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dwtinitgetsegment(3dwt) [ultrix man page]

DwtInitGetSegment(3Dwt) 												   DwtInitGetSegment(3Dwt)

       DwtInitGetSegment - Returns the initialized context of the compound-string.

       int DwtInitGetSegment(context, compound_string)
	    DwtCompStringContext *context;
	    DwtCompString compound_string;

       context	 Specifies a context to be filled by this function.  You should have previously allocated this context.

		 Specifies the compound-string.

       The  DwtInitGetSegment  function  returns the initialized context associated with the compound-string you specified (compound_string).  You
       must use this returned context in a call to DwtGetNextSegment.

       Note that the performance of DwtInitGetSegment (used in conjunction with DwtGetNextSegment to fetch  multiple  segments	from  a  compound-
       string) has degraded from Version 1.0 of the toolkit.

       A  new  function,  DwtStringInitContext, not only provides better performance, it also creates the context structure that you must allocate
       separately when using DwtInitGetSegment.  To improve performance, convert calls from DwtInitGetSegment  to  DwtStringInitContext,  and  use
       DwtStringFreeContext to free the context structure when you are finished with it.

Return Values
       This function returns one of these status return constants:

       DwtSuccess	 Normal completion.
       DwtEndCS 	 The  string  specified in
			 compound_string is NULL.
       DwtFail		 The string  specified	in
			 compound_string  is not a

See Also
       DwtGetNextSegment(3Dwt), DwtStringFreeContext(3Dwt), DwtStringInitContext(3Dwt)
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding


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DwtGetNextSegment(3Dwt) 												   DwtGetNextSegment(3Dwt)

       DwtGetNextSegment - Gets information about the next segment in the compound-string.

       int DwtGetNextSegment(context, text_return,
			    charset_return, direction_r_to_l_return,
			    lang_return, rend_return)
	    DwtCompStringContext *context;
	    char *text_return;
	    long *charset_return;
	    int *direction_r_to_l_return;
	    long *lang_return;
	    long *rend_return;

       context	 Specifies  the  context  for the call to DwtInitGetSegment.  You initialize the context by calling DwtInitGetSegment, and it gets
		 incremented each time you call DwtGetNextSegment.

		 Returns the text in the next segment.

		 Returns  the  character  set  in  the	next  segment.	 Values  for  this  argument  can  be	found	in   the   required   file

		 Returns the character direction value.

		 For future use.

		 For future use.

       The  DwtGetNextSegment  function obtains information about the next segment of the compound-string as determined by the context.  The space
       for the resulting compound-string is allocated with this function.  After using this function,  you  should  free  this	space  by  calling

Return Values
       This function returns one of these status return constants:

       DwtEndCS 	 The context is at the end
			 of the compound-string.
       DwtFail		 The context is not valid.
       DwtSuccess	 Normal completion.

See Also
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding

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