DwtSeparatorGadgetCreate - Creates a separator gadget.
Widget DwtSeparatorGadgetCreate (parent_widget, name,
Widget parent_widget;
char *name;
ArgList override_arglist;
int override_argcount;
Specifies the parent widget ID.
name Specifies the name of the created widget.
Specifies the application override argument list.
Specifies the number of attributes in the application override argument list (override_arglist).
The DwtSeparatorGadgetCreate function creates an instance of the separator gadget and returns its associated gadget ID. A separator gadget
is similar in appearance and semantics to a separator widget. Like all gadgets, DwtSeparatorGadgetCreate does not have a window but uses
the window of the closest antecedent widget. Thus, the antecedent widget provides all event dispatching for the gadget. This currently
restricts gadgets to being descendents of menu or dialog class (or subclass) widgets.
Inherited Attributes----------------------------------------------------
Attribute Name Data Type Default
Rectangle Attributes
DwtNx Position Determined by
the geometry
DwtNy Position Determined by
the geometry
DwtNwidth Dimension 3 pixels
DwtNheight Dimension 3 pixels
DwtNborderWidth Dimension zero
DwtNsensitive Boolean True
DwtNancestorSensitive Boolean The bitwise AND
of the parent
and DwtNances-
Widget-Specific Attributes------------------------------------------------------------
Attribute Name Data Type Default
DwtNorientation unsigned char DwtOrientationHorizontal
Specifies whether the separator is displayed vertically or horizontally. You can pass DwtOrientationHorizontal or DwtOrien-
tationVertical. A separator gadget draws a centered single pixel line between the appropriate margins. For example, a hor-
izontal separator draws a horizontal line from the left margin to the right margin. It is placed vertically in the middle
of the gadget.
Return Values
This function returns the ID of the created widget.
Callback Information
There is no callback for this gadget.
See Also
Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding
Check Out this Related Man Page
DwtSeparator, DwtSeparatorCreate - Creates a separator widget for the application to define a border between items in a display.
Widget DwtSeparator(parent_widget, name, x, y, orientation)
Widget parent_widget;
char *name;
Position x, y;
unsigned char orientation;
Widget DwtSeparatorCreate (parent_widget, name,
override_arglist, override_argcount)
Widget parent_widget;
char *name;
ArgList override_arglist;
int override_argcount;
Specifies the parent widget ID.
name Specifies the name of the created widget.
x Specifies the placement, in pixels, of the left side of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of the parent
window. This argument sets the DwtNx core widget attribute.
y Specifies, in pixels, the placement of the upper left corner of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of the
parent window. This argument sets the DwtNy core widget attribute.
Specifies whether the separator is displayed vertically or horizontally. You can pass DwtOrientationHorizontal or DwtOrienta-
tionVertical. This argument sets the DwtNorientation attribute associated with DwtSeparatorCreate.
A separator widget draws a centered single pixel line between the appropriate margins. For example, a horizontal separator draws
a horizontal line from the left margin to the right margin. It is placed vertically in the middle of the widget.
Specifies the application override argument list.
Specifies the number of attributes in the application override argument list (override_arglist).
The DwtSeparator and DwtSeparatorCreate functions create an instance of the separator widget and return its associated widget ID. When
calling DwtSeparator, you set the widget attributes presented in the formal parameter list. For DwtSeparatorCreate, however, you specify a
list of attribute name/value pairs that represent all the possible separator widget attributes.
The separator widget is a screen object that allows the application to draw a separator between items in a display. The separator widget
draws horizontal or vertical lines in inactive areas of a window (typically menus). Because a separator widget does not support children,
it always refuses geometry requests. The separator widget does nothing on a resize by its parents.
Inherited Attributes------------------------------------------------------------------
Attribute Name Data Type Default
Core Attributes
DwtNx Position Determined by the geome-
try manager
DwtNy Position Determined by the geome-
try manager
DwtNwidth Dimension 3 pixels
DwtNheight Dimension 3 pixels
DwtNborderWidth int zero
DwtNborder Pixel Default foreground color
DwtNborderPixmap Pixmap NULL
DwtNbackground Pixel Default background color
DwtNbackgroundPixmap Pixmap NULL
DwtNcolormap Colormap Default color map
DwtNsensitive Boolean True
DwtNancestorSensitive Boolean The bitwise AND of the
parent widget's DwtNsen-
sitive and DwtNances-
torSensitive attributes
DwtNaccelerators XtTranslations NULL
DwtNdepth int Depth of the parent win-
DwtNtranslations NOT SUPPORTED
DwtNmappedWhenManaged Boolean True
DwtNscreen Screen * The parent screen
DwtNdestroyCallback DwtCallbackPtr NULL
Common Attributes
DwtNforeground Pixel Default foreground color
DwtNhighlight Pixel Default foreground color
DwtNhighlightPixmap Pixmap NULL
DwtNuserData Opaque * NULL
DwtNdirectionRToL unsigned char DwtDirectionRightDown
DwtNhelpCallback NOT SUPPORTED
Label Attributes
DwtNlabelType unsigned char DwtCString
DwtNlabel DwtCompString Widget name
DwtNmarginWidth Dimension Two pixels for text
Zero pixels for pixmap
DwtNmarginHeight Dimension Two pixels for text
Zero pixels for pixmap
DwtNalignment unsigned char DwtAlignmentCenter
DwtNpixmap Pixmap NULL
DwtNmarginLeft Dimension Zero
DwtNmarginRight Dimension Zero
DwtNmarginTop Dimension Zero
DwtNmarginBottom Dimension Zero
DwtNconformToText Boolean True, if the widget is
created with a width and
height of zero
False, if the widget is
created with a non-zero
width and height
Widget-Specific Attributes------------------------------------------------------------
Attribute Name Data Type Default
DwtNorientation unsigned char DwtOrientationHorizontal
Specifies whether the separator is displayed vertically or horizontally. You can pass DwtOrientationHorizontal or DwtOrien-
tationVertical. A separator widget draws a centered single pixel line between the appropriate margins. For example, a hor-
izontal separator draws a horizontal line from the left margin to the right margin. It is placed vertically in the middle
of the widget.
Return Values
These functions return the ID of the created widget.
See Also
Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding