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mvwin(3cur) [ultrix man page]

mvwin(3cur)															       mvwin(3cur)

       mvwin - move window

       mvwin(win, y, x)
       WINDOW *win;
       int y, x;

       Move the window so that the upper left corner will be at position (It is an error to move the window off the screen.  If you try to do this
       the window is not moved.


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mvwin(3XCURSES) 					  X/Open Curses Library Functions					   mvwin(3XCURSES)

mvwin - move window SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -I /usr/xpg4/include -L /usr/xpg4/lib -R /usr/xpg4/lib -lcurses [ library... ] c89 [ flag... ] file... -lcurses [ library... ] #include <curses.h> int mvwin(WINDOW *win, int y, int x); PARAMETERS
win Is a pointer to the window to move. y Is the y (row) coordinate of the upper left corner of the window. x Is the x (column) coordinate of the upper left corner of the window. DESCRIPTION
The mvwin() function moves the specified window (or subwindow), placing its upper left corner at the positions specified by x and y. The entire window must fit within the physical boundaries of the screen or an error results. In the case of a subwindow, the window must remain within the boundaries of the parent window. RETURN VALUES
On success, the mvwin() function returns OK. Otherwise, it returns ERR. ERRORS
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
derwin(3XCURSES), libcurses(3XCURSES), attributes(5), standards(5) SunOS 5.10 5 Jun 2002 mvwin(3XCURSES)
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