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sinh(3m) [ultrix man page]

sinh(3m)																  sinh(3m)

       sinh, cosh, tanh - hyperbolic functions

       #include <math.h>

       double sinh(x)
       double x;

       float fsinh(x)
       float x;

       double cosh(x)
       double x;

       float fcosh(x)
       float x;

       double tanh(x)
       double x;

       float ftanh(x)
       float x;

       These functions compute the designated hyperbolic functions for double and float data types.

       Below 2.4 ulps (unit in the last place).

       The and functions return +oo (and sinh may return -oo for negative x) if the correct value would overflow.

See Also

								       RISC								  sinh(3m)

Check Out this Related Man Page

sinh(3) 						     Library Functions Manual							   sinh(3)

sinh, cosh, tanh - Hyperbolic functions LIBRARY
Math Library (libm.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <math.h> double sinh (double x); float sinhf (float x); long double sinhl (long double x); double cosh (double x); float coshf (float x); long double coshl (long double x); double tanh (double x); float tanhf (float x); long double tanhl (long double x); STANDARDS
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to industry standards as follows: cosh(): XPG4 sinh(): XPG4 tanh(): XPG4 Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information about industry standards and associated tags. DESCRIPTION
The sinh(), sinhf(), and sinhl() functions compute the hyperbolic sine of x. Both sinh(x), sinhf(x), and sinhl(x) are defined as (exp(x) - exp(-x))/2. The cosh(), coshf(), and coshl() functions compute the hyperbolic cosine of x. Both cosh(x), coshf(x), and coshl(x) are defined as (e**x + e**(-x))/2. The tanh(), tanhf(), and tanhl() functions compute the hyperbolic tangent of x. Both tanh(x), tanhf(x), and tanhl(x) are defined as (e**x - e**(-x))/(e**x + e**(-x)). The following table describes function behavior in response to exceptional arguments: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Function Exceptional Argument Routine Behavior -------------------------------------------------------------------- sinh(), sinhf(), sinhl() |x|>ln(2 * max_float) Overflow cosh(), coshf(), coshl() |x|>ln(2 * max_float) Overflow -------------------------------------------------------------------- The following table lists boundary values used by these functions: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Value Name Data Type Hexadecimal Value Decimal Value --------------------------------------------------------------------- ln(2 * max_float) S_FLOAT 42B2D4FC 89.41599 T_FLOAT 408633CE8FB9F87E 710.475860073943 --------------------------------------------------------------------- delim off sinh(3)
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