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dwtattacheddbpopupcreate(3dwt) [ultrix man page]

DwtAttachedDB(3Dwt)													       DwtAttachedDB(3Dwt)

       DwtAttachedDB,  DwtAttachedDBCreate,  DwtAttachedDBPopupCreate  -  Creates an attached dialog box or a pop-up attached dialog box widget to
       contain other information/request (dialog) subwidgets.

       Widget DwtAttachedDB(parent_widget, name, default_position,
			    x, y, title, style,
			    map_callback, help_callback)
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    Boolean default_position;
	    Position x, y;
	    DwtCompString title;
	    unsigned char style;
	    DwtCallbackPtr map_callback, help_callback;

       Widget DwtAttachedDBCreate (parent_widget, name,
				  override_arglist, override_argcount)
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    ArgList override_arglist;
	    int override_argcount;

       Widget DwtAttachedDBPopupCreate (parent_widget, name,
	    Widget parent_widget;
	    char *name;
	    ArgList override_arglist;
	    int override_argcount;

		 Specifies the parent widget ID.

       name	 Specifies the name of the created widget.

		 Specifies a boolean value that, when True, causes DwtNx and DwtNy to be ignored and forces  the  default  widget  position.   The
		 default  widget  position is centered in the parent window.  If False, the specified DwtNx and DwtNy attributes are used to posi-
		 tion the widget.  This argument sets the DwtNdefaultPosition attribute associated with DwtDialogBoxCreate.

       x	 Specifies the placement, in pixels, of the left side of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of  the  parent
		 window.  This argument sets the DwtNx core widget attribute.

       y	 Specifies,  in pixels, the placement of the upper left corner of the widget window relative to the inner upper left corner of the
		 parent window.  This argument sets the DwtNy core widget attribute.

       title	 Specifies the compound-string label.  The label is given to the window manager for the title bar if the DwtNstyle attribute asso-
		 ciated  with  DwtDialogBoxPopupCreate	is  DwtModal  or  DwtModeless.	 However, the label is used in the border if the DwtNstyle
		 attribute associated with DwtDialogBoxCreate is DwtWorkarea.

		 The attribute name associated with this argument is DwtNtitle.

       style	 Specifies the style of the dialog box widget.	You can pass DwtModal,	DwtModeless,  or  DwtWorkarea.	 This  argument  sets  the
		 DwtNstyle attribute associated with DwtDialogBoxCreate.

		 Specifies  the  callback  function  or  functions called when the window is about to be mapped.  For this callback, the reason is
		 DwtCRMap.  This argument is ignored if DwtNstyle is DwtWorkarea.

		 This argument sets the DwtNmapCallback attribute associated with DwtDialogBoxPopupCreate.

		 Specifies the callback function or functions called when a help request is made.  This argument sets the DwtNhelpCallback  common
		 widget attribute.

		 Specifies the application override argument list.

		 Specifies the number of attributes in the application override argument list (override_arglist).

       The  DwtAttachedDB  and	DwtAttachedDBCreate functions create an instance of an attached dialog box widget or an attached dialog box pop-up
       widget and return its associated widget ID.  The DwtAttachedDBPopupCreate function creates an instance of a pop-up attached dialog box wid-
       get and returns its associated widget ID.  The attached dialog box acts as a container only, and provides no input semantics over and above
       the semantics of the widgets that it contains.  It differs from the dialog box in its handling of child widgets.  Constraints are placed on
       each  child  widget  at	the time of creation.  The default values for the constraint attributes are placed on the child unless you specify
       values for the constraint attributes.  You specify these values either in the override_arglist or by calling XtSetValues.

       By using the constraint attributes, you can attach each of the four sides of a child widget (top, bottom, right side, and left side)  to  a
       side  of  the parent attached dialog box, a side of another child widget, to a relative position within the attached dialog box, to itself,
       or to nothing.  The possible attachments for each of the four sides are described in the Constraint Attributes section.	 Specifying  these
       attachments allows you to maintain the position of child widgets within the attached dialog box as resizing occurs.

       If only one attachment in a direction is specified with no width or height, the default width or height for the widget is used.

       For  all attachment types, you can optionally specify an offset in pixels or font units.  The offset determines the amount of space between
       the side of the child widget and the side or position you attach it to.	By default, the child widgets are positioned in an attached dialog
       box  in	terms of font units rather than pixel units.  (That is, DwtNunits is DwtFontUnits.)  The X font units are defined to be one-fourth
       the width of whatever font is supplied for the common attribute DwtNfont.  The Y font units are defined to be one-eighth the width of what-
       ever font is supplied for DwtNfont.

       The offsets given are automatically negated when dealing with right and bottom sides.  For example, a displacement of 5 means that the side
       stays 5 units to the right of its attachment if a left side, and 5 units to the left if a right side.

       Displacements default to a value specified in the attached dialog box for attachments to the attached dialog box and the widget,  and  half
       the  value specified if attached to a position.	Attaching to a point allows several widgets to grow proportionally; the space between them
       should be the default displacement.  There are separate horizontal and vertical defaults.

       You can determine whether the attached dialog box will honor resize geometry requests from a given child widget	by  appropriately  setting
       the  DwtNresize	attribute for that child.  If it does honor a request, the attached dialog box reconfigures all child widgets based on the
       initial coordinate information.	You can add child widgets after the attached dialog box widget has been realized.  If there is extra  room
       in  the	attached dialog box, the new child widget will appear.	If there is not enough room, the attached dialog box will ask the geometry
       manager for permission to resize.

Inherited Attributes
       Attribute Name		   Data Type	       Default
       Core Attributes

       DwtNx			   Position	       Determined by the geome-
						       try manager
       DwtNy			   Position	       Determined by the geome-
						       try manager
       DwtNwidth		   Dimension	       Widget-specific
       DwtNheight		   Dimension	       Widget-specific
       DwtNborderWidth		   Dimension	       One pixel
       DwtNborder		   Pixel	       Default foreground color
       DwtNborderPixmap 	   Pixmap	       NULL
       DwtNbackground		   Pixel	       Default background color
       DwtNbackgroundPixmap	   Pixmap	       NULL
       DwtNcolormap		   Colormap	       Default color map
       DwtNsensitive		   Boolean	       True

       DwtNancestorSensitive	   Boolean	       The bitwise AND	of  the
						       parent widget's DwtNsen-
						       sitive  and   DwtNances-
						       torSensitive attributes
       DwtNaccelerators 	   XtTranslations      NULL
       DwtNdepth		   int		       Depth of the parent win-
       DwtNtranslations 	   XtTranslations      NULL
       DwtNmappedWhenManaged	   Boolean	       True
       DwtNscreen		   Screen *	       The parent screen
       DwtNdestroyCallback	   DwtCallbackPtr      NULL

       Constraint Attributes

       DwtNadbTopAttachment	   DwtAttachmentType   DwtAttachAdb if DwtNrub-
						       berPositioning is False
						       DwtAttachSelf   if  Dwt-
						       NrubberPositioning    is
       DwtNadbBottomAttachment	   DwtAttachmentType   The  default  is  DwtAt-
						       tachNone if  DwtNrubber-
						       Positioning is False.
						       The  default  is  DwtAt-
						       tachSelf if  DwtNrubber-
						       Positioning is True.
       DwtNadbLeftAttachment	   DwtAttachmentType   The  default  is  DwtAt-
						       tachAdb if DwtNrubberPo-
						       sitioning is False.
						       The  default  is  DwtAt-
						       tachSelf if  DwtNrubber-
						       Positioning is True.
       DwtNadbRightAttachment	   DwtAttachmentType   The  default  is  DwtAt-
						       tachNone if  DwtNrubber-
						       Positioning is False.
						       The  default  is  DwtAt-
						       tachSelf if  DwtNrubber-
						       Positioning is True.
       DwtNadbTopWidget 	   Widget	       NULL
       DwtNadbBottomWidget	   Widget	       NULL
       DwtNadbLeftWidget	   Widget	       NULL
       DwtNadbRightWidget	   Widget	       NULL
       DwtNadbTopPosition	   int		       Zero
       DwtNadbBottomPosition	   int		       Zero
       DwtNadbLeftPosition	   int		       Zero
       DwtNadbRightPosition	   int		       Zero
       DwtNadbTopOffset 	   int		       The value specified with
						       However,     if	   Dwt-
						       NadbTopAttachment     is
						       DwtAttachPosition     or
						       DwtAttachSelf,	    the
						       default	is one-half the
						       value   specified   with
       DwtNadbBottomOffset	   int		       The default is the value
						       specified  with	DwtNde-
						       However, if  DwtNadbBot-
						       tomAttachment  is DwtAt-
						       tachPosition  or  DwtAt-
						       tachSelf, the default is
						       one-half the value spec-
						       ified  with DwtNdefault-

       DwtNadbLeftOffset	   int		       The default is the value
						       specified  with	DwtNde-
						       However, if DwtNadbLeft-
						       Attachment is DwtAttach-
						       Position  or  DwtAttach-
						       Self,   the  default  is
						       one-half  the  value  of
       DwtNadbRightOffset	   int		       The value specified with
						       However, if DwtNadbRigh-
						       tAttachment   is  DwtAt-
						       tachPosition  or  DwtAt-
						       tachSelf, the default is
						       one-half the value spec-
						       ified  with DwtNdefault-
       DwtNresizable		   Boolean	       True

       Dialog Attributes

       DwtNforeground		   Pixel	       Default foreground color
       DwtNhighlight		   Pixel	       Default foreground color
       DwtNhighlightPixmap	   Pixmap	       NULL
       DwtNuserData		   Opaque *	       NULL
       DwtNfont 		   DwtFontList	       The default XUI	Toolkit
       DwtNhelpCallback 	   DwtCallbackPtr      NULL
       DwtNdirectionRToL	   unsigned char       DwtDirectionRightDown
       DwtNunits		   unsigned char       DwtFontUnits
       DwtNstyle		   unsigned char       For  DwtDialogBoxCreate,
						       the  default   is   Dwt-
						       For     DwtDialogBoxPop-
						       upCreate, the default is
       DwtNfocusCallback	   DwtCallbackPtr      NULL
       DwtNtextMergeTranslations   XtTranslations      NULL
       DwtNmarginWidth		   Dimension	       For  DwtDialogBoxCreate,
						       the   default   is   One
						       For     DwtDialogBoxPop-
						       upCreate, the default is
						       3 pixels.
       DwtNmarginHeight 	   Dimension	       For  DwtDialogBoxCreate,
						       the   default   is   One
						       For     DwtDialogBoxPop-
						       upCreate, the default is
						       3 pixels.
       DwtNdefaultPosition	   Boolean	       False
       DwtNchildOverlap 	   Boolean	       True
       DwtNresize		   unsigned char       DwtResizeGrowOnly
       DwtNgrabKeySyms		   KeySym	       The  default  array con-
						       tains the Tab  key  sym-
       DwtNgrabMergeTranslations   XtTranslations      The default syntax is:
						       NEXT()\ Shift<Key-
						       Press>0xff09:	 DWTDI-

       The  following  constraint  attributes  belong  to  any widget that is made a child of an attached dialog box widget.  You cannot set these
       attributes on the attached dialog box itself; you must set them on the child widget.  Several of these constraint attributes take  an  enu-
       merated	data  type.   You  should  not change attachment attributes in an attached dialog box with XtSetValues, as this could result in an
       infinite loop.
       typedef enum _DwtAttachmentType {
       } DwtAttachmentType;

		      Specifies how the top side of the child widget is attached to its parent attached dialog box widget, another child widget, a
		      position, or itself.

		      The following describes the enumerated data type values as they apply to this attribute:

       Value		    Meaning
       DwtAttachNone	    Do	not attach this side.
			    This type  of  attachment
			    may  be overridden by the
			    defaults of other attach-
			    ments  that  affect  this

       DwtAttachAdb	    Attach the	top  side  of
			    the  child	widget to the
			    top side  of  its  parent
			    attached dialog box.

       DwtAttachOppAdb	    Attach  the  top  side of
			    the child widget  to  the
			    bottom side of its parent
			    attached dialog box.

       DwtAttachWidget	    Attach the	top  side  of
			    the  child	widget to the
			    bottom  side  of  another
			    child  widget  within the
			    parent  attached   dialog

       DwtAttachOppWidget   Attach  the  top  side of
			    the child widget  to  the
			    top side of another child

       DwtAttachPosition    Attach the	top  side  of
			    the  child	widget	to  a
			    relative position  inside
			    the  parent attached dia-
			    log  box.	Specify   the
			    relative  position	as  a
			    fraction  of  the	total
			    width  or  height  of the
			    attached dialog box.

       DwtAttachSelf	    Attach the	top  side  of
			    the  child	widget	to  a
			    relative position  corre-
			    sponding  to  the  side's
			    initial position  in  the
			    attached dialog box.

		      Specifies  how the bottom side of the widget is attached to the side of its parent attached dialog box widget, another child
		      widget, a position, or itself.

		      The following describes the enumerated data type values as they apply to this attribute:

       Value		    Meaning
       DwtAttachNone	    Do not attach this	side.
			    This  type	of attachment
			    overrides	any   default
			    attachment	 that	might
			    affect the side.

       DwtAttachAdb	    Attach this side  to  the
			    bottom side of its parent
			    attached dialog box.

       DwtAttachOppAdb	    Attach this side  to  the
			    top  side  of  the parent
			    attached dialog box.

       DwtAttachWidget	    Attach this side  to  the
			    top side of another child
			    widget within the  parent
			    attached dialog box.

       DwtAttachOppWidget   Attach  this  side to the
			    bottom  side  of  another
			    child widget.

       DwtAttachPosition    Attach  this  side	to  a
			    relative position  inside
			    the  parent attached dia-
			    log  box.	Specify   the
			    relative  position	as  a
			    fraction  of  the	total
			    width  or  height  of the
			    attached dialog box.

       DwtAttachSelf	    Attach this to a relative
			    position corresponding to
			    the side's initial	posi-
			    tion  inside  the  parent
			    attached dialog box.

		      Specifies how the left side of the widget is attached to the side of its parent attached dialog box  widget,  another  child
		      widget, a position, or itself.

		      The following describes the enumerated data type values as they apply to this attribute:

       Value		    Meaning
       DwtAttachNone	    Do	not attach this side.
			    This type  of  attachment
			    overrides	any   default
			    attachment	 that	might
			    affect the side.

       DwtAttachAdb	    Attach  this  side to the
			    left side of  its  parent
			    attached dialog box.

       DwtAttachOppAdb	    Attach  this  side to the
			    right side of the  parent
			    attached dialog box.

       DwtAttachWidget	    Attach  this  side to the
			    right  side  of   another
			    child  widget  within the
			    parent  attached   dialog

       DwtAttachOppWidget   Attach  this  side to the
			    left  side	 of   another
			    child widget.

       DwtAttachPosition    Attach  this  side	to  a
			    relative position  inside
			    the  parent attached dia-
			    log  box.	Specify   the
			    relative  position	as  a
			    fraction  of  the	total
			    width  or  height  of the
			    attached dialog box.

       DwtAttachSelf	    Attach  this  side	to  a
			    relative  position corre-
			    sponding  to  the  side's
			    initial  position  in the
			    parent  attached   dialog

		      Specifies  how the right side of the widget is attached to the side of its parent attached dialog box, another child widget,
		      a position, or itself.

		      The following describes the enumerated data type values as they apply to this attribute:

       Value		    Meaning
       DwtAttachNone	    Do not attach this	side.
			    This  type	of attachment
			    overrides	any   default
			    attachment	 that	might
			    affect the side.

       DwtAttachAdb	    Attach this side  to  the
			    right  side of its parent
			    attached dialog box.

       DwtAttachOppAdb	    Attach this side  to  the
			    left  side	of the parent
			    attached dialog box.

       DwtAttachWidget	    Attach this side  to  the
			    left   side   of  another
			    child widget  within  the
			    parent   attached  dialog

       DwtAttachOppWidget   Attach this side  to  the
			    right   side  of  another
			    child widget.

       DwtAttachPosition    Attach  this  side	to  a
			    relative  position inside
			    the parent attached  dia-
			    log   box.	 Specify  the
			    relative  position	as  a
			    fraction   of  the	total
			    width or  height  of  the
			    attached dialog box.

       DwtAttachSelf	    Attach  this  side	to  a
			    relative position  corre-
			    sponding  to  the  side's
			    initial position  in  the
			    parent   attached  dialog

		      Specifies the child widget that the top side is attached to if DwtNadbTopAttachment is DwtAttachWidget  or  DwtAttachOppWid-
		      get.  Otherwise, this attribute is ignored.

		      Specifies  the  widget that the bottom side is attached to if DwtNadbBottomAttachment is DwtAttachWidget or DwtAttachOppWid-
		      get.  Otherwise, this attribute is ignored.

		      Specifies the widget that the left side is attached to if DwtNadbLeftAttachment is  DwtAttachWidget  or  DwtAttachOppWidget.
		      Otherwise, this attribute is ignored.

		      Specifies  the widget that the right side is attached to if DwtNadbRightAttachment is DwtAttachWidget or DwtAttachOppWidget.
		      Otherwise, this attribute is ignored.

		      Specifies the numerator used with DwtNfractionBase to determine the relative positioning of the top  side  if  DwtNadbTopAt-
		      tachment is DwtAttachPosition.  Otherwise, this attribute is ignored.

		      Specifies  the  numerator used with DwtNfractionBase to determine the relative positioning of the bottom side if DwtNadbBot-
		      tomAttachment is DwtAttachPosition.  Otherwise, this attribute is ignored.

		      Specifies the numerator used with DwtNfractionBase to determine the relative positioning of the left side if  DwtNadbLeftAt-
		      tachment is DwtAttachPosition.  Otherwise, this attribute is ignored.

		      Specifies  the  numerator  used with the DwtNfractionBase to determine the relative positioning of the right side if DwtNad-
		      bRightAttachment is DwtAttachPosition.  Otherwise, this attribute is ignored.

		      Specifies the offset of the top side from the position, widget, or attached dialog box.

		      Specifies the offset of the bottom side from the position, widget, or attached dialog box.

		      Specifies the offset of the left side from the position, widget, or attached dialog box.

		      Specifies the offset of the right side from the position, widget, or attached dialog box.

       DwtNresizable  Specifies a boolean value that, when True, indicates that the attached dialog box can change the size of the  child  widget.
		      If False, indicates that the attached dialog box cannot change the size of the child widget.

Widget-Specific Attributes
       Attribute Name		     Data Type	 Default
       DwtNdefaultHorizontalOffset   int	 Zero
       DwtNdefaultVerticalOffset     int	 Zero
       DwtNrubberPositioning	     Boolean	 False
       DwtNfractionBase 	     int	 100

		      Specifies  the  default horizontal offset for right and left attachments.  The offset determines the amount of space between
		      the left or right side of a child widget and the side or position to which it is attached.

		      Specifies the default vertical offset for the top and bottom attachments.  The offset determines the amount of space between
		      the top or bottom side of a child widget and the side or position to which it is attached.

		      Specifies  a boolean value that, when False, indicates that the child widget left and top sides default to being attached to
		      the left and top of the attached dialog box.  If True, the child widget sides default to being attached to the left and  top
		      of the attached dialog box.

		      Specifies the denominator used in specifying fractional positioning.

Return Values
       These functions return the ID of the created widget.

Callback Information
       The following structure is returned to your callback:
       typedef struct {
				  int reason;
				  XEvent *event;
       } DwtAnyCallbackStruct;

       The  reason member is set to a constant that represents the reason why this callback was invoked.  For this callback, the reason member can
       be set to:

       DwtCRMap 	    The attached  dialog  box
			    is about to be mapped.

       DwtCRHelpRequested   The user selected Help.

       The  event  member  is a pointer to the Xlib structure XEvent, which describes the event that generated this callback.  This structure is a
       union of the individual structures declared for each event type.  For information on XEvent and event processing, see the Guide to the Xlib
       Library: C Language Binding.

See Also
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit: C Language Binding
       Guide to the XUI Toolkit Intrinsics: C Language Binding

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