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dwtstextgeteditable(3dwt) [ultrix man page]

DwtSTextGetEditable(3Dwt)												 DwtSTextGetEditable(3Dwt)

       DwtSTextGetEditable - Obtains the current edit permission state indicating whether the user can edit the text in the simple text widget.

       Boolean DwtSTextGetEditable(widget)
	    Widget widget;

       widget	 Specifies the ID of the simple text widget whose edit permission state you want to obtain.

       The  DwtSTextGetEditable function returns the current edit-permission-state, which indicates whether the user can edit the text in the sim-
       ple text widget.  If the function returns True, the user can edit the string text in the simple text widget.  If it returns False, the user
       cannot edit the text.

Return Values
       This function returns the current permission state concerning the editing of the text field in the widget.

See Also
       DwtSText(3Dwt),  DwtSTextGetString(3Dwt),  DwtSTextSetEditable(3Dwt), DwtSTextGetMaxLength(3Dwt), DwtSTextSetMaxLength(3Dwt), DwtS-
       TextSetSelection(3Dwt), DwtSTextClearSelection(3Dwt), DwtSTextGetSelection(3Dwt)
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding


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DwtSTextGetSelection(3Dwt)												DwtSTextGetSelection(3Dwt)

       DwtSTextGetSelection - Retrieves the global selection, if any, currently highlighted in the simple text widget.

	    char *DwtSTextGetSelection(widget)
	    Widget widget;

       widget	 Specifies the widget ID.

       The DwtSTextGetSelection function retrieves the text currently highlighted (selected) in the simple text widget.  It returns a NULL-pointer
       if no text is selected in the widget.  The application is responsible for freeing the storage associated with the string by calling XtFree.

Return Values
       This function returns the text currently highlighted on the screen.

See Also
       DwtSText(3Dwt), DwtSTextGetString(3Dwt), DwtSTextSetEditable(3Dwt),  DwtSTextGetMaxLength(3Dwt),  DwtSTextGetMaxLength(3Dwt),  DwtS-
       TextSetSelection(3Dwt), DwtSTextClearSelection(3Dwt)
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding

Man Page

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