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setpgid(3) [ultrix man page]

setpgid(3)						     Library Functions Manual							setpgid(3)

       setpgid - set process group (POSIX)

       #include <sys/types.h>
       setpgid(pid, pgrp)
       pid_t pid, pgrp;

       The  function is used to either join an existing process group or create a new process group within the session of the calling process (see
       Upon successful completion, the process group ID of the process that has a process ID which matches pid is set to pgrp.	If  pid  is  zero,
       then the call applies to the current process. In addition, if pgrp is zero, the process ID of the indicated process is used.

       This function is available only in the POSIX environment.

Return Values
       The  function  returns 0 when the operation is successful.  If the request fails, -1 is returned and the global variable indicates the rea-

       The function fails and the process group is not altered if one of the following occurs:

       [EACCES]       The value of the pid argument matches the process ID of a child process of the calling process and  the  child  process  has
		      successfully executed an function.

       [EINVAL]       The value of the pgrp argument is less than zero or is not a supported value.

       [EPERM]	      The process indicated by the pid argument is a session leader.

		      The  value of the pid argument matches the process ID of a child process of the calling process and the child process is not
		      in the same session as the calling process.

		      The value of the pgrp argument does not match the process ID of the process indicated by the pid argument and  there  is	no
		      process with a process group ID that matches the value of the pgrp argument in the same session as the calling process.

       [ESRCH]	      The  value  of  the  pid	argument  does	not  match the process ID of the calling process of a child process of the calling

See Also
       getpgrp(2), setsid(2)


Check Out this Related Man Page

SETPGID(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual							SETPGID(2)

setpgid, setpgrp -- set process group LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> int setpgid(pid_t pid, pid_t pgrp); int setpgrp(pid_t pid, pid_t pgrp); DESCRIPTION
setpgid() sets the process group of the specified process pid to the specified pgrp. If pid is zero, then the call applies to the current process. If pgrp is zero, then the process id of the process specified by pid is used instead. If the invoker is not the super-user, then the affected process must have the same effective user-id as the invoker or be a descendant of the invoking process. RETURN VALUES
setpgid() returns 0 when the operation was successful. If the request failed, -1 is returned and the global variable errno indicates the reason. ERRORS
setpgid() will fail and the process group will not be altered if: [EACCES] The value of the pid argument matches the process ID of a child process of the calling process, and the child process has successfully executed one of the exec functions. [EINVAL] The value of the pgrp argument is less than zero. [EPERM] The effective user ID of the requested process is different from that of the caller and the process is not a descendant of the calling process. [ESRCH] The value of the pid argument does not match the process ID of the calling process or of a child process of the calling process. SEE ALSO
getpgrp(2) STANDARDS
The setpgid() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990 (``POSIX.1''). COMPATIBILITY
setpgrp() is identical to setpgid(), and is retained for calling convention compatibility with historical versions of BSD. BSD
December 18, 2003 BSD
Man Page

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