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traceon(3cur) [ultrix man page]

traceon(3cur)															     traceon(3cur)

       traceon, traceoff - enable or disable debug trace output



       These functions turn the debugging trace output on and off when you use the debug version of the library


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printw(3cur)															      printw(3cur)

       printw, mvprintw, mvwprintw, wprintw - formatted write to a window

       #include <cursesX.h>

       int printw(fmt [, arg] ...)
       char *fmt;

       int wprintw(win, fmt [, arg] ...)
       WINDOW *win;
       char *fmt;

       int mvprintw(y, x, fmt [, arg] ...)
       int y, x;
       char *fmt;

       int mvwprintw(win, y, x, fmt [, arg] ...)
       WINDOW *win;
       int y, x;
       char *fmt;

       The  routine  adds  a string to the default window starting at the current cursor position.  This routine causes the string that would nor-
       mally be output by to be output by

       The routine adds a string to the specified window starting at the current cursor position.  This routine causes the string that would  nor-
       mally be output by to be output by

       The  routine adds a string to the default window starting at the specified cursor position.  This routine causes the string that would nor-
       mally be output by to be output by

       The routine adds a string to the specified window starting at the specified cursor position.  This routine causes  the  string  that  would
       normally be output by to be output by

       All  these  routines  are analogous to It is advisable to use the field width options of to avoid leaving unwanted characters on the screen
       from earlier calls.

Return Values
       The and functions return OK on success and ERR on error.

See Also
       addstr(3cur), waddstr(3cur), printf(3s)

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