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lb_lookup_type(3ncs) [ultrix man page]

lb_lookup_type(3ncs)													      lb_lookup_type(3ncs)

       lb_lookup_type - look up information about a type in the Global Location Broker database

       #include <idl/c/lb.h>

       void lb_$lookup_type(obj_type, lookup_handle, max_num_results,			  num_results, results, status)
       uuid_$t *obj_type;
       lb_$lookup_handle_t *lookup_handle;
       unsigned long max_num_results;
       unsigned long *num_results;
       lb_$entry_t results[ ];
       status_$t *status;

       obj_type 	   The UUID of the type being looked up.

       lookup_handle	   A  location	in  the  database.   On  input,  the lookup_handle indicates the location in the database where the search
			   begins.  An input value of lb_$default_lookup_handle specifies that the search will start at the beginning of the data-
			   base.  On return, the lookup_handle indicates the next unsearched part of the database (that is, the point at which the
			   next search should begin).  A return value of lb_$default_lookup_handle indicates that the search reached  the  end	of
			   the database; any other return value indicates that the search found at most max_num_results matching entries before it
			   reached the end of the database.

       max_num_results	   The maximum number of entries that can be returned by a single routine.  This should be the number of elements  in  the
			   results array.

       num_results	   The number of entries that were returned in the results array.

       results		   An  array that contains the matching GLB database entries, up to the number specified by the max_num_results parameter.
			   If the array contains any entries for servers on the local network, those entries appear first.

       status		   The completion status.  If the completion status returned in is equal to status_$ok , then the routine that supplied it
			   was successful.

       The  routine returns GLB database entries whose obj_type fields match the specified type.  It returns information about all objects of that
       type and about all interfaces to each of these objects.

       The routine cannot return more than max_num_results matching entries at a time.	The lookup_handle parameter enables you to find all match-
       ing entries by doing sequential lookups.

       If  you	use a sequence of lookup routines to find entries in the database, it is possible that the returned results will skip or duplicate
       entries.  This is because the Location Broker does not prevent modification of the database between  lookups,  and  such  modification  can
       change the locations of entries relative to a lookup_handle value.

       It  is also possible that the results of a single lookup routine will skip or duplicate entries.  This can occur if the size of the results
       exceeds the size of an RPC packet (64K bytes).

       The following statement looks up information in the GLB database about the type array :
       lb_$lookup_type (&array_id, &lookup_handle, max_results,
			    &num_results, &results, &status);

       This section lists status codes for errors returned by this routine in

			   The format of the Location Broker database is out of date.  The database may have been created by an old version of the
			   Location  Broker;  in this case, delete the out-of-date database and reregister any entries that it contained.  The LLB
			   or GLB that was accessed may be running out-of-date software; in this case, update all Location Brokers to the  current
			   software version.

       lb_$database_busy   The Location Broker database is currently in use in an incompatible manner.

       lb_$not_registered  The	Location  Broker  does not have any entries that match the criteria specified in the lookup or unregister routine.
			   The requested object, type, interface, or combination thereof is not registered in the specified database.  If you  are
			   using an or routine specifying an LLB, check that you have specified the correct LLB.

       lb_$cant_access	   The Location Broker cannot access the database.  Among the possible reasons:

			   1. The database does not exist, and the Location Broker cannot create it.

			   2. The database exists, but the Location Broker cannot access it.

			   3. The GLB entry table is full.

			   The	Location Broker Client Agent cannot reach the requested GLB or LLB.  A communications failure occurred or the bro-
			   ker was not running.

See Also
       intro(3ncs), lb_lookup_interface(3ncs), lb_lookup_object(3ncs), lb_lookup_range(3ncs)

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