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dwtoptionmenucreate(3dwt) [ultrix man page]

DwtOptionMenu(3Dwt)													       DwtOptionMenu(3Dwt)

       DwtOptionMenu,  DwtOptionMenuCreate - Creates an option menu widget to display and handle an application option list of attributes or modes
       of the menu topic.  It allows just one option selected from the list in the menu.

       Widget DwtOptionMenu(parent_widget, name, x, y,
			    label, sub_menu_id,
			    entry_callback, help_callback)
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    Position x, y;
	    DwtCompString label;
	    Widget sub_menu_id;
	    DwtCallbackPtr entry_callback, help_callback;

       Widget DwtOptionMenuCreate (parent_widget, name,
				  override_arglist, override_argcount)
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    ArgList override_arglist;
	    int override_argcount;

		 Specifies the parent widget ID.

       name	 Specifies the name of the created widget.

       x	 Specifies the placement, in pixels, of the left side of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of  the  parent
		 window.  This argument sets the DwtNx core widget attribute.

       y	 Specifies,  in pixels, the placement of the upper left corner of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of the
		 parent window.  This argument sets the DwtNy core widget attribute.

       label	 Specifies the text in the menu label.	This argument sets the DwtNlabel attribute associated with DwtMenuCreate.

		 Specifies the widget ID of the pull-down menu associated with the option menu during the creation phase.

		 If this callback is defined, all menu entry activation callbacks are revectored to call back  through	this  callback.   If  this
		 callback is NULL, the individual menu entry callbacks work as usual.  For this callback, the reason is DwtCRActivate.	This argu-
		 ment sets the DwtNentryCallback attribute associated with DwtMenuCreate.

		 Specifies the callback function or functions called when a help request is made.  This argument sets the DwtNhelpCallback  common
		 widget attribute.

		 Specifies the parent widget ID.

       name	 Specifies the name of the created widget.

		 Specifies the application override argument list.

		 Specifies the number of attributes in the application override argument list (override_arglist).

       The DwtOptionMenu and DwtOptionMenuCreate functions create an instance of the option menu widget and return its associated widget ID.  When
       calling DwtOptionMenu, you set the option menu widget attributes presented in the formal parameter list.  For DwtOptionMenuCreate, however,
       you  specify a list of attribute name/value pairs that represent all the possible option menu widget attributes.  The option menu widget is
       a composite widget containing other subwidgets (toggle button widgets).	It displays and handles an application option list  of	attributes
       or  modes  of  the  menu topic.	Basically, the option menu consists of a label identifying the menu and an active area to the right.  This
       composite widget contains other subwidgets (toggle button widgets) in the active area.  It displays the current option  selected,  and,	on
       request,  generates  a  pop-up menu with specific options available.  In addition, it ensures that a user can select only one choice at any
       given time.

       If DwtNentryCallback is non-NULL, then all the toggle button callbacks will execute the entry_callback function, rather than the  procedure
       specified in the toggle.  Otherwise, if DwtNentryCallback is NULL, then the individual callbacks work as usual.

       Option  menus  also  position  the  pop-up  part  of the menu so that the menu history widget covers the selection part of the option menu.
       Option menus also copy the label of the menu history widget into the selection part.

Inherited Attributes
       Attribute Name	       Data Type	Default
       Core Attributes

       DwtNx		       Position 	Determined by the geome-
						try manager
       DwtNy		       Position 	Determined by the geome-
						try manager
       DwtNwidth	       Dimension	Set as large  as  neces-
						sary  to  hold all child
       DwtNheight	       Dimension	Set as large  as  neces-
						sary  to  hold all child
       DwtNborderWidth	       Dimension	One pixel
       DwtNborder	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNborderPixmap        Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNbackground	       Pixel		Default background color
       DwtNbackgroundPixmap    Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNcolormap	       Colormap 	Default color map
       DwtNsensitive	       Boolean		True
       DwtNancestorSensitive   Boolean		The bitwise AND  of  the
						parent widget's DwtNsen-
						sitive	and   DwtNances-
						torSensitive attributes
       DwtNaccelerators        XtTranslations	NULL
       DwtNdepth	       int		Depth of the parent win-
       DwtNtranslations        XtTranslations	NULL
       DwtNmappedWhenManaged   Boolean		True
       DwtNscreen	       Screen * 	The parent screen
       DwtNdestroyCallback     DwtCallbackPtr	NULL

       Common Attributes

       DwtNforeground	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNhighlight	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNhighlightPixmap     Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNuserData	       Opaque * 	NULL
       DwtNdirectionRToL       unsigned char	DwtDirectionRightDown
       DwtNfont 	       DwtFontList	The default XUI  Toolkit
						Used   only   by  gadget
       DwtNhelpCallback        DwtCallbackPtr	NULL

       Menu Attributes

       DwtNspacing	       Dimension	Zero pixels
       DwtNmarginHeight        Dimension	3 pixels

       DwtNmarginWidth	       Dimension	Three pixels
       DwtNorientation	       unsigned char	DwtOrientationVertical
       DwtNadjustMargin        Boolean		True
       DwtNentryBorder	       short		Zero pixels
       DwtNmenuAlignment       Boolean		True
       DwtNentryAlignment      unsigned char	DwtAlignmentBeginning
       DwtNmenuPacking	       unsigned char	DwtMenuPackingTight (for
						all  menu  types  except
						for radio boxes)
						(for radio boxes)
       DwtNmenuNumColumns      short		One row or column
       DwtNmenuRadio	       Boolean		False
						True (for radio boxes)
       DwtNradioAlwaysOne      Boolean		True
       DwtNmenuIsHomogeneous   Boolean		False
						True (for radio boxes)
       DwtNmenuEntryClass      WidgetClass	NULL
						Radio	boxes,	however,
						default to  the  toggle-
       DwtNmenuHistory	       Widget		Zero
       DwtNentryCallback       DwtCallbackPtr	NULL
       DwtNmenuHelpWidget      Widget		NULL
       DwtNchangeVisAtts       Boolean		True
       DwtNmenuExtendLastRow   Boolean		True

Widget-Specific Attributes
       Attribute Name	Data Type	Default
       DwtNlabel	DwtCompString	Widget name
       DwtNsubMenuId	Widget		Zero

       DwtNlabel      Specifies the label that will be placed to the left of the current value.

       DwtNsubMenuId  Specifies the widget ID of the pull-down menu associated with the option menu during the creation phase.

Return Values
       These functions return the ID of the created widget.

Callback Information
       The following structure is returned to your callback:
       typedef struct {
		     int reason;
		     XEvent *event;
		     Widget s_widget;
		     char *s_tag;
		     char *s_callbackstruct;
       } DwtMenuCallbackStruct;
       The  reason member is set to a constant that represents the reason why this callback was invoked.  For this callback, the reason member can
       be set to:

       DwtCRActivate	    The user selected a  menu

       DwtCRHelpRequested   The user selected help.

       The  event  member  is a pointer to the Xlib structure XEvent, which describes the event that generated this callback.  This structure is a
       union of the individual structures declared for each event type.  For information on XEvent and event processing, see the Guide to the Xlib
       Library:  C  Language  Binding.	The s_widget member is set to the ID of the activating subwidget.  The s_tag member is set to the tag sup-
       plied by the application programmer when the subwidget callback function was specified.	The s_callbackstruct member is set to the  subwid-
       get's callback structure.

See Also
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding

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