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dxterm(1x) [ultrix man page]

dxterm(1X)																dxterm(1X)

       dxterm - DECwindows terminal emulator

       dxterm [ options]

       The  dxterm command displays a window that provides Digital VT320 terminal emulation and a standard terminal type for programs not aware of
       the X Window System directly.  The terminal emulator also supports the ReGIS and sixel graphics protocols.

       -customization string
			   Specifies a value for a dxterm resource that overrides a default setting.  The string has the form resource:value.  You
			   can	specify  this option multiple times to change multiple resources.  See X DEFAULTS for a list of resources that can
			   be changed.	You can specify both dxterm and shell resources as *resource.

       -d dispname	   Specifies the display screen on which dxterm displays its window.  If the display option is not specified, dxterm  uses
			   the	display screen specified by your DISPLAY environment variable.	The display option has the format hostname:number.
			   Using two colons (::) instead of one (:) indicates that DECnet is to be used for transport.	The default  is  :0.   For
			   more information, see

       -display dispname   Is the same as the -d option.

       -e command [ options ]
			   Specifies that the named command, and any of its specified options, be executed in the dxterm window when the window is
			   first created.  This option must appear last on the dxterm command line.

       -geometry	   Specifies the width, length, and location of the dxterm window, in pixels.  If this option  is  not	specified,  dxterm
			   positions  the  window  at  a default location and sizes the window according to the number of rows and columns and the
			   size of the characters.  To specify the window size in rows and columns, use the -size option, which does  not  require
			   knowledge  of  character  size.   The  geometry option has the format [widthxlength][{+-}x{+-}y].  For more information
			   about the screen coordinate system, see

       -ls		   Specifies that dxterm create a login shell rather than a subshell.

       -setup file	   Specifies the setup file or files that provide parameters that control the terminal's initial settings.  This must be a
			   file  saved	by  the Customize/Save function in dxterm.  The default is ~/default.DECterm. Specify -setup "" to prevent
			   default.DECterm from being read.

       -size CxR	   Specifies the size of the dxterm window in columns (C) and rows (R).

       -xrm string	   Is the same as the  -customization option.

       The menu bar contains the following items:


Commands Menu
       The Commands menu contains the following items:

       Secure Keyboard		Prevents processes other than the owner process from accessing the keyboard.

       Clear Lines Off Top	Erases data recorded by dxterm from the top of the scrolling area.

       Clear display		Clears the display and positions the cursor at the first column and first line of the display.

       Resize window		Changes the size of the window to match the display so that all characters in the display are visible.

       Clear Comm		Clears the communication buffers.

       Reset Terminal		Resets the emulator to the original settings; for example, sets the keyboard action mode to unlocked and the  key-
				pad mode to numeric.

       Clear Communications	Clears the communication buffers.

       Quit			Shuts down the terminal emulator application (removes all its windows, stops the process running the emulator, and
				ends any applications).

Edit Menu
       The Edit menu contains the following items:

       Copy			Copies the text selected from the dxterm window onto the clipboard.

       Paste			Pastes text selected from the clipboard into the dxterm window, as if it had been typed.

       Select All		Selects all displayed text.

Customize Menu
       The dxterm setup features are grouped into a number of related categories.  The Customize menu lets you access the dialog box for  each	of
       these categories (these correspond to VT320 Set-Up screens).

       The Customize menu contains the following items:

       Window...		Displays the Window Customize dialog box, which contains controls that affect the window features.

       Display...		Displays  the  Display	Customize dialog box, which contains controls that affect the format of the user's current

       General...		Displays the General Customize dialog box, which contains controls for commonly changed Customize features.

       Keyboard...		Displays the Keyboard Customize dialog box, which contains controls for keyboard operating features.

       7-Bit NRCS Selection...	Allows you to specify a 7-bit National Replacement Character Set (NRCS).

       Graphics...		Displays the Graphics Customize dialog box that contains controls for ReGIS and sixel graphics.

       Use Last Saved Settings	Restores the setup configuration from the most recently read or written  saved	setup  file  (corresponds  to  NVR
				recall on a VT320 terminal).

       Use System Defaults	Reinitializes the terminal emulator with the system default characteristics defined by your system.

       Use Saved Settings From...
				Opens a different saved setup configuration.  The standard DECwindows file selection dialog box appears, showing a
				list of saved setup files in the current directory.  Selecting one of these files and clicking on OK  (or  double-
				clicking on the file) reinitializes the terminal emulator with the configuration stored in that file.

       Save Current Settings	Saves the current setting.  If you do not specify a file, dxterm writes to the file ~/default.DECterm.

       Save Current Settings As...
				Saves the current settings in the file you specify.

Customize Dialog Boxes
       The  Customize  dialog boxes represent the state of the terminal.  At application startup, the previously saved state of most terminal fea-
       tures is read from a saved set-up file (which corresponds to VT320 NVR); these feature settings remain constant until you explicitly change
       them.   You can change terminal operating features directly by means of the Customize dialog boxes.  You can also change some of these fea-
       tures indirectly by means of control functions from the host.

       There are a few terminal features whose state is not stored in a saved setup file.  These features are restored to  their  factory  default
       values at application startup, or when you reset the terminal (with Reset Terminal or DECSTR).

Window Customize Dialog Box
       The Window Customize dialog box lets you change the following display attributes:

       Auto Resize Terminal	   Changes the terminal size to match the window size automatically whenever the window size changes.

       Auto Resize Window	   Changes the window size to match the terminal size automatically whenever the terminal size changes.

       Terminal Driver Resize	   Changes  the terminal size to match the size known to the terminal driver whenever the size changes in the ter-
				   minal driver, and vice versa.

       Big Font 		   Displays an 18-point font.

       Little Font		   Displays a 14-point font.

       Normal Font (80 Columns)    Sets a font to a column width of 80 characters.

       Condensed Font (132 Columns)
				   Sets a font to a column width of 132 characters.

       Normal/80, Condensed/132    Adjusts the font to match the width of the terminal automatically.

       Window Title		   Changes the title displayed in the title bar.

       Icon Name		   Changes the title displayed in the icon box.

       Terminal Size		   Sets the number of rows and columns that are displayed.  You can select 24, 48, or 72 rows and 80 or  132  col-
				   umns, or enter a custom size in the numeric entry fields.

Display Customize Dialog Box
       The Display Customize dialog box lets you change the following display attributes:

       Record Lines Off Top	   Saves  lines  that  are scrolled off the top of the display.  When you choose Record Lines Off Top, a filled-in
				   button appears to the left of the menu selection.

       Vertical Scroll Bar	   Displays a vertical scroll bar along the right side of the dxterm window.

       Horizontal Scroll Bar	   Displays a horizontal scroll bar along the bottom of the dxterm window.

       Vertical Cursor Coupling    Specifies that the window scrolls vertically so that the cursor is visible.

       Horizontal Cursor Coupling  Specifies that the window scrolls horizontally so that the cursor is visible.

       Auto Wrap		   Specifies that when the cursor reaches the right margin, new characters are displayed on the next line.  If you
				   do  not automatically wrap text, when the cursor reaches the right margin each new character deletes the previ-
				   ous character.

       Display Cursor		   Specifies whether the cursor is displayed.  The default is to display the cursor.

       Cursor Blink		   Specifies whether the cursor blinks.  The default is to have the cursor blink.

       Batch Scroll nnn Lines	   Specifies how many lines scroll at the same time.  Increasing the Batch Scroll count improves  performance  but
				   makes it harder to read text while it is scrolling.

       Record nnn Lines Off Top    Specifies  how  many  lines	to save when they scroll off the top of the display (when the Record Lines Off Top
				   item is enabled).

       Dark Text, Light Background Sets dark text on a light background display.

       Light Text, Dark Background Sets light text on a dark background display.

       No Status Display	   Suppresses the status line at the bottom of the window.

       Host Status Display	   Specifies that a host-writable status line appears at the bottom of the window.

       Block Cursor		   Specifies that the text cursor is a block that covers the character cell.

       Underline Cursor 	   Specifies that the text cursor is an underline at the bottom of the character cell.

General Customize Dialog Box
       The General Customize dialog box lets you change the following general attributes:

       Newline			   Turns on new line mode (NLM), which causes the Return key to send a line feed as well as a carriage return.	 A
				   line feed character moves the cursor to the start of the line as well as advancing it to the next line.

       Lock UDKs		   Locks the user-defined keys so that the host system cannot change these definitions.

       Lock User Features	   Stops the host from changing your customized settings for the Auto Repeat key and the Foreground and Background

       Normal Cursor Keys	   Specifies that the arrow keys are set to the characters labeled on the keycaps.  The keys are not mapped to any
				   other functions.

       Appl Cursor Keys 	   Specifies that the arrow keys are mapped to application-specific functions.

       Terminal ID		   Specifies  the  device  attributes response (Terminal ID).  The device attributes response lets the host system
				   know specific operating attributes of the terminal.	The Terminal ID can be one of the following:

					  VT 320
					  VT 330
					  VT 340
					  DECterm ID
				     The default is DECterm ID.

       Numeric Keypad		   Specifies that the numeric keypad is set to the characters labeled on the keycaps.

       Application Keypad	   Specifies that the application keypad is set to function as user-defined keys.

       UPSS DEC Supplemental	   Specifies that dxterm use the DEC Multinational Character Set.  To use this character set,  set  the  Character
				   Set mode menu item to 8-bit Characters.  The default is the DEC Multinational Character Set.

       UPSS ISO Latin-1 	   Specifies  that dxterm use the International Standards Organization (ISO) Character Set.  To use this character
				   set, set the Character Set mode menu item to 8-bit Characters.

       8-bit Multinational Characters
				   Specifies the character set mode to be 8 bits for use with the DEC Supplemental or ISO Latin-1  Character  Set.
				   The default is 8-bit character mode.

       7-bit NRCS Characters	   Specifies  the  character  set  mode  to  be  7 bits for use with the National Replacement Character Sets.  The
				   default is 8-bit character mode.

       VT300 Mode, 8-bit Controls  Specifies that the terminal operates in VT300 mode and transmits 8-bit control characters.

       VT300 Mode, 7-bit Controls  Specifies that the terminal operates in VT300 mode and transmits 7-bit control characters.

       VT100 Mode		   Specifies that the terminal operates in VT100 mode, using 7-bit characters for both input and output.

       VT52 Mode		   Specifies that the terminal operates in VT52 mode, using 7-bit characters for both input and output.

Keyboard Customize Dialog Box
       The Keyboard Customize dialog box lets you change the following display attributes:

       Warning bell		   Specifies whether the warning bell sounds when dxterm receives a BEL character (ASCII 7).  The default is  that
				   the bell sounds.

       Margin Bell		   Specifies  whether  the  warning  bell sounds when the cursor reaches the right margin. The default is that the
				   bell does not sound.

       Auto Repeat		   Specifies whether a character repeats or does not repeat when you hold the key down.  If you set the Lock  User
				   Feature menu item, the host system cannot change this setting.

       Ctrl-Q, Ctrl-S = Hold	   Specifies  that  the  Ctrl-S  and  Ctrl-Q  keys freeze and unfreeze the display.  If this is not specified, the
				   Ctrl-S and Ctrl-Q keys are transmitted to the host as data characters.

       <X] Delete		   Specifies that the back arrow key sends a delete (ASCII 127) character.  Depending on your  terminal  settings,
				   this usually deletes the previous character.  The default back arrow operation sends a delete character.

       <X] Backspace		   Specifies that the back arrow key sends a backspace (ASCII 8, Ctrl/H).  The effect of this character depends on
				   your terminal settings.  The default back arrow operation sends a delete character.

       Comma Key Sends ,,	   Specifies that a comma is displayed when you press the Shift key and comma key on a keyboard  using	the  North
				   American or Dutch keyboard dialect.	This is the default.

       Comma Key Sends ,<	   Specifies  that  a comma is displayed when you press the Shift key and comma key, and that a left angle bracket
				   (<) is displayed when you press just the comma key on a keyboard using the North  American  or  Dutch  keyboard
				   dialect.  The default is to display a comma.

       Tilde Key Sends `~	   Specifies that a  left single quotation mark (`) is displayed when you press the `~ key and that a tilde (~) is
				   displayed when you press the Shift key and `~ key on a keyboard using the  North  American  or  Dutch  keyboard
				   dialect.   This is the default.

       Tilde Key Sends ESC	   Specifies  that  the  `~  key  functions as an escape character (ESC) on a keyboard using the North American or
				   Dutch keyboard dialect.  The default is to display the characters as labeled on the keyboard.

       Angle Brackets Key Sends (<>)
				   Specifies that a left angle bracket (<) is displayed when you press the angle bracket key,  and  that  a  right
				   angle bracket (>) is displayed when you press the Shift key and angle bracket key. This is the default.

       Angle Brackets Key Sends `~ Specifies  that  a left single quotation mark (`) is displayed when you press the angle brackets key and that a
				   tilde (~) is displayed when you press the Shift key and angle brackets key.	The  default  is  to  display  the
				   characters as labeled on the keyboard.

7-bit NRCS Selection Dialog Box
       The 7-bit NRCS Selection dialog box lets you select a National Replacement Character Set (NRCS) for use when the terminal is in 7-bit mode.
       This selection affects output to the terminal, but not keyboard input. To select the keyboard dialect, which does  affect  input,  use  the
       Keyboard  dialog  box  from the Session Manager's Customize menu.  For example, to use the Spanish NRCS, select the keyboard in the Session
       Manager and also select the Spanish NRCS in DECterm.

       To select a character set, click MB1 on the desired entry.  The choices are:

       North American
       Canadian (French)
       Swiss (French)
       Swiss (German)

       The default character set is North American. The Dutch NRCS is no longer supported; selecting Dutch is equivalent to selecting North Ameri-

Graphics Dialog Box
       Share Color Map Entries	   Controls  whether  dxterm  uses  shared,  read-only colors for graphics.  The default is Off, but the option is
				   forced to On if the hardware color map is read-only.

       Enable Backing Store	   Specifies whether dxterm creates a pixmap to allow graphics to be redrawn  when  the  window  is  exposed.  The
				   default is On.

       Report Macrograph Contents  Enables the ReGIS macrograph report command.  The default is Off.

       NN Bit Planes		   Controls  the  number  of  bit  planes  used  for graphics.	VT240 emulation requires 2 planes; VT340 emulation
				   requires 4 planes.  On systems with fewer than 8 hardware planes, the default is 2 planes; on systems with 8 or
				   more hardware planes, the default is 4 planes.

X Defaults
       The dxterm application uses the values in the .Xdefaults file when you logged in and uses the appropriate resource specification to custom-
       ize the appearance or characteristics of its displayed dxterm window.  The format for a resource specification in the .Xdefaults file is:

       [name.]resource:  value

       name	 Specifies the application name or the name string that restricts the resource assignment to that application or to a component of
		 an application.  If this argument is not specified, the resource assignment is globally available to all X applications.

       resource  Specifies the X resource.

       value	 Specifies the value that is to be assigned to the resource.

       In most cases, the period (.) delimiter should be replaced by an asterisk (*).  For more information, see

       Because	each  toolkit-based application can consist of a combination of widgets (for example, push buttons and a scroll bar), you can form
       the name string by adding widget class and name identifiers to the string.

       For dxterm, the application class is DXterm and the application name is the name that was specified on the command line (usually dxterm).

       For dxterm, the available name identifier is terminal.  This name identifier specifies the work area of the dxterm window.

       In addition to the general resources listed in the resources available for the dxterm work area are:

       adjustFontSizes		 Specifies that dxterm selects the normal or condensed font based on the number of columns selected.  The  default
				 is On.

       allowShellResize 	 If On, the program can change the size of the dxterm window.  If Off, you can specify a fixed size with the geom-
				 etry specification. However, DECterm always turns on this resource even  if  you  have  turned  it  off,  because
				 DECterm resizes its window according to the font, the number of rows, and the number of columns.

       angleBracketsKey 	 Specifies the mapping of the angle brackets (<>) key.	Zero maps the key to AngleBrackets(0); 1 maps it to Open-
				 QuoteTilde(1).  The default is 0.

       applicationKeypadMode	 Specifies that the application running in the window take control of the keypad.  The default is false.

       autoRepeatEnable 	 Specifies that autorepeat be enabled.	The default is On.

       autoResizeTerminal	 Specifies that dxterm changes the logical display size to match the window size when the user changes the  window
				 size. The default is Off.

       autoResizeWindow 	 Specifies that the dxterm window automatically resize itself to match the logical display size whenever the logi-
				 cal display size changes.  Note that this may interfere with other windows on the display.

       autoWrapEnable		 Specifies that autowrap mode be enabled. The default is Off.

       backArrowKey		 Specifies the back arrow key code.  This code can be delete(0) or backspace(1). The default is 0.

       backingStoreEnable	 Specifies whether dxterm should create a pixmap to allow graphics to be redrawn when the window is exposed.   The
				 default is On.

       batchScrollCount 	 Specifies  how many lines can be scrolled at once.  The dxterm application never scrolls more than the total num-
				 ber of lines on the screen at once.  The default is 1000.

       bigFontSetName		 Specifies the font used for the "big" font set.  The default is -*-Terminal-*-*-*--18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*.

       bitPlanes		 Controls the number of bit planes used for graphics; 2 planes are needed for VT240 emulation  and  4  planes  for
				 VT340 emulation.  The default is 0, which means to use 2 planes on systems with fewer than 8 hardware planes, and
				 4 planes on systems with 8 or more hardware planes.

       columns			 Specifies the width of the logical display in columns.  The default is 80.

       condensedFont		 Specifies that the condensed font should be used.  The default is to display the normal font (Off).

       controlQSHold		 Specifies that the Ctrl-S and the Ctrl-Q keys hold and release the display.  The default is On.

       couplingHorizontal	 Specifies whether the window moves horizontally to follow the text cursor when the cursor moves outside the  win-
				 dow.  In this way, the cursor is always contained in the window. The default is Off.

       couplingVertical 	 Specifies whether the window moves vertically to follow the text cursor when the cursor moves outside the window.
				 In this way, the cursor is always contained in the window.

       cursorBlinkEnable	 Specifies whether the cursor blinks.  Specify on for a blinking cursor or off for one that does not  blink.   The
				 default is On.

       cursorStyle		 Specifies the cursor style. Specify 0 for a block cursor or 1 for an underline cursor.  The default is 0.

       eightBitCharacters	 Specifies that 8-bit characters are used in the VT300 terminal modes.	If not selected, 7-bit NRCS characters are
				 used.	The default is On.

       fontSetSelection 	 Specifies which font is used.	Specify 1 for little and 0 for big.  The default is 1.

       geometry 		 Specifies the width,length, and location of the dxterm window.  This is the same as the  -geometry  command  line

       iconName 		 Specifies the name in the icon box.

       iconNameWidth		 Specifies the width of the name in the icon box.

       iconic			 Specifies whether the dxterm window is initialized as an icon.

       keyboardDialect		 Selects  the  7-bit national replacement character set (NRCS).  The choices are: North American(0), Flemish(1),
				 French Canadian(2), British(3), Danish(4), Finnish(5), Austrian/German(6), Dutch(7),  Italian(8),  Swiss
				 French(9),  Swiss German(10), Swedish(11), Norwegian(12), Belgian/French(13), Spanish(14), Portuguese(15).
				 The default is 0.

       littleFontSetName	 Specifies the font used for the "little" font set.  The default is -*-Terminal-*-*-*--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

       lockUDK			 Specifies that changes to UDK definitions are prevented.  The default is Off.

       lockUserFeatures 	 Specifies that changes to user features are prevented.  The default is Off.

       macrographReportEnable	 Specifies that the ReGIS macrograph report command is enabled.  The default is Off.

       marginBellEnable 	 Specifies that the margin bell is turned on.  The default is Off.

       newLineMode		 Specifies whether line-feed or newline mode is turned on.  The default is line-feed mode.

       openQuoteTildeKey	 Specifies the mapping of the tilde key (`~).  This mapping can be either ApostropheTilde(0) or Escape(1).   The
				 default is 0.

       periodCommaKeys		 Specifies  the  mapping  of  the  period  and comma keys.  This mapping can be either PeriodComma(0) or Greater-
				 LessThan(1).	The default is 0.

       responseDA		 Specifies the response to a Device Attributes (terminal ID) request.  The terminal ID can  be	VT100(0),  VT101(1), VT102(2), VT125(3), VT220(4), VT240(5), VT320(6), VT330(9), VT340(7), or DECterm(8).  The default is

       reverseVideo		 Specifies that dxterm reverse the color values for foreground and background. The default is Off.

       rows			 Specifies the height of the logical display in rows.  The default is 24.

       saveErasedLines		 Specifies whether dxterm should scroll lines into the transcript instead of erasing them.  The default is On.

       saveLinesOffTop		 Specifies that a transcript of lines be saved off the top of a scrolled display. The default is On.

       screenMode		 Specifies the screen mode.  The screen mode can be dark on light or light on dark.  The default is light on dark.

       scrollHorizontal 	 Specifies that a horizontal scroll bar be displayed in the dxterm window.

       scrollVertical		 Specifies that a vertical scroll bar be displayed in the dxterm window.

       shareColorMapEntries	 Controls whether DECterm uses shared, read-only color map entries for graphics.  The  default	is  Off,  but  the
				 option is forced on if the hardware color map is read-only.

       statusDisplayEnable	 Specifies that the status line be displayed.  The default is false.

       terminalDriverResize	 Specifies  whether   changing	the size of the logical display changes the size known to the terminal driver, and
				 vice versa.  The default is On.

       terminalMode		 Specifies the terminal operating mode.  The terminal operating mode can be VT52(0), VT100(1),  VT300_7bit(2),

       textCursorEnable 	 Specifies that the text cursor be enabled.

       title			 Specifies the name in the title bar.

       transcriptSize		 Specifies the maximum number of lines that can be recorded off the top of the display.  The default is 500.

       userPreferenceSet	 Specifies the user preference set to DEC(0) or ISO(1). The default is 0.

       warningBellEnable	 Specifies that the warning bell be turned on. The default is On.


See Also
       X(1X), dxwm(1X),
       DECwindows Desktop Applications Guide

       For descriptions of VT320, ReGIS and sixel commands, refer to the DECterm Text and Graphics Programming manuals.  These are not part of the
       UWS documentation set; they must be ordered separately.

Man Page