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view(1) [ultrix man page]

view(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   view(1)

       view - displays a file using the vi commands

       view [-t tag] [-r] [+command] [-l] [-wn] [-x] name...

       The  command  displays a text file.  The command and the command run almost the same code except that in changes to a file are not allowed.
       It is possible to get to the command mode of from within both.

       The following is a list of some of the commands. See the vi Beginner's Reference Card and the "Introduction to Display Editing with vi"	in
       the Supplementary Documents, Volume 1: General User for more details that can be helpful for using

       Screen Control Commands

	    <CTRL/L>	   Reprints current screen.

	    <CTRL/Y>	   Exposes one more line at top of screen.

	    <CTRL/E>	   Exposes one more line at bottom of screen.

       Paging Commands

	    <CTRL/F>	   Pages forward one screen.

	    <CTRL/B>	   Pages back one screen.

	    <CTRL/D>	   Pages down half screen.

	    <CTRL/U>	   Pages up half screen.

       Cursor Positioning Commands

	    j		   Moves cursor down one line, same column.

	    k		   Moves cursor up one line, same column.

	    h		   Moves cursor back one character.

	    l		   Moves cursor forward one character.

	    <RETURN>	   Moves cursor to beginning of next line.

	    0		   Moves cursor to beginning of current line.

	    $		   Moves cursor to end of current line.

	    <SPACE>	   Moves cursor forward one character.

	    nG		   Moves cursor to beginning of line n.  Default is last line of file.

	    /pattern	   Moves cursor forward to next occurrence of pattern.

	    ?pattern	   Moves cursor backward to next occurrence of pattern.

	    n		   Repeats last / or ? pattern search.

       Exiting view

	    ZZ		   Exits

	    :q		   Quits session.

       -t tag	 Specifies  a  list of tag files. The tag files are preceded by a backslash () and are separated by spaces. The tag option should
		 always be the first entry.

       +command  Tells the editor to begin by executing the specified command.	An example would be +/pattern that would search for a pattern.

       -l	 Sets the showmatch and lisp options for viewing LISP code..

       -r	 Retrieves the last saved version of the name'd file in the event of a system crash. If no file is  specified,	a  list  of  saved
		 files is produced.

       -wn	 Sets  the default window size to n.  This option is useful for starting in a small window on dialups.	The -x option is available
		 only if the Encryption layered product is installed.

       -x	 Causes to prompt for a key.  The key is used to encrypt and decrypt the contents of the file.	If the	file  has  been  encrypted
		 with one key, you must use the same key to decrypt the file.

See Also
       edit(1), ex(1), vi(1)
       The Little Gray Book: An ULTRIX Primer
       The Big Gray Book: The Next Step with ULTRIX
       "An Introduction to Display Editing with vi" in the Supplementary Documents, Volume 1: General User


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trans(1int)															       trans(1int)

       trans - translation tool for use with source message catalogs

       trans [ -c ] [ -o name ] file.msf

       The command assists in the translation of source message catalogs.  The command reads input from file.msf and writes its output to either a
       file named or a file you name on the command line.  The command displays file.msf in a multiple window screen that lets you  simultaneously
       see  the  original message, the translated text you enter, and any messages from the command.  This multiple window screen is easier to use
       for translating messages than a single window screen.

       The top window in the multiple window screen displays the text in the message source file file.msf.  The editor displays the  current  mes-
       sage in reverse video.

       In  the	center window, displays a prompt that asks you to enter a translated message.  You use a control key editor to move the cursor and
       delete text in the center window.  The control key sequences are defined as follows:

       Key Sequence   Meaning
       CTRL/k	      Display control key help
       CTRL/h	      Back space
       CTRL/l	      Forward space
       CTRL/w	      Back word
       CTRL/f	      Forward word
       CTRL/e	      Move to end of input
       CTRL/b	      Move to beginning of input
       CTRL/n	      Next line
       CTRL/p	      Previous line
       CTRL/u	      Delete input
       CTRL/i	      Insert mode (default)
       CTRL/r	      Replace mode
       DEL	      Delete previous character

       If you need to span more than one line with the translated text, type a backslash () and press the RETURN key to enable line continuation.
       After you finish entering the translated text, press the RETURN key to signal that you have finished translating that message.

       The  bottom  window  displays  any messages generated by If an error occurs, prompts you to re-enter the entire line, including the message
       label or number.

       -c   Display comment lines beginning with a dollar sign ($) for translation, in addition to messages.

       -o   Call the output file name.	The default is output file name is

       Your terminal must be 80 columns by 24 lines for to display its three-window screen.

       You cannot interrupt a session and restart it at the point you stopped. You must complete the all the changes to a file	before	exiting  a

See Also
       intro(3int), extract(1int), gencat(1int), strextract(1int), strmerge(1int)
       Guide to Developing International Software

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