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uustat(1c) [ultrix man page]

uustat(1c)																uustat(1c)

       uustat - uucp status inquiry and job control

       uustat [ options ]

       The  command  either displays the status of or cancels previously specified commands, or it provides general status on connections to other

	  Removes entries older than specified hour.  This option can only be executed by the user or the super-user.

	  Reports status of all requests.

	  Kills specified job.	The killed request must belong to the person issuing the command unless that person has "super-user" privilege.

	  Reports status of accessibility of machine mch.  If mch is specified as all, then the status of all machines known to the local are pro-

	  Reports status of requests which are older than specified hour.

	  Reports status of requests for specified system.

	  Reports status of requests issued by specified user.

       -v Invokes verbose printout option.  If this option is not specified, a status code is printed with each request.

	  Reports status of all requests that are younger than specified hour.

       When  no  options  are given, outputs the status of all requests issued by the current user.  Note that only one of the options -j, -m, -k,
       -c, can be used with the other options.	For example, the command
       uustat -usteve -slimbo -y63 -v

       will print the verbose status of all jobs that were issued by user steve destined for system limbo within the last 63 hours.  The format of
       each job status entry is:
       job# user destination spool_time status_time status
       where the status may be either an octal number or a verbose description.  The octal code corresponds to the following description:

       00001	 Copy failed for unknown reasons.
       00002	 Permission to access local file is denied.
       00004	 Permission to access remote file is denied.
       00010	 Bad uucp command is generated.
       00020	 Remote system cannot create temporary file.
       00040	 Cannot copy to remote directory.
       00100	 Cannot copy to local directory.
       00200	 Local system cannot create temporary file.
       00400	 Cannot execute uucp.
       01000	 Copy succeeded.
       02000	 Copy finished, job deleted.
       04000	 Job is queued.

       The format for the machine accessibility status entries is:
       system  status_time   last_success_time	 status

       system is the system in question

	      is the time the last status entry was made.

	      is  the  last  time a connection was successfully made to this system.  A conversation could be ended prematurely after a successful

       status is a self-explanatory description of the machine status.

       In the current implementation requests are not recorded in the logging files.  This implies that mail and news requests are not recorded by

       /usr/spool/uucp/ 	spool directory (top level)
       /usr/lib/uucp/L_stat	system status file
       /usr/lib/uucp/R_stat	request status file

See Also


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uustat(1)						      General Commands Manual							 uustat(1)

uustat - Reports status of and provides job control for remote file transfer requests and other operations SYNOPSIS
uustat [-a | -k job_number | -m | -p | -q | -r job_number] [-s system] [-u user] The uustat command displays status information about several types of file transfer operations. STANDARDS
Interfaces documented on this reference page conform to industry standards as follows: uustat: XCU5.0 Refer to the standards(5) reference page for more information about industry standards and associated tags. OPTIONS
The following options are mutually exclusive; you can use only one at a time with the uustat command: [Tru64 UNIX] Displays information about all the jobs in the holding queue, regardless of the user who issued the original command. There are two types of queues: The current queue lists the jobs queued to run on or currently running on one or more specified com- puters. Use the uustat -q command to examine this queue. The holding queue, displayed with uustat -a, lists all jobs that have not executed during a set period of time. After the set time period has elapsed, the entries in the holding queue are deleted manually with the uucleanup command or automati- cally with the file /var/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp (includes uudemon.cleanu), which is started by cron. When sending files to a sys- tem that was not contacted recently, it is a good idea to use the uustat command to see when the last access occurred, as the remote system might be out of service. Cancels (kills) the process specified by job_number. The person using this option must be the one who made the uucp request now being canceled, or must be operating with superuser authority. This option cancels a process only when that job is still on the local computer. Once the job has been moved to a remote system for execution, -kjob_number cannot be used to cancel the remote job. [Tru64 UNIX] Reports the status of the most recent attempt to contact the specified system. If the request was completed, the status report is SUCCESSFUL. If the job was not completed, the status report is an error message, such as LOGIN FAILED. [Tru64 UNIX] Runs a ps -flp (process status: a full, long list of speci- fied process IDs) for all PID numbers in the lock files. Lists the jobs currently queued to run on each system; these jobs are either waiting to execute or are in the process of executing. If a status file exists for the system, its date, time, and status information are reported. Once the job is finished, that job listing is removed from the current queue. In a status report, a number in parentheses next to the number of a C.* (command) file or an X.* (execute) file represents the age in days of the oldest C.*/X.* file for that system. The retry field represents the number of times the command could not be exe- cuted because of such factors as a failed login, locked files, an unavailable device, and so on. Marks the files in the holding queue specified by job_number with the current date and time. Use this option to ensure that a cleanup operation does not delete files until the job's modification time reaches the end of the specified period. You can use either one or both of the following options with uustat: Reports the status of requests for the system specified by system. The system name must contain only ASCII characters. Reports the status of requests by the specified user for any system. DESCRIPTION
The uustat command is particularly useful in monitoring transfer (copy) requests issued with the uucp and uuto commands, and requests made with the uux command to run commands on a remote system. In addition, uustat also gives a user limited control over jobs queued to run on remote systems. By issuing the command with the appropri- ate option, a user can check the general status of connections to other systems, and cancel copy requests made with uucp and uuto. If uustat is issued without any options, the command reports the status of all requests issued by the current user since the last time the holding queue was cleaned up. Such status reports are displayed in the following format: job_number date/time status system user size file See EXAMPLES for an explanation of this format. EXAMPLES
To display the status of all jobs in the holding queue, enter: uustat -a The system responds with a message similar to the following: heraC3113 Wed Nov 06 17:47:25 1991 S hera amy 289 D.venus471afd8 zeusN3130 Wed Nov 06 09:14:30 1991 R zeus geo 338 D.venus471bc0a merlinC3120 Tue Nov 05 16:02:33 1991 S merlin amy 828 /u/amy/tt merlinC3119 Tue Nov 05 12:32:01 1991 S merlin msg rmail amy The first field is the job ID of the operation, which is followed by the date and time the command was issued. The third field is either an S or an R, depending on whether the job is to send or request a file. The fourth field is the name of the system on which the command was entered, followed by the user ID of the person who issued the command. The sixth field is the size of the file, or, in the case of a remote execution like the last entry in the example, the name of the remote command. When the size of the file is given, the filename is also displayed. The filename can be either the name given by the user, as in the /u/amy/tt entry, or a name that is assigned internally to data files associated with remote executions, such as D.venus471afd8. To display the status of all jobs in the current queue, enter: uustat -q The system responds with a message similar to the following: merlin 3C Mon Jul 15 11:02:35 1991 NO DEVICES AVAILABLE hera 2C Mon Jul 15 10:55:22 1991 SUCCESSFUL zeus 1C (2) Mon Jul 15 10:59:48 1991 CAN'T ACCESS DEVICE The output tells how many C.* (command) files are waiting for each system. The date and time refer to the current interaction with the system, followed by a report of the status of the interaction. The (2) in the third line of the example indicates that the C.* file has been in the queue for 2 days. [Tru64 UNIX] To display all process IDs in the lock file, enter: uustat -p [Tru64 UNIX] To cancel a job in the current queue, first determine the job ID and then issue the command (uustat -k) to cancel the job. To determine the job ID, enter: uustat -a The system responds with a message similar to the following: heraC3113 Wed Nov 06 17:47:14 1991 S hera amy 289 D.venus471afd8 mer- linC3119 Wed Nov 06 17:49:37 1991 S merlin geo 338 D.venus471bc0a To cancel the job with the ID of heraC3113: uustat -k heraC3113 To report the status of jobs requested by system hera, enter: uustat -s hera The system responds with a message similar to the following: heraNlbd7 Mon Jul 15 12:09:44 1991 S hera amy 522 /user/amy/A heraClbd8 Mon Jul 15 12:10:30 1991 S hera amy 59 D.3b2a12ce4924 heraC3119 Mon Jul 15 12:11:11 1991 S hera amy rmail msg To report the status of jobs requested by user amy, enter: uustat -u amy This option displays output similar to that produced by the -s option. FILES
Prevents multiple use of device. Spooling directory. SEE ALSO
Commands: cron(8), ct(1), cu(1), echo(1), ps(1), rmail(1), stty(1), tip(1), uucico(8), uucleanup(8), uucp(1), uulog(1), uuname(1), uupick(1), uusched(8), uusend(1), uuto(1), uux(1) Standards: standards(5) uustat(1)
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