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pfopen(3) [ultrix man page]

pfopen(3)						     Library Functions Manual							 pfopen(3)

       pfopen - open a packet filter file

       pfopen(ifname, flags)
       char *ifname;
       int flags;

       The  packet filter (see ) provides raw access to Ethernets and similar network data link layers.  The routine is used to open a packet fil-
       ter file descriptor.  The routine hides various details about the way packet filter files are opened and named.

       The ifname argument is a pointer to a null-terminated string containing the name of the interface for which the application is opening  the
       packet filter.  This name may be the name of an actual interface on the system (for example, ``de0'', ``qe2'') or it may be a pseudo-inter-
       face name of the form ``pfn'', used to specify the nth interface attached to the system.  For example, ``pf0''  specifies  the  first  such
       interface.  If ifname is NULL, the default interface (``pf0'') is used.

       The flags argument has the same meaning as the corresponding argument to the system call.

       The file descriptor returned by is otherwise identical to one returned by

       The routine returns a negative integer if the file could not be opened.	This may be because of resource limitations, or because the speci-
       fied interface does not exist.

       If there are a lot of packet filter applications in use, the routine might take a while.

See Also
       open(2), packetfilter(4)
       The Packet Filter:  An Efficient Mechanism for User Level Network Code


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pfconfig(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       pfconfig(8)

pfconfig - Configure packet filter parameters SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/pfconfig [+/-p[romisc]] [+/-c[opyall]] [-b[acklog] nnn] [-a[ll]] [interface-name...] DESCRIPTION
The pfconfig command allows the system manager to configure certain parameters of the packet filter driver (see packetfilter(7)). These parameters are configured separately for each interface; the interfaces are specified by name on the command line (for example, ln0, and ni1). If more than one interface is specified, they are all given the same settings. Alternatively, you can specify -all to configure all the packet-filter interfaces on the system. You can set the following parameters with pfconfig: Allows packet filter users to set the interface into promiscuous mode (receives all packets). Whenever there is at least one packet filter descriptor open with the ENPROMISC mode bit set, the interface is put into promis- cuous mode. When no such descriptors are in use, the interface is returned to normal mode. The interface is no longer put into promiscu- ous mode on behalf of packet filter users; if the interface is in promiscuous mode when this command is given, it is returned to normal mode. (The superuser may use ifconfig(8) to control promiscuous mode, overriding the mode set by non-superusers. This is the default set- ting.) Allows packet filter users to set the interface into copy-all mode (receives packets sent/received by the kernel-resident protocol software [for example, IP, ARP, DECnet, LAT] on this host). Whenever there is at least one packet filter descriptor open with the ENCOPYALL mode bit set, the interface is put into copy-all mode. When no such descriptors are in use, the interface is returned to normal mode. The interface is no longer put into copy-all mode on behalf of packet filter users; if the interface is in copy-all mode when this command is given, it is returned to normal mode. (The superuser may use ifconfig(8) to control copy-all mode, overriding the mode set by non-supe- rusers. This is the default setting.) Sets the maximum backlog (packet filter input queue length) for non-superuser descriptors to the specified number. When a descriptor is opened, it is given a queue length limit of two. An application can increase this backlog using the EIOCSETW ioctl request. Superusers are allowed to increase their backlog up to a system-wide maximum; non-superusers are allowed to increase their backlog only up to the maximum set by this program. Note that allowing too large a backlog may result in vast amounts of kernel memory being tied up in the packet filter driver queues. If no configuration parameters are specified, the pfconfig command displays the current packet filter configuration for the network interfaces. Only the superuser may use this command to change the configuration. DIAGNOSTICS
PACKETFILTER option is not built into the running kernel Explanation: Packetfilter support is not built into the kernel. Reconfigure the kernel with the packetfilter option. pfopen: xxx: No such device Explanation: The specified network device does not exist on the system, or no pfilt minor devices exist in the /dev/pf directory. pfconfig: your system may not be properly configured; see "man packetfilter" Explanation: No pfilt minor devices exist in the /dev/pf directory. pfconfig: either network interface 'xxx' is down, or your system may not be properly configured; see "man packfilter" Explanation: The specified network device is not up and running. pfconfig: either all of your network interfaces are down, or your system may not be properly configured; see "man packfilter" Explanation: No network devices are up and running. SEE ALSO
Commands: intro(1), netstat(1), pfstat(1), ifconfig(8) Files: inet.local(4), bpf(7), packetfilter(7) pfconfig(8)
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