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uac(1) [ultrix man page]

uac(1)							      General Commands Manual							    uac(1)

       uac - Unaligned Access Message Control

       uac [s] [p] value

       The  command  controls  the  printing of "Fixed up unaligned data access for pid nnn at pc 0xAddr" messages.  The command is used to set or
       display the flag that controls printing the message for the system or for the parent process of the user, which is typically a shell.

       If value is present, the flag is set; otherwise, the current flag setting is displayed.	The value can be either a zero	(0),  which  turns
       the  flag  off,	or  a  one  (1), which turns the flag on.  If both the system and the user flags are on (set, 1) the unaligned data access
       errors are reported to the user.  If either flag is off (not set, 0), the unaligned data access errors are not reported.

       The following options can be used with the command:

       s    Set/display the current flag setting for the system.

       p    Set/display the current flag setting for the parent process.

       You must be superuser to set the system flag.

								       RISC								    uac(1)

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getsysinfo(2)							System Calls Manual						     getsysinfo(2)

       getsysinfo - get system information

       #include <sys/types.h>
       #include <sys/sysinfo.h>

       getsysinfo(op, buffer, nbytes, start, arg)
       unsigned  op;
       char	 *buffer;
       unsigned   nbytes;
       int	 *start;
       char	  *arg;

       The system call retrieves information from the system.

       The op argument specifies the operation to be performed.  Values for op are defined in the <sys/sysinfo.h> header file.

       Possible op values are as follows:

	  Return the BOOTDEV string, which is used for the installation.

	  Return the entire NETBLK structure, which is used for the network installation.

	  Return the compatibility mode of the process.  Possible values are A_BSD, A_POSIX, A_SYSTEM_FIVE as defined in <sys/exec.h>.

	  Return the maximum number of processes allowed per user id.

	  Return the major and minor numbers of the controlling terminal.

       GSI_UACSYS (RISC only)
	  Return current value of flag that determines whether or not to print "unaligned access fixup" message on a system-wide basis.

       GSI_UACPARNT (RISC only)
	  Return current value of flag in parent process's structure for printing unaligned access messages.

       GSI_UACPROC (RISC only)
	  Return current value of flag in process's structure for printing of unaligned access messages.

	  Return the minimum alignment required for an address specified with the option in the system call.

       The nbytes argument defines the size of buffer into which the system information is returned.

       The  start  argument is the current logical location within the internal system table referenced by the op, and it must be initially set to
       The start argument is updated to reflect the current logical location within  the  system  table,  allowing  successive	executions  of	to
       retrieve information about all the system structures specified by op.

       The start argument is set to 0 when all system information requested by op has been retrieved.

       The optional arg argument may be used by certain op's for additional information.  When arg is not required, it should be set to NULL.

       When  information about multiple system structures is returned, it is stored within consecutive buffer locations.  The information for each
       system structure is dependent upon op.

Return Values
       Upon successful completion, a value indicating the number of requested items stored in buffer is returned.  If the information requested by
       op is not available, getsysinfo returns a zero.	Otherwise, -1 is returned, and the global variable, is set to indicate the error.

       [EFAULT]       Either buffer, start, or arg causes an illegal address to be referenced.

       [EINVAL]       The op argument is invalid.

       [EPERM]	      Permission is denied for the operation requested

See Also

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