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settimeofday(2) [ultrix man page]

gettimeofday(2) 						System Calls Manual						   gettimeofday(2)

       gettimeofday, settimeofday - get or set date and time

       #include <sys/time.h>

       gettimeofday(tp, tzp)
       struct timeval *tp;
       struct timezone *tzp;

       settimeofday(tp, tzp)
       struct timeval *tp;
       struct timezone *tzp;

       The  system  call returns the system's notion of the current Greenwich time and the current time zone.  Time returned is expressed relative
       in seconds and microseconds since midnight January 1, 1970.

       The structures pointed to by tp and tzp are defined in <sys/time.h> as:

       struct timeval {
	    long tv_sec;	/* seconds since Jan. 1, 1970 */
	    long tv_usec;  /* and microseconds */

       struct timezone {
	    int  tz_minuteswest;     /* of Greenwich */
	    int  tz_dsttime;	/* type of dst correction to apply */

       The timezone structure indicates the local time zone (measured in minutes of time westward from Greenwich), and a flag  that,  if  nonzero,
       indicates that Daylight Saving time applies locally during the appropriate part of the year.

       Only the superuser can set the time of day.

Return Values
       A  0  return  value  indicates  that  the call succeeded.  A -1 return value indicates an error occurred, and in this case an error code is
       stored into the global variable errno.

       The call fails under the following conditions:

       [EFAULT]       An argument address referenced invalid memory.

       [EPERM]	      A user other than the superuser attempted to set the time.

See Also
       date(1), stime(2), ctime(3)


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GETTIMEOFDAY(2) 						System Calls Manual						   GETTIMEOFDAY(2)

gettimeofday, settimeofday - get/set date and time SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/time.h> gettimeofday(tp, tzp) struct timeval *tp; struct timezone *tzp; settimeofday(tp, tzp) struct timeval *tp; struct timezone *tzp; DESCRIPTION
The system's notion of the current Greenwich time and the current time zone is obtained with the gettimeofday call, and set with the set- timeofday call. The time is expressed in seconds and microseconds since midnight (0 hour), January 1, 1970. The resolution of the system clock is hardware dependent, and the time may be updated continuously or in ``ticks.'' If tzp is zero, the time zone information will not be returned or set. The structures pointed to by tp and tzp are defined in <sys/time.h> as: struct timeval { long tv_sec; /* seconds since Jan. 1, 1970 */ long tv_usec; /* and microseconds */ }; struct timezone { int tz_minuteswest; /* of Greenwich */ int tz_dsttime; /* type of dst correction to apply */ }; The timezone structure indicates the local time zone (measured in minutes of time westward from Greenwich), and a flag that, if nonzero, indicates that Daylight Saving time applies locally during the appropriate part of the year. Only the super-user may set the time of day or time zone. RETURN
A 0 return value indicates that the call succeeded. A -1 return value indicates an error occurred, and in this case an error code is stored into the global variable errno. ERRORS
The following error codes may be set in errno: [EFAULT] An argument address referenced invalid memory. [EPERM] A user other than the super-user attempted to set the time. SEE ALSO
date(1), adjtime(2), ctime(3), timed(8) 4th Berkeley Distribution May 14, 1986 GETTIMEOFDAY(2)
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