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dwtscrollwindow(3dwt) [ultrix man page]

DwtScrollWindow(3Dwt)													     DwtScrollWindow(3Dwt)

       DwtScrollWindow, DwtScrollWindowCreate - Creates a scroll window widget for simple applications in the main window widget work area.

       Widget DwtScrollWindow(parent_widget, name, x, y,
				 width, height)
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    Position x, y;
	    Dimension width, height;

       Widget DwtScrollWindowCreate (parent_widget, name,
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    ArgList override_arglist;
	    int override_argcount;

		 Specifies the parent widget ID.

       name	 Specifies the name of the created widget.

       x	 Specifies  the  placement, in pixels, of the left side of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of the parent
		 window.  This argument sets the DwtNx core widget attribute.

       y	 Specifies, in pixels, the placement of the top of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of the parent window.
		 This argument sets the DwtNy core widget attribute.

       width	 Specifies in pixels the width of the widget window.  This argument sets the DwtNwidth core widget attribute.

       height	 Specifies in pixels the height of the widget window.  This argument sets the DwtNheight core widget attribute.

		 Specifies the application override argument list.

		 Specifies the number of attributes in the application override argument list (override_arglist).

       The  DwtScrollWindow  and DwtScrollWindowCreate functions create an instance of a scroll window widget and return its associated widget ID.
       This widget provides a more direct XUI interface for applications with scroll bars.  When calling DwtScrollWindow, you set the scroll  win-
       dow  widget attributes presented in the formal parameter list.  For DwtScrollWindowCreate, you specify a list of attribute name/value pairs
       that represent all the possible scroll window widget attributes.

       The DwtScrollWindow and DwtScrollWindowCreate functions create a composite widget that can contain vertical and horizontal scroll bar  wid-
       gets  and  any  widget  as the window region.  Scroll bar positioning and scroll bar slider sizes are automatically maintained.	The scroll
       window widget simplifies programming by allowing you to create an application with scroll bars directly in the scroll  window  widget  work

Inherited Attributes
       Attribute Name	       Data Type	Default
       Core Attributes

       DwtNx		       Position 	Determined by the geome-
						try manager

       DwtNy		       Position 	Determined by the geome-
						try manager
       DwtNwidth	       Dimension	Widget-specific
       DwtNheight	       Dimension	Widget-specific
       DwtNborderWidth	       Dimension	One pixel
       DwtNborder	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNborderPixmap        Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNbackground	       Pixel		Default background color
       DwtNbackgroundPixmap    Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNcolormap	       Colormap 	Default color map
       DwtNsensitive	       Boolean		True
						Setting  the sensitivity
						of  the  scroll   window
						causes	all widgets con-
						tained in that window to
						be  set to the same sen-
						sitivity as  the  scroll
       DwtNancestorSensitive   Boolean		The  bitwise  AND of the
						parent widget's DwtNsen-
						sitive	 and  DwtNances-
						torSensitive attributes
       DwtNaccelerators        XtTranslations	NULL
       DwtNdepth	       int		Depth of the parent win-
       DwtNtranslations        XtTranslations	NULL
       DwtNmappedWhenManaged   Boolean		True
       DwtNscreen	       Screen * 	The parent screen
       DwtNdestroyCallback     DwtCallbackPtr	NULL

       Common Attributes

       DwtNforeground	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNhighlight	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNhighlightPixmap     Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNuserData	       Opaque * 	NULL
       DwtNdirectionRToL       unsigned char	DwtDirectionRightDown
       DwtNfont 	       NOT SUPPORTED
       DwtNhelpCallback        NOT SUPPORTED

Widget-Specific Attributes
       You can set the following widget-specific attributes in the override_arglist:

       Attribute Name		      Data Type   Default
       DwtNhorizontalScrollBar	      Widget	  NULL
       DwtNverticalScrollBar	      Widget	  NULL
       DwtNworkWindow		      Widget	  NULL
       DwtNshownValueAutomaticHoriz   Boolean	  True
       DwtNshownValueAutomaticVert    Boolean	  True

		      Specifies  the  scroll  bar widget ID for the horizontal scroll bar to be associated with the scroll window widget.  You can
		      set this ID only after creating an instance of the main window widget.

		      Specifies the scroll bar widget ID for the vertical scroll bar to be associated with the scroll window widget.  You can  set
		      this ID only after creating an instance of the main window widget.

       DwtNworkWindow Specifies  the widget ID for the work window to be associated with the scroll window widget.  You can set this ID only after
		      creating an instance of the main window widget.

		      Specifies a boolean value that, when True, indicates that DwtScrollWindow automatically sets the	value  for  the  DwtNshown
		      attribute for the specified horizontal scroll bar widget.

		      Specifies  a  boolean  value  that, when True, indicates that DwtScrollWindow automatically sets the value for the DwtNshown
		      attribute for the specified vertical scroll bar widget.

Return Values
       These functions return the ID of the created widget.

See Also
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding

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