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sigsetjmp(3) [ultrix man page]

sigsetjmp(3)						     Library Functions Manual						      sigsetjmp(3)

       sigsetjmp, siglongjmp - nonlocal goto

       #include <setjmp.h>

       sigsetjmp(env, savemask)
       sigjmp_buf env;

       void siglongjmp(env, val)
       sigjmp_buf env;

       These routines deal with errors and interrupts encountered in a low-level subroutine of a program.

       The  subroutine	saves its stack environment in env for later use by It returns a value of 0.  If the value of the savemask argument is not
       zero, the subroutine also saves the process' current signal mask as part of the calling environment.

       The subroutine restores the environment saved by the last call of with the supplied env buffer.	If the env argument was initialized  by  a
       call to the subroutine with a nonzero savemask argument, the subroutine restores the saved signal mask.	It then returns in such a way that
       execution continues as if the call of had just returned the value val to the subroutine that invoked which must not itself have returned in
       the  interim.   However, cannot cause to return the value 0. If is invoked with a val of 0, returns a value of 1.  All accessible data have
       values as of the time was called.

       The subroutine does not save the current notion of whether the process is executing on the signal stack.  When you invoke  the  subroutine,
       the signal stack is left in an incorrect state.

See Also
       sigstack(2), sigvec(2), signal(3), sigprocmask(3)


Check Out this Related Man Page

LONGJMP(3)							 Library functions							LONGJMP(3)

longjmp, siglongjmp - non-local jump to a saved stack context SYNOPSIS
#include <setjmp.h> void longjmp(jmp_buf env, int val); void siglongjmp(sigjmp_buf env, int val); DESCRIPTION
longjmp() and setjmp() are useful for dealing with errors and interrupts encountered in a low-level subroutine of a program. longjmp() restores the environment saved by the last call of setjmp() with the corresponding env argument. After longjmp() is completed, program execution continues as if the corresponding call of setjmp() had just returned the value val. longjmp() cannot cause 0 to be returned. If longjmp is invoked with a second argument of 0, 1 will be returned instead. siglongjmp() is similar to longjmp() except for the type of its env argument. If the sigsetjmp() call that set this env used a nonzero savesigs flag, siglongjmp() also restores the set of blocked signals. RETURN VALUE
These functions never return. CONFORMING TO
POSIX does not specify whether longjmp will restore the signal context. If you want to save and restore signal masks, use siglongjmp. longjmp() and siglongjmp() make programs hard to understand and maintain. If possible an alternative should be used. SEE ALSO
setjmp(3), sigsetjmp(3) 1997-03-02 LONGJMP(3)
Man Page

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