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newwin(3cur) [ultrix man page]

newwin(3cur)															      newwin(3cur)

       newwin - create new window

       #include <cursesX.h>

       WINDOW *newwin(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)
       int nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x;

       The function creates a new window with the number of lines, and columns, The upper left corner of the window is at line column

       If either or is zero, they will be defaulted to LINES - and COLS - A new full-screen window is created by calling

Return Values
       On success the function returns a pointer to the new WINDOW structure created.  On failure the function returns a null pointer.


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derwin(3XCURSES)					  X/Open Curses Library Functions					  derwin(3XCURSES)

derwin, newwin, subwin - create a new window or subwindow SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -I /usr/xpg4/include -L /usr/xpg4/lib -R /usr/xpg4/lib -lcurses [ library... ] c89 [ flag... ] file... -lcurses [ library... ] #include <curses.h> WINDOW *derwin(WINDOW *orig, int nlines, int ncols, int begin_y, int begin_x); WINDOW *newwin(int nlines, int ncols, int begin_y, int begin_x); WINDOW *subwin(WINDOW *orig, int nlines, int ncols, int begin_y, int begin_x); DESCRIPTION
The derwin() function creates a subwindow within window orig, with the specified number of lines and columns, and upper left corner posi- tioned at begin_x, begin_y relative to window orig. A pointer to the new window structure is returned. The newwin() function creates a new window with the specified number of lines and columns and upper left corner positioned at begin_x, begin_y. A pointer to the new window structure is returned. A full-screen window can be created by calling newwin(0,0,0,0). If the number of lines specified is zero, newwin() uses a default value of LINES minus begin_y; if the number of columns specified is zero, newwin() uses the default value of COLS minus begin_x. The subwin() function creates a subwindow within window orig, with the specified number of lines and columns, and upper left corner posi- tioned at begin_x, begin_y (relative to the physical screen, not to window orig). A pointer to the new window structure is returned. The original window and subwindow share character storage of the overlapping area (each window maintains its own pointers, cursor location, and other items). This means that characters and attributes are identical in overlapping areas regardless of which window characters are written to. When using subwindows, it is often necessary to call touchwin(3XCURSES) before wrefresh(3XCURSES) to maintain proper screen contents. PARAMETERS
orig Is a pointer to the parent window for the newly created subwindow. nlines Is the number of lines in the subwindow. ncols Is the number of columns in the subwindow. begin_y Is the y (row) coordinate of the upper left corner of the subwindow, relative to the parent window. begin_x Is the x (column) coordinate of the upper left corner of the subwindow, relative to the parent window. RETURN VALUES
On success, these functions return a pointer to the newly-created window. Otherwise, they return ERR. ERRORS
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
doupdate(3XCURSES), is_linetouched(3XCURSES), libcurses(3XCURSES), attributes(5), standards(5) SunOS 5.10 5 Jun 2002 derwin(3XCURSES)
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