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dwtcstextsetmaxlength(3dwt) [ultrix man page]
DwtCSTextSetMaxLength(3Dwt) DwtCSTextSetMaxLength(3Dwt)
DwtCSTextSetMaxLength - Sets the maximum allowable length of the text in the compound-string text widget.
void DwtCSTextSetMaxLength(widget, max_length)
Widget widget;
int max_length;
widget Specifies the ID of the compound-string text widget.
Specifies the maximum length, in characters, of the text in the compound string text widget. This argument sets the DwtN-
maxLength attribute associated with DwtCSTextCreate.
The DwtCSTextSetMaxLength function sets the maximum allowable length of the text in the compound-string text widget and prevents the user
from entering text longer than this limit.
See Also
DwtCSText(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextCreate(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextReplace(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextSetString(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextGetEditable(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextSetEd-
itable(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextGetMaxLength(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextSetSelection(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextGetSelection(3Dwt)
Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding
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DwtCSTextSetEditable(3Dwt) DwtCSTextSetEditable(3Dwt)
DwtCSTextSetEditable - Sets the permission state that determines whether the user can edit text in the compound-string text widget.
void DwtCSTextSetEditable(widget, editable)
Widget widget;
Boolean editable;
widget Specifies the ID of the compound-string text widget.
editable Specifies a boolean value that, when True, indicates that the user can edit the text in the compound-string text widget. If
False, prohibits the user from editing the text.
The DwtCSTextSetEditable function sets the edit permission state information concerning whether the user can edit text in the compound-
string text widget.
See Also
DwtCSText(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextCreate(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextReplace(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextSetString(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextGetEditable(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextGet-
MaxLength(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextSetMaxLength(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextSetSelection(3Dwt) , DwtCSTextGetSelection(3Dwt)
Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding
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