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whom(1mh) [ultrix man page]

whom(1mh)																 whom(1mh)

       whom - report to whom a message is addressed

       whom [ options ] [ file ]

       The  command is used to expand the headers of a message into a set of addresses, and optionally to verify that those addresses are deliver-
       able at that time if -check is given.

       The command is often invoked as one of the options offered by the program when you have finished editing a draft  message.   See  for  more

       If  you	want to run on a named file, you can supply a file argument.  This argument allows you to specify a named file; if you want to run
       on an existing message, use the -draftfolder and -draftmessage options.	If you do not give an absolute pathname (one beginning with a / or
       ./ or ../ ), assumes that the named file is in your current working directory.

       -alias aliasfile
		 Specifies  the  alias file to be consulted by If you have used one or more aliases in your message header, will consult the named
		 file to find those aliases, and will print the full addresses as its output.  You can reference more than one file, but each file
		 name must be preceded by the word -alias.  See for more information.

       -nocheck  Checks  that  the  addresses  are  valid.  makes no guarantees that the addresses listed as being correct are really deliverable:
		 rather, an address being listed as correct means that at the time that was run, the address was thought to be deliverable by  the
		 transport  service.   For local addresses, this means that the local user does exist, and that the address was deliverable at the
		 time of checking.  For network and uucp addresses, it means that the syntax of the address is valid.

       -draft	 Sets the draft message to be the standard file in your Mail directory.

       -draftfolder folder
		 Specifies the folder in which searches for the draft message.	The default is to use the current message  in  the  named  folder.
		 You  can select another message by using the -draftmessage option.  For more information on using a draft folder, see The -draft-
		 folder option is often set up in your user profile; see for more information.

       -draftmessage msg
		 Specifies the draft message to be used.  If you specify a folder with the -draftfolder option, the -draftmessage option takes the
		 number  of a message in that folder.  If you do not specify a folder, -draftmessage takes the name of a file.	If you do not give
		 an absolute pathname (one beginning with a / or ./ or ../ ), -draftmessage assumes that the file is located in your  Mail  direc-

       -help	 Prints a list of the valid options to this command.

       -mts smtp Specifies the format of the addresses to be checked.  The only value allowed is smtp, which checks that addresses are deliverable
		 over the standard ULTRIX mail system.	Additional values are supported only for use with other mail systems.

       The defaults for this command are:

	      file defaults to
	      -alias /usr/lib/mh/MailAliases
	      -mts smtp

       For this version, the -mts option only supports the value smtp.	Additional values are supported for use only with other mail systems.

       In the following example, would use the current message in the folder:
       % whom -draftfolder +drafts
	 smith: address OK

       In the next example, searches for message 2 in the folder
       % whom -draftfolder +drafts -draftmessage 2
	 davis@hostname: address OK

Profile Components
       Path:	       To determine your MH directory (mh-dir)
       Draft-Folder:   To find the default draft-folder
       postproc:       Program to post the message

       The user profile.

See Also
       comp(1mh), mh-alias(5mh), post(8mh)


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WHOM(1)                                                              [nmh-1.5]                                                             WHOM(1)

whom - report to whom a message would go SYNOPSIS
whom [-alias aliasfile] [-check | -nocheck] [-draftfolder +folder] [-draftmessage msg] [-nodraftfolder] [-server servername] [-port port- name/number] [-sasl] [-saslmech mechanism] [-snoop] [-user username] [-tls] [-notls] [file] [-draft] [-version] [-help] DESCRIPTION
Whom is used to expand the headers of a message into a set of addresses and optionally verify that those addresses are deliverable at that time (if -check is given). The -draftfolder +folder and -draftmessage msg switches invoke the nmh draft folder facility. This is an advanced (and highly useful) fea- ture. Consult the mh-draft(5) man page for more information. If nmh is using the SMTP MTA, the -server and the -port switches can be used to override the default mail server (defined by the /etc/nmh/mts.conf servers entry). The -snoop switch can be used to view the SMTP transaction. (Beware that the SMTP transaction may con- tain authentication information either in plaintext or easily decoded base64.) If nmh has been compiled with SASL support, the -sasl switch will enable the use of SASL authentication with the SMTP MTA. Depending on the SASL mechanism used, this may require an additional password prompt from the user (but the ".netrc" file can be used to store this password). -saslmech switch can be used to select a particular SASL mechanism, and the the -user switch can be used to select a authoriza- tion userid to provide to SASL other than the default. If SASL authentication is successful, nmh will attempt to negotiate a security layer for session encryption. Encrypted data is labelled with `(encrypted)' and `(decrypted)' when viewing the SMTP transaction with the -snoop switch. The -saslmaxssf switch can be used to select the maximum value of the Security Strength Factor. This is an integer value and the exact meaning of this value depends on the underlying SASL mechanism. A value of 0 disables encryption. If nmh has been compiled with TLS support, the -tls and -notls switches will require and disable the negotiation of TLS support when con- necting to the SMTP MTA. Encrypted data is labelled with `(tls-encrypted)' and `(tls-decrypted)' when viewing the SMTP transction with the -snoop switch. The files specified by the profile entry "Aliasfile:" and any additional alias files given by the -alias aliasfile switch will be read (more than one file, each preceded by -alias, can be named). See mh-alias(5) for more information. FILES
$HOME/.mh_profile The user profile PROFILE COMPONENTS
Path: To determine the user's nmh directory Draft-Folder: To find the default draft-folder Aliasfile: For a default alias file postproc: Program to post the message SEE ALSO
mh-alias(5), post(8) DEFAULTS
`file' defaults to <mh-dir>/draft `-nocheck' `-alias' defaults to /etc/nmh/MailAliases CONTEXT
With the -check option, whom makes no guarantees that the addresses listed as being ok are really deliverable, rather, an address being listed as ok means that at the time that whom was run the address was thought to be deliverable by the transport service. For local addresses, this is absolute; for network addresses, it means that the host is known; for uucp addresses, it (often) means that the UUCP network is available for use. MH.6.8 11 June 2012 WHOM(1)
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