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dwtcstextgetstring(3dwt) [ultrix man page]

DwtCSTextGetString(3Dwt)												  DwtCSTextGetString(3Dwt)

       DwtCSTextGetString - Retrieves all text from the compound-string text widget.

       DwtCompString DwtCSTextGetString(widget)
	    Widget widget;

       widget	 Specifies the ID of the compound-string text widget.

       The DwtCSTextGetString function retrieves the current compound-string from the compound-string text widget.  The application is responsible
       for freeing the storage associated with the string by calling XtFree.

Return Values
       This function returns a pointer to a compound string holding all the current text in the compound string text widget.

See Also
       DwtCSText(3Dwt), DwtCSTextCreate(3Dwt), DwtCSTextReplace(3Dwt), DwtCSTextSetString(3Dwt), DwtCSTextGetEditable(3Dwt),  DwtCSTextSetEd-
       itable(3Dwt), DwtCSTextGetMaxLength(3Dwt), DwtCSTextSetMaxLength(3Dwt), DwtCSTextSetSelection(3Dwt), DwtCSTextGetSelection(3Dwt)
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding


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DwtCSTextClearSelection(3Dwt)											     DwtCSTextClearSelection(3Dwt)

       DwtCSTextClearSelection - Clears the global selection highlighted in the compound-string text widget.

       void DwtCSTextClearSelection(widget, time)
	    Widget widget;
	    Time time;

       widget	 Specifies the ID of the compound-string text widget.

       time	 Specifies  the  time  of  the	event that led to the call to XSetSelectionOwner.  You can pass either a timestamp or CurrentTime.
		 Whenever possible, however, use the timestamp of the event leading to the call.

       The DwtCSTextClearSelection function clears the global selection highlighted in the compound-string text widget.

See Also
       DwtCSText(3Dwt), DwtCSTextCreate(3Dwt), DwtCSTextReplace(3Dwt), DwtCSTextGetString(3Dwt),  DwtCSTextSetString(3Dwt),  DwtCSTextGetEd-
       itable(3Dwt), DwtCSTextSetEditable(3Dwt), DwtCSTextGetMaxLength(3Dwt), DwtCSTextSetMaxLength(3Dwt), DwtCSTextSetSelection(3Dwt), DwtC-
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding

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