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dwtendcopytoclipboard(3dwt) [ultrix man page]

DwtEndCopyToClipboard(3Dwt)											       DwtEndCopyToClipboard(3Dwt)

       DwtEndCopyToClipboard - Places data in the clipboard data structure.

       int DwtEndCopyToClipboard(display, window, item_id)
	    Display *display;
	    Window window;
	    long item_id;

       display	 Specifies  a pointer to the Display structure that was returned in a previous call to XOpenDisplay.  For information on XOpenDis-
		 play and the Display structure, see the Guide to the Xlib Library: C Language Binding.

       window	 Specifies the window ID that relates the application window to the clipboard.	The same application instance should pass the same
		 window ID to each clipboard function that it calls.

       item_id	 Specifies the number assigned to this data item.  This number was returned by a previous call to DwtBeginCopyToClipboard.

       The  DwtEndCopyToClipboard function locks the clipboard from access by other applications, places data in the clipboard data structure, and
       unlocks the clipboard.  Data items copied to the clipboard by DwtCopyToClipboard are not actually entered in the clipboard  data  structure
       until the call to DwtEndCopyToClipboard.

Return Values
       This function returns one of these status return constants:

       ClipboardSuccess   The  function is success-
       ClipboardLocked	  The	 function    failed
			  because the clipboard was
			  locked by another  appli-
			  cation.   The application
			  can continue to call	the
			  function  with  the  same
			  parameters   until	the
			  clipboard   is  unlocked.
			  Optionally, the  applica-
			  tion	can ask if the user
			  wants to keep  trying  or
			  to  give up on the opera-

See Also
       DwtCopyToClipboard(3Dwt), DwtBeginCopyToClipboard(3Dwt)
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding


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DwtInquireNextPasteLength(3Dwt) 										   DwtInquireNextPasteLength(3Dwt)

       DwtInquireNextPasteLength - Returns the length of the data stored under a specified format name for the next-paste item in the clipboard.

       int DwtInquireNextPasteLength(display, window,
				     format_name, length)
	    Display *display;
	    Window window;
	    char *format_name;
	    unsigned long *length;

       display	 Specifies  a pointer to the Display structure that was returned in a previous call to XOpenDisplay.  For information on XOpenDis-
		 play and the Display structure, see the Guide to the Xlib Library: C Language Binding.

       window	 Specifies the window ID that relates the application window to the clipboard.	The same application instance should pass the same
		 window ID to each clipboard function that it calls.

		 Specifies the name of the format for the next-paste item.

       length	 Specifies the length of the next data item in the specified format.  This argument equals zero if no data is found for the speci-
		 fied format, or if there is no item on the clipboard.

       The DwtInquireNextPasteLength function returns the length of the data stored under a specified format name for  the  next  paste  clipboard
       data item.

       If no data is found for the specified format, or if there is no item on the clipboard, DwtInquireNextPasteLength returns a value of zero.

       Any  format  passed  by	name  is  assumed to have the length passed in a call to DwtCopyToClipboard, even though the data has not yet been
       transferred to the clipboard in that format.

Return Values
       This function returns one of these status return constants:

       ClipboardSuccess   The function is  success-
       ClipboardLocked	  The	 function    failed
			  because the clipboard was
			  locked  by another appli-
			  cation.  The	application
			  can  continue to call the
			  function  with  the  same
			  parameters	until	the
			  clipboard  is   unlocked.
			  Optionally,  the applica-
			  tion can ask if the  user
			  wants  to  keep trying or
			  to give up on the  opera-
       ClipboardNoData	  Information  could not be
			  obtained from an applica-
			  tion	 using	 the  ICCCM
			  clipboard selection mech-
			  anism.  This return value
			  indicates that  the  data
			  was  not available in the
			  requested format.

See Also
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding

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