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alarm(3) [ultrix man page]

alarm(3)						     Library Functions Manual							  alarm(3)

       alarm - schedule signal after specified time

       #include <unistd.h>

       unsigned alarm(seconds)
       unsigned seconds;

       The  subroutine	causes signal SIGALRM, see to be sent to the invoking process in a number of seconds given by the argument.  Unless caught
       or ignored, the signal terminates the process.

       The requests are not stacked.  Successive calls reset the alarm clock.  If the argument is 0, any request is canceled.  Because of schedul-
       ing delays, resumption of execution of when the signal is caught may be delayed an arbitrary amount.  The longest specifiable delay time is
       100000000 seconds. Values larger than 100000000 will be silently rounded down to 100000000.

       The return value is the amount of time previously remaining in the alarm clock.

       When your program is compiled using the System V environment, rounds up any positive fraction of a second to the next second.

       When your program is compiled using the POSIX environment, takes a parameter of type unsigned, and returns a value of type unsigned.

See Also
       getitimer(2), sigpause(2), sigvec(2), signal(3), sleep(3)


Check Out this Related Man Page

ALARM(2)						     Linux Programmer's Manual							  ALARM(2)

alarm - set an alarm clock for delivery of a signal SYNOPSIS
#include <unistd.h> unsigned int alarm(unsigned int seconds); DESCRIPTION
alarm arranges for a SIGALRM signal to be delivered to the process in seconds seconds. If seconds is zero, no new alarm is scheduled. In any event any previously set alarm is cancelled. RETURN VALUE
alarm returns the number of seconds remaining until any previously scheduled alarm was due to be delivered, or zero if there was no previ- ously scheduled alarm. NOTES
alarm and setitimer share the same timer; calls to one will interfere with use of the other. sleep() may be implemented using SIGALRM; mixing calls to alarm() and sleep() is a bad idea. Scheduling delays can, as ever, cause the execution of the process to be delayed by an arbitrary amount of time. CONFORMING TO
setitimer(2), signal(2), sigaction(2), gettimeofday(2), select(2), pause(2), sleep(3) Linux 1993-07-21 ALARM(2)
Man Page

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