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dwtscrollbarcreate(3dwt) [ultrix man page]

DwtScrollBar(3Dwt)														DwtScrollBar(3Dwt)

       DwtScrollBar, DwtScrollBarCreate - Creates a scroll bar widget for the application to display and process scroll bar screen operations.

       Widget DwtScrollBar(parent_widget, name, x, y,
			   width, height, inc, page_inc,
			   shown, value, min_value, max_value,
			   orientation, callback, help_callback,
			   unit_inc_callback, unit_dec_callback,
			   page_inc_callback, page_dec_callback,
			   to_top_callback, to_bottom_callback)
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    Position x, y;
	    Dimension width, height;
	    int inc, page_inc;
	    int shown;
	    int value;
	    int min_value, max_value;
	    int orientation;
	    DwtCallbackPtr callback, help_callback;
	    DwtCallbackPtr unit_inc_callback, unit_dec_callback;
	    DwtCallbackPtr page_inc_callback, page_dec_callback;
	    DwtCallbackPtr to_top_callback, to_bottom_callback;
	    DwtCallbackPtr drag_callback;

       Widget DwtScrollBarCreate (parent_widget, name,
				  override_arglist, override_argcount)
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    ArgList override_arglist;
	    int override_argcount;

		 Specifies the parent widget ID.

       name	 Specifies the name of the created widget.

       x	 Specifies  the  placement, in pixels, of the left side of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of the parent
		 window.  This argument sets the DwtNx core widget attribute.

       y	 Specifies, in pixels, the placement of the upper left corner of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of  the
		 parent window.  This argument sets the DwtNy core widget attribute.

       width	 Specifies the width of the widget window.  This argument sets the DwtNwidth core widget attribute.

       height	 Specifies the height of the widget window.  This argument sets the DwtNheight core widget attribute.

       inc	 Specifies the amount of button increment and decrement.  If this argument is nonzero, the scroll bar widget automatically adjusts
		 the slider when an increment or decrement action occurs.  This argument sets the DwtNinc attribute associated with  DwtScrollBar-

       page_inc  Specifies  the  amount of page increment and decrement.  If this argument is nonzero, the scroll bar widget automatically adjusts
		 the slider when an increment or decrement action occurs.  This argument sets the DwtNpageInc attribute associated with DwtScroll-

       shown	 Specifies  the size of the slider as a value between zero and the absolute value of DwtNmaxValue minus DwtNminValue.  The size of
		 the slider varies, depending on how much of the slider scroll area it represents.  This argument  sets  the  DwtNshown  attribute
		 associated with DwtScrollBarCreate.

       value	 Specifies  the  scroll bar's top thumb position between DwtNminValue and DwtNmaxValue.  This sets the DwtNvalue attribute associ-
		 ated with DwtScrollBarCreate.

       min_value Specifies the scroll bar's minimum value.  This argument sets the DwtNminValue attribute associated with DwtScrollBarCreate.

       max_value Specifies the scroll bar's maximum value.  This argument sets the DwtNmaxValue attribute associated with DwtScrollBarCreate.

		 Specifies whether the scroll bar is displayed vertically or horizontally.  You can pass DwtOrientationHorizontal  or  DwtOrienta-
		 tionVertical.	This argument sets the DwtNorientation attribute associated with DwtScrollBarCreate.

       callback  Specifies  the  callback function or functions called back when the value of the scroll bar changes.  This argument sets the Dwt-
		 NvalueChangedCallback attribute associated with DwtScrollBarCreate.

		 Specifies the callback function or functions called when a help request is made.  This argument sets the DwtNhelpCallback  common
		 widget attribute.

		 Specifies  the  callback  function  or  functions called when the user selected the down or right unit scroll function.  For this
		 callback, the reason is DwtCRUnitInc.	This argument sets the DwtNunitIncCallback attribute associated with DwtScrollBarCreate.

		 Specifies the callback function or functions called when the user selected the above or left  unit  scroll  function.	 For  this
		 callback, the reason is DwtCRUnitDec.	This argument sets the DwtNunitDecCallback attribute associated with DwtScrollBarCreate.

		 Specifies  the  callback  function  or functions called when the user selected the below or right page scroll function.  For this
		 callback, the reason is DwtCRPageInc.	This argument sets the DwtNpageIncCallback attribute associated with DwtScrollBarCreate.

		 Specifies the callback function or functions called when the user selected the above or left  page  scroll  function.	 For  this
		 callback, the reason is DwtCRPageDec.	This argument sets the DwtNpageDecCallback attribute associated with DwtScrollBarCreate.

		 Specifies  the  callback  function  or functions called when the user selected the current line to top scroll function.  For this
		 callback, the reason is DwtCRToTop.  The scroll bar does not automatically change the scroll bar's DwtNvalue for  this  callback.
		 This argument sets the DwtNtoTopCallback attribute associated with DwtScrollBarCreate.

		 Specifies  the callback function or functions called when the user selected the current line to bottom scroll function.  For this
		 callback, the reason is DwtCRToBottom.  The scroll bar does not automatically change the scroll bar's DwtNvalue  for  this  call-
		 back.	This argument sets the DwtNtoBottomCallback attribute associated with DwtScrollBarCreate.

		 Specifies the callback function or functions called when the user is dragging the scroll bar slider.  For this callback, the rea-
		 son is DwtCRDrag.  This argument sets the DwtNdragCallback attribute associated with DwtScrollBarCreate.

		 Specifies the application override argument list.

		 Specifies the number of attributes in the application override argument list (override_arglist).

       The DwtScrollBar and DwtScrollBarCreate functions create an instance of a scroll bar widget and	return	its  associated  widget  ID.   The
       scroll  bar widget is a screen object that the application or user uses to scroll through display data too large for the screen.  This wid-
       get consists of two stepping arrows at either end of an elongated rectangle called the scroll region.  The scroll region is overlaid with a
       slider  bar  (thumb)  that  is adjusted in size and position (thumb shown) as scrolling occurs using the function attributes.  The stepping
       arrows and the exposed scroll areas behind the slider are the scroll activator objects providing the user interface syntax ``feel.''

       If the default core widget attributes DwtNwidth or DwtNheight(0) are used, the scroll bar is set to the DwtNheight of  the  parent  window
       (vertical)  or  to the DwtNwidth of the parent window (horizontal).  If the default core widget attributes DwtNx or DwtNy(0) are used, the
       scroll bar is set to the right of the parent window (vertical) or to the bottom of the parent window (horizontal).  This is  also  true	if
       you specify DwtNwidth, DwtNheight, DwtNx, or DwtNy in the call to XtSetValues.

       Note that the DwtNtoTopCallback and DwtNtoBottomCallback callbacks do not automatically set the thumb as the other callbacks do.

Inherited Attributes
       Attribute Name	       Data Type	Default
       Core Attributes

       DwtNx		       Position 	Determined by the geome-
						try manager
       DwtNy		       Position 	Determined by the geome-
						try manager
       DwtNwidth	       Dimension	For    vertical   scroll
						bars, 17 pixels.
						For  horizontal   scroll
						bars,  the  width of the
						parent minus 17 pixels.
       DwtNheight	       Dimension	For  horizontal   scroll
						bars, 17 pixels.
						For    vertical   scroll
						bars, the height of  the
						parent minus 17 pixels.
       DwtNborderWidth	       Dimension	One pixel
       DwtNborder	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNborderPixmap        Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNbackground	       Pixel		Default background color
       DwtNbackgroundPixmap    Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNcolormap	       Colormap 	Default color map
       DwtNsensitive	       Boolean		True
       DwtNancestorSensitive   Boolean		The  bitwise  AND of the
						parent widget's DwtNsen-
						sitive	 and  DwtNances-
						torSensitive attributes
       DwtNaccelerators        XtTranslations	NULL
       DwtNdepth	       int		Depth of the parent win-
       DwtNtranslations        XtTranslations	NULL
       DwtNmappedWhenManaged   Boolean		True
       DwtNscreen	       Screen * 	The parent screen
       DwtNdestroyCallback     DwtCallbackPtr	NULL

       Common Attributes

       DwtNforeground	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNhighlight	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNhighlightPixmap     Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNuserData	       Opaque * 	NULL
       DwtNdirectionRToL       unsigned char	DwtDirectionRightDown
       DwtNfont 	       NOT SUPPORTED
       DwtNhelpCallback        DwtCallbackPtr	NULL

Widget-Specific Attributes
       Attribute Name		  Data Type	   Default
       DwtNvalue		  int		   Zero
       DwtNminValue		  int		   Zero
       DwtNmaxValue		  int		   100
       DwtNorientation		  unsigned char    DwtOrientation-
       DwtNtranslations1	  XtTranslations   NULL
       DwtNtranslations2	  XtTranslations   NULL
       DwtNshown		  int		   10 units
       DwtNinc			  int		   10 units

       DwtNpageInc		  int		   10 units
       DwtNvalueChangedCallback   DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNunitIncCallback	  DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNunitDecCallback	  DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNpageIncCallback	  DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNpageDecCallback	  DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNtoTopCallback	  DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNtoBottomCallback	  DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNdragCallback 	  DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNshowArrows		  Boolean	   True

       DwtNvalue      Specifies the scroll bar's top thumb position between DwtNminValue and DwtNmaxValue.  This attribute also appears as a  mem-
		      ber in DwtScrollBarCallbackStruct.

       DwtNminValue   Specifies the scroll bar's minimum value.

       DwtNmaxValue   Specifies the scroll bar's maximum value.

		      Specifies  whether the scroll bar is displayed vertically or horizontally.  You can pass DwtOrientationHorizontal or DwtOri-

		      Specifies the translation table for events after being parsed by the X intrinsics function XtParseTranslationTable  for  the
		      decrement button.

		      Specifies  the  translation table for events after being parsed by the X intrinsics function XtParseTranslationTable for the
		      increment button.

       DwtNshown      Specifies the size of the slider as a value between zero and the absolute value of  DwtNmaxValue	minus  DwtNminValue.   The
		      size of the slider varies, depending on how much of the slider scroll area it represents.

       DwtNinc	      Specifies  the  amount  of button increment and decrement.  If this argument is nonzero, the scroll bar widget automatically
		      adjusts the slider when an increment or decrement action occurs.

       DwtNpageInc    Specifies the amount of page increment and decrement.  If this argument is nonzero,  the	scroll	bar  widget  automatically
		      adjusts the slider when an increment or decrement action occurs.

		      Specifies the callback function or functions called when the value of the scroll bar slider was changed.	For this callback,
		      the reason is DwtCRValueChanged.

		      Specifies the callback function or functions called when the user selected the down or right unit scroll function.  For this
		      callback, the reason is DwtCRUnitInc.

		      Specifies the callback function or functions called when the user selected the above or left unit scroll function.  For this
		      callback, the reason is DwtCRUnitDec.

		      Specifies the callback function or functions called when the user selected the below or right  page  scroll  function.   For
		      this callback, the reason is DwtCRPageInc.

		      Specifies the callback function or functions called when the user selected the above or left page scroll function.  For this
		      callback, the reason is DwtCRPageDec.

		      Specifies the callback function or functions called when the user selected the current line to  top  scroll  function.   For
		      this  callback,  the reason is DwtCRToTop.  The scroll bar does not automatically change the scroll bar's DwtNvalue for this

		      Specifies the callback function or functions called when the user selected the current line to bottom scroll function.   For
		      this  callback,  the  reason  is DwtCRToBottom.  The scroll bar does not automatically change the scroll bar's DwtNvalue for
		      this callback.

		      Specifies the callback function or functions called when the user is dragging the scroll bar slider.  For this callback, the
		      reason is DwtCRDrag.  The scroll bar does not automatically change the scroll bar's DwtNvalue for this callback.

       DwtNshowArrows Specifies a boolean value that, when True, indicates there are arrows.  If False, there are no arrows.

Return Values
       These functions return the ID of the created widget.

Callback Information
       The following structure is returned to your callback:
       typedef struct {
			       int reason;
			       XEvent *event;
			       int value;
			       int pixel;
       } DwtScrollBarCallbackStruct;

       The  reason member is set to a constant that represents the reason why this callback was invoked.  For this callback, the reason member can
       be set to:

       DwtCRValueChanged    The  user	changed   the
			    value  of  the scroll bar

       DwtCRUnitInc	    The  user  selected   the
			    down or right unit scroll

       DwtCRUnitDec	    The user selected the  up
			    or left unit scroll func-

       DwtCRPageDec	    The  user  selected   the
			    above or left page scroll

       DwtCRPageInc	    The  user  selected   the
			    below   or	 right	 page
			    scroll function.

       DwtCRToTop	    The  user  selected   the
			    current   line   to   top
			    scroll function.

       DwtCRToBottom	    The  user  selected   the
			    current  line  to  bottom
			    scroll function.

       DwtCRDrag	    The user is dragging  the
			    scroll bar slider.

       DwtCRHelpRequested   The user selected help.

       The  event  member  is a pointer to the Xlib structure XEvent, which describes the event that generated this callback.  This structure is a
       union of the individual structures declared for each event type.  For information on XEvent and event processing, see the Guide to the Xlib
       Library:  C Language Binding.  The value member is set to the slider's current value and maps to the DwtNvalue attribute.  The pixel member
       is set to the pixel value from the top right of the scroll bar where the event occurred.  This pixel value is used for  the  DwtNtoTopCall-
       back and DwtNtoBottomCallback attributes.

See Also
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding

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