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gencat(1int) [ultrix man page]

gencat(1int)															      gencat(1int)

       gencat - generate a formatted message catalog

       gencat catalog_file [source_file ...]

       The  command  takes  one or more message source files and either creates a new catalog or merges new message text into an existing catalog.
       You should use the extension for message text files (for example, ) and the extension for catalogs (for example, ) to  process  files  with
       the command.

       In  some  cases, a formatted message catalog exists that has the same name the one that is creating.  When this occurs, merges the messages
       from the source message catalogs into this existing formatted message catalog.  The command merges the source  message  catalogs  into  the
       formatted  message  catalog  in	the same manner as it merges a group of source message catalogs.  If a source message catalog contains the
       same set number or message number as a set or message in the formatted message catalog, the source  message  catalog  set  or  message  has
       precedence.  For example, if both the source and formatted message catalogs contain a message number 25, the message text for message 25 in
       the source message catalog replaces the message text in the formatted message catalog.  Thus, when source message catalogs are merged  with
       formatted message catalogs, the formatted catalogs are updated.

       If you do not specify a source file, the command accepts message source data from standard input.

       Numeric message source files are portable between X/Open systems.

       For information on the source format for messages files, see the Guide to Developing International Software.

       The command does not accept mnemonic identifiers.  You must run the command if you want to use mnemonic identifiers.

See Also
       extract(1int), mkcatdefs(1int), trans(1int), catgets(3int), catopen(3int), intro(3int), environ(5int)
       Guide to Developing International Software


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catgets(3int)															     catgets(3int)

       catgets - read a program message

       #include <nl_types.h>

       char *catgets (catd, set_num, msg_num, s)
       nl_catd catd;
       int set_num, msg_num;
       char *s;

       The  function attempts to read message msg_num in set set_num from the message catalog identified by catd.  The parameter catd is a catalog
       descriptor returned from an earlier call to The pointer, s, points to a default message string.	The function returns the  default  message
       if the identified message catalog is not currently available.

       The function stores the message text it returns in an internal buffer area.  This buffer area might be written over by a subsequent call to
       If you want to re-use or modify the message text, you should copy it to another location.

       The arguments set_num and msg_num are defined as integer values to make programs that contain  the  call  portable.   Where  possible,  you
       should  use  symbolic  names for message and set numbers, instead of hard-coding integer values into your source programs.  If you use sym-
       bolic names, you must include the header file that creates in all your program modules.

       The following example shows using the call to retrieve a message from a message catalog that uses symbolic names for set and  message  num-
       nl_catd catd = catopen (messages.msf, 0)
       message = catgets (catd, error_set, bad_value, "Invalid value")
       When this call executes, searches for the message catalog identified by the catalog descriptor stored in The function searches for the mes-
       sage identified by the symbolic name in the set identified by the symbolic name and stores the message text in If cannot find the  message,
       it returns the message Invalid value.

Return Values
       If  successfully  retrieves the message, it returns a pointer to an internal buffer area containing the null terminated message string.	If
       the call is unsuccessful for any reason, catgets returns the default message in s.

See Also
       intro(3int), gencat(1int), catgetmsg(3int), catopen(3int), nl_types(5int)
       Guide to Developing International Software

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