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swab(3) [ultrix man page]

swab(3) 						     Library Functions Manual							   swab(3)

       swab - swap bytes

       void swab(from, to, nbytes)
       char *from, *to;

       The subroutine copies nbytes bytes pointed to by from to the position pointed to by to, exchanging adjacent even and odd bytes.	It is use-
       ful for carrying binary data between machines.  The nbytes should be even.


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swab(3) 						     Library Functions Manual							   swab(3)

swab - Swaps bytes LIBRARY
Standard C Library (, libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> void swab( const void *src, void *dest, ssize_t nbytes); The following definition of the swab() function does not conform to current standards and is supported only for System V compatibility: void swab( const char *from, char *to, int nbytes); STANDARDS
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to industry standards as follows: swab(): XPG4, XPG4-UNIX Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information about industry standards and associated tags. PARAMETERS
Points to the location of the string to copy. Points to the location to which the resulting string is copied. Specifies the number of bytes to be copied. The nbytes parameter should have an even value. When the nbytes parameter is odd, the swab() function uses nbytes-1 instead. For the System V version of the swab() function, nbytes must also be non-negative. If nbytes is negative, nothing is done. DESCRIPTION
The swab() function copies the number of bytes specified by the nbytes parameter from the location pointed to by the src parameter to the array pointed to by the dest parameter, exchanging adjacent bytes. If copying takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined. RELATED INFORMATION
Standards: standards(5) delim off swab(3)
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