that has occurred.

       Listen for incoming remote procedure call requests.
       rpc_$listen (1, &status);

       This section lists status codes for errors returned by this routine in

       rpc_$not_in_call    An internal error.

       rpc_$you_crashed    This error can occur if a server has crashed and restarted.	A client RPC runtime library sends the error to the server
			   if the client makes a remote procedure call before the server crashes,  then  receives  a  response	after  the  server

       rpc_$proto_error    An internal protocol error.

       rpc_$bad_pkt	   The server or client has received an ill-formed packet.

See Also
       intro(3ncs), rpc_shutdown(3ncs)


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rpc_inq_binding(3ncs)													     rpc_inq_binding(3ncs)

       rpc_inq_binding - return the socket address represented by an RPC handle (client or server)

       #include <idl/c/rpc.h>

       void rpc_$inq_binding(handle, sockaddr, slength, status)
       handle_t handle;
       socket_$addr_t *sockaddr;
       unsigned long *slength;
       status_$t *status;

       handle		   An RPC handle.

       sockaddr 	   The socket address represented by handle.

       slength		   The length, in bytes, of sockaddr.

       status		   The completion status.  If the completion status returned in is equal to status_$ok , then the routine that supplied it
			   was successful.

       The routine enables a client to determine the socket address, and therefore the server, identified by an RPC handle.  It is useful  when  a
       client uses an unbound handle in a remote procedure call and wishes to determine the particular server that responded to the call.

       The Location Broker administrative tool, uses the following statement to determine the GLB that last responded to a lookup request:
       rpc_$inq_binding(lb_$handle, &global_broker_addr,
			   &global_broker_addr_len, &status);

       This section lists status codes for errors returned by this routine in

       rpc_$not_in_call    An internal error.

       rpc_$proto_error    An internal protocol error.

       rpc_$unbound_handle The handle is not bound and does not represent a particular host address.  Returned by

See Also
       intro(3ncs), rpc_bind(3ncs), rpc_set_binding(3ncs)

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