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l64a(3) [ultrix man page]

a64l(3) 						     Library Functions Manual							   a64l(3)

       a64l, l64a - convert long integer and base-64 ASCII string

       long a64l (s)
       char *s;

       char *l64a (l)
       long l;

       These  functions  are used to maintain numbers stored in base-64 ASCII characters.  This is a notation by which long integers can be repre-
       sented by up to six characters; each character represents a ``digit'' in a radix-64 notation.

       The characters used to represent ``digits'' are .  for 0, / for 1, 0 through 9 for 2-11, A through Z for 12-37, and a through z for 38-63.

       The subroutine takes a pointer to a null-terminated base-64 representation and returns a corresponding long value.  If the  string  pointed
       to by s contains more than six characters, will use the first six.

       The  subroutine	takes  a long argument and returns a pointer to the corresponding base-64 representation.  If the argument is 0, returns a
       pointer to a null string.

       The value returned by is a pointer into a static buffer, the contents of which are overwritten by each call.


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a64l(3C)																  a64l(3C)

a64l(), l64a() - convert between long integer and base-64 ASCII string SYNOPSIS
Obsolescent Interface DESCRIPTION
These functions are used to maintain numbers stored in base-64 ASCII characters. This is a notation by which long integers can be repre- sented by up to six characters; each character represents a "digit" in a radix-64 notation. The characters used to represent "digits" are for 0, for 1, through for 2-11, through for 12-37, and through for 38-63. The leftmost character is the least significant digit. For example, a0 = (38 x 64^0) + (2 x 64^1) = 166 takes a pointer to a null-terminated base-64 representation and returns a corresponding value. If the string pointed to by s contains more than six characters, uses the first six. takes a argument and returns a pointer to the corresponding base-64 representation. If the argument is 0, returns a pointer to a null string. Obsolescent Interface converts between long integer and base-64 ASCII string. WARNINGS
The value returned by is a pointer into a buffer, the contents of which are overwritten subsequent calls by the same thread. is an obsolescent interface supported only for compatibility with existing DCE applications. New multithreaded applications should use SEE ALSO
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