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dwtdialogboxpopupcreate(3dwt) [ultrix man page]

DwtDialogBox(3Dwt)														DwtDialogBox(3Dwt)

       DwtDialogBox, DwtDialogBoxCreate, DwtDialogBoxPopupCreate - Creates a dialog box widget to contain other subwidgets.

       Widget DwtDialogBox(parent_widget, name, default_position,
			   x, y, title, style,
			   map_callback, help_callback)
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    Boolean default_position;
	    Position x, y;
	    DwtCompString title;
	    unsigned char style;
	    DwtCallbackPtr map_callback, help_callback;

       Widget DwtDialogBoxCreate (parent_widget, name,
				  override_arglist, override_argcount)
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    ArgList override_arglist;
	    int override_argcount;

       Widget DwtDialogBoxPopupCreate (parent_widget, name,
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    ArgList override_arglist;
	    int override_argcount;

		 Specifies the parent widget ID.

       name	 Specifies the name of the created widget.

		 Specifies  a  boolean	value  that,  when True, causes DwtNx and DwtNy to be ignored and forces the default widget position.  The
		 default widget position is centered in the parent window.  If False, the specified DwtNx and DwtNy attributes are used  to  posi-
		 tion the widget.

		 If the dialog box is displayed partially off the screen as a result of being centered in the parent window, the centering rule is
		 violated.  When this occurs, the parent window is repositioned so that the entire dialog box is displayed on the screen.

		 The pop-up dialog box is recentered every time it is popped up.  Consequently, if the parent moves in between invocations of  the
		 dialog  box,  the  box pops up centered in the parent window's new location.  However, the dialog box does not dynamically follow
		 its parent while it is displayed.  If the parent is moved, the dialog box will not move until the next time it is popped up.

		 If the user moves the dialog box with the window manager, the toolkit turns off DwtNdefaultPosition.  This results in the  dialog
		 box  popping  up in the location specified by the user on each subsequent invocation.	This argument sets the DwtNdefaultPosition
		 attribute associated with DwtDialogBoxCreate.

       x	 Specifies the placement, in pixels, of the left side of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of  the  parent
		 window.  This argument sets the DwtNx core widget attribute.

       y	 Specifies,  in pixels, the placement of the upper left corner of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of the
		 parent window.  This argument sets the DwtNy core widget attribute.

       title	 Specifies the compound-string label.  The label is given to the window manager for the title bar  if  DwtNstyle  is  DwtModeless.
		 This argument sets the DwtNtitle attribute associated with DwtDialogBoxPopupCreate.

       style	 Specifies  the  style of the dialog box widget.  You can pass DwtModal, DwtModeless, or DwtWorkarea.  You cannot change DwtNstyle
		 after the widget is created.  This argument sets the DwtNstyle attribute associated with DwtDialogBoxCreate  or  DwtDialogBoxPop-

		 Specifies  the  callback  function  or  functions called when the window is about to be mapped.  For this callback, the reason is
		 DwtCRMap.  Note that map_callback is supported only if style is DwtModal or DwtModeless.  If style is	DwtWorkarea,  map_callback
		 is ignored.

		 This argument sets the DwtNmapCallback attribute associated with DwtDialogBoxPopupCreate.

		 Specifies  the callback function or functions called when a help request is made.  This argument sets the DwtNhelpCallback common
		 widget attribute.

		 Specifies the application override argument list.

		 Specifies the number of attributes in the application override argument list (override_arglist).

       Depending on the constant you pass to DwtNstyle, the DwtDialogBox function creates a dialog box or a pop-up dialog box widget.  The  DwtDi-
       alogBoxCreate function creates a dialog box widget, and DwtDialogBoxPopupCreate creates a pop-up dialog box widget.  Upon completion, these
       functions return the associated widget ID.  When calling DwtDialogBox, you set the dialog box widget attributes	presented  in  the  formal
       parameter  list.  For DwtDialogBoxCreate and DwtDialogBoxPopupCreate, however, you specify a list of attribute name/value pairs that repre-
       sent all the possible dialog box widget attributes.

       The dialog box widget is a composite widget that contains other subwidgets.  Each subwidget displays information or requests and/or handles
       input from the user.

       The  dialog box widget functions as a container only, and provides no input semantics over and above the expressions of the widgets it con-

       Subwidgets can be positioned within the dialog box in two ways: by font units and by pixel units.  By default, subwidgets are positioned in
       terms of font units (that is, DwtNunits is DwtFontUnits).  The X font units are defined to be one-fourth the width of whatever font is sup-
       plied for the common attribute DwtNfont.  The Y font units are defined to be one-eighth the width of whatever font is  supplied	for  DwtN-
       font.  (Width is taken from the QUAD_WIDTH property of the font.)  Subwidgets can also be positioned in terms of pixel units (that is, Dwt-
       Nunits is DwtPixelUnits).

       Note that when changing DwtNtextMergeTranslations, the existing widgets are not affected.  The new value for DwtNtextMergeTranslations acts
       only on widgets that are added after the pop-up dialog box is created.

       Pop-up dialog box widgets create their own shells as parents.  Therefore, to set the colormap of a pop-up dialog box, you must set the col-
       ormap of its parent shell.  (To find the parent shell, use XtParent.)  For nonpop-up widgets, the shell widget ID is returned  from  XtIni-
       tialize.  You need only set the colormap once on the returned shell widget.

Inherited Attributes
       Attribute Name	       Data Type	Default
       Core Attributes

       DwtNx		       Position 	Determined by the geome-
						try manager
       DwtNy		       Position 	Determined by the geome-
						try manager
       DwtNwidth	       Dimension	Set  as  large as neces-
						sary to hold  all  child
       DwtNheight	       Dimension	Set  as  large as neces-
						sary to hold  all  child
       DwtNborderWidth	       Dimension	One pixel
       DwtNborder	       Pixel		Default foreground color
       DwtNborderPixmap        Pixmap		NULL
       DwtNbackground	       Pixel		Default background color
       DwtNbackgroundPixmap    Pixmap		NULL

       DwtNcolormap	       Colormap 	Default color map
       DwtNsensitive	       Boolean		True
       DwtNancestorSensitive   Boolean		The  bitwise  AND of the
						parent widget's DwtNsen-
						sitive	 and  DwtNances-
						torSensitive attributes
       DwtNaccelerators        XtTranslations	NULL
       DwtNdepth	       int		Depth of the parent win-
       DwtNtranslations        XtTranslations	NULL
       DwtNmappedWhenManaged   Boolean		True
       DwtNscreen	       Screen * 	The parent screen
       DwtNdestroyCallback     DwtCallbackPtr	NULL

Widget-Specific Attributes
       Attribute Name		   Data Type	    Default
       DwtNforeground		   Pixel	    Default foreground color
       DwtNhighlight		   Pixel	    Default foreground color
       DwtNhighlightPixmap	   Pixmap	    NULL
       DwtNuserData		   Opaque *	    NULL
       DwtNfont 		   DwtFontList	    The  default XUI Toolkit
       DwtNhelpCallback 	   DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNdirectionRToL	   unsigned char    DwtDirectionRightDown
       DwtNunits		   unsigned char    DwtFontUnits
       DwtNstyle		   unsigned char    For  DwtDialogBoxCreate,
						    the   default   is	Dwt-
						    For     DwtDialogBoxPop-
						    upCreate, the default is
       DwtNfocusCallback	   DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNtextMergeTranslations   XtTranslations   NULL
       DwtNmarginWidth		   Dimension	    For  DwtDialogBoxCreate,
						    the   default   is	 One
						    For     DwtDialogBoxPop-
						    upCreate, the default is
						    3 pixels.
       DwtNmarginHeight 	   Dimension	    For  DwtDialogBoxCreate,
						    the   default   is	 One
						    For     DwtDialogBoxPop-
						    upCreate, the default is
						    3 pixels.
       DwtNdefaultPosition	   Boolean	    False
       DwtNchildOverlap 	   Boolean	    True
       DwtNresize		   unsigned char    DwtResizeGrowOnly
       DwtNgrabKeySyms		   KeySym	    The default  array	con-
						    tains  the	Tab key sym-
       DwtNgrabMergeTranslations   XtTranslations   The default syntax is:
						    NEXT()\ Shift<Key-
						    Press>0xff09:     DWTDI-

       The following table lists the widget-specific attributes for the pop-up dialog box widget.

       Attribute Name	   Data Type	    Default

       DwtNtitle	   DwtCompString    When  DwtNstyle
					    is	  DwtModal,
					    the default  is
					    When  DwtNstyle
					    is DwtModeless,
					    the  default is
					    the widget name
       DwtNmapCallback	   DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNunmapCallback   DwtCallbackPtr   NULL
       DwtNtakeFocus	   Boolean	    True for  modal
					    dialog box
					    False for mode-
					    less dialog box
       DwtNnoResize	   Boolean	    True (that	is,
					    no	window man-
					    ager     resize
       DwtNautoUnmanage    Boolean	    True
       DwtNdefaultButton   Widget	    NULL
       DwtNcancelButton    Widget	    NULL
       DwtNautoUnrealize   Boolean	    False

       DwtNforeground Specifies the color of foreground gadget children in the widget window.

       DwtNhighlight  Specifies the color used for highlighting gadget children.

		      Specifies the pattern and color used for highlighting gadget children.

       DwtNuserData   Specifies any user private data to be associated with the widget.  The XUI Toolkit does not interpret this data.

		      Specifies the direction in which the text is drawn and wraps.  You can pass DwtDirectionLeftDown (text is drawn from left to
		      right and wraps down); DwtDirectionRightUp (text is drawn from left to right and wraps up);  DwtDirectionLeftDown  (text	is
		      drawn from right to left and wraps down); or DwtDirectionLeftUp (text is drawn from right to left and wraps up).

       DwtNfont       Specifies the font of the text used in gadget children.

		      Specifies the callback function or functions called when a help request is made.

       DwtNunits      Specifies  the type of units for the DwtNx and DwtNy attributes.	You use these when adding child widgets to the dialog box.
		      The DwtNunits attribute cannot be changed after the widget is created.  You can pass DwtPixelUnits or DwtFontUnits.

       DwtNstyle      Specifies the style of the dialog box widget.  For DwtDialogBoxPopupCreate you can pass DwtModal or DwtModeless.	For DwtDi-
		      alogBoxCreate you can pass DwtWorkarea.  You cannot change DwtNstyle after the widget is created.

		      Specifies  the  callback	function or functions called when the dialog box accepted the input focus.  For this callback, the
		      reason is DwtCRFocus.

		      Specifies the translation manager syntax that will be merged with each text widget.

		      Specifies the number of pixels between the maximum right border of a child widget window and the dialog box.

		      Specifies the number of pixels between the maximum bottom border of a child widget window and the dialog box.

		      Specifies a boolean value that, when True, causes DwtNx and DwtNy to be ignored and forces the default widget position.  The
		      default  widget  position  is centered in the parent window.  If False, the specified DwtNx and DwtNy attributes are used to
		      position the widget.

		      If the dialog box is displayed partially off the screen as a result of being centered in the parent  window,  the  centering
		      rule  is	violated.   When  this occurs, the parent window is repositioned so that the entire dialog box is displayed on the

		      The pop-up dialog box is recentered every time it is popped up.  Consequently, if the parent moves in between invocations of
		      the  dialog box, the box pops up centered in the parent window's new location.  However, the dialog box does not dynamically
		      follow its parent while it is displayed.	If the parent is moved, the dialog box will not move until the	next  time  it	is
		      popped up.

		      If  the  user  moves the dialog box with the window manager, the toolkit turns off DwtNdefaultPosition.  This results in the
		      dialog box popping up in the location specified by the user on each subsequent invocation.

		      Specifies a boolean value that, when True, indicates that the dialog box approves geometry requests from its  children  that
		      result in one child overlapping other children.  If False, the dialog box disapproves these geometry requests.

       DwtNresize     Specifies  how the dialog box resizes when its children are managed and unmanaged and when geometry requests occur.  You can
		      pass DwtResizeFixed, DwtResizeGrowOnly, or DwtResizeShrinkWrap.

		      DwtResizeFixed indicates that the dialog box does not change its size when children are added or	deleted,  or  on  geometry
		      requests from its children.

		      DwtResizeGrowOnly  indicates that the dialog box always attempts to grow as necessary when children are added or deleted, or
		      on geometry requests from its children.

		      DwtResizeShrinkWrap indicates that the dialog box always attempts to grow or shrink to fit its current set of managed  chil-
		      dren as children are added or deleted, or on geometry requests from its children.

		      Specifies  a  NULL-terminated  array of keysyms.	The dialog box calls the Xlib function XGrabKey for each keysym.  XGrabKey
		      specifies AnyModifier for modifiers, GrabModeAsync for pointer_mode, and GrabModeSync for  keyboard_mode.   The  dialog  box
		      uses  the  XGrabKey  function in conjunction with the value of DwtNgrabMergeTranslations to implement moving the focus among
		      its children in a synchronous manner.  You cannot change this attribute after the widget is created.

		      Specifies the parsed translation syntax to merge into the dialog box syntax to handle the key events.  The syntax is  merged
		      when the dialog box is first realized.  Any change made to this attribute after the dialog box is realized will not have any

       DwtNtitle      Specifies the compound-string label.  The label is given to the window manager for the title bar if  DwtNstyle  is  DwtMode-

		      Specifies the callback function or functions called when the window is about to be mapped.  For this callback, the reason is

		      Specifies the callback function or functions called when the window was unmapped.  For this callback, the reason is DwtCRUn-

       DwtNtakeFocus  Specifies a boolean value that, when True, indicates that the dialog box takes the input focus when managed.

       DwtNnoResize   Specifies  a  boolean  value  that,  when True, indicates that a modal or modeless dialog box does not have a window manager
		      resize button.  When False, the dialog box has a window manager resize button.

		      Specifies a boolean value that, when True, indicates that the dialog box unmanages itself when any push button is activated.
		      This attribute cannot be changed after widget creation.

		      Specifies the ID of the push button widget that is activated when the user presses the RETURN or ENTER key.

		      Specifies the ID of the push button widget that is activated when the user presses the Shift and Return keys simultaneously.

		      Specifies  a boolean value that, when False, indicates that the dialog box creates the window(s) for itself and its children
		      when it is first managed, and never destroys them.  If True, the dialog box re-creates the window(s) every time it  is  man-
		      aged, and destroys them when it is unmanaged.

		      The  setting  of	this  attribute  is a performance tradeoff between the client cpu load (highest when set to True), and the
		      server window load (highest when set to False).

       The following constraint attributes are passed on to any widget that is made a child of a dialog box widget.  These constraint  values  are
       used only for dialog boxes that have the DwtNunits attribute set to DwtFontUnits.

       DwtNfontX      Specifies the placement of the left hand side of the widget window in font units.  The default is the value of DwtNx.

       DwtNfontY      Specifies the placement of the top of the widget window in font units.  The default is the value of DwtNy.

Return Values
       These functions return the ID of the created widget.

Callback Information
       The following structure is returned to your callback:
       typedef struct {
			int reason;
			XEvent *event;
       } DwtAnyCallbackStruct;

       The  reason member is set to a constant that represents the reason why this callback was invoked.  For the callbacks associated with DwtDi-
       alogBoxCreate, the reason member can be set to:

       DwtCRFocus	    The   dialog   box	  has
			    received the input focus.

       DwtCRHelpRequested   The   user	has  selected

       For the callbacks associated with DwtDialogBoxPopupCreate, the reason member can be set to:

       DwtCRMap 	    The dialog box  is	about
			    to be mapped.

       DwtCRUnmap	    The  dialog  box is about
			    to be unmapped.

       DwtCRFocus	    The   dialog   box	  has
			    received the input focus.

       DwtCRHelpRequested   The   user	has  selected

       The event member is a pointer to the Xlib structure XEvent, which describes the event that generated this callback.  This  structure  is  a
       union of the individual structures declared for each event type.  For information on XEvent and event processing, see the Guide to the Xlib
       Library: C Language Binding.

See Also
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding

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