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tbl(1) [ultrix man page]

tbl(1)							      General Commands Manual							    tbl(1)

       tbl - format tables for nroff or *roff

       tbl [files...]

       The  preprocessor  is used for formatting tables for or The input files are copied to the standard output, except for lines between .TS and
       .TE command lines, which are assumed to describe tables and are reformatted.

       -TX     Produces output without fractional line motions.  Use when the destination output device or printer or  post-filter  cannot  handle
	       fractional line motions.

       -ms     Reads in macros prior to table formatting.

       -mm     Reads in the macros prior to table formatting, if your system has the macros installed.

       As an example, letting 	 represent a tab (which should be typed as a genuine tab) the input

	      c s s
	      c c s
	      c c c
	      l n n.
	      Household Population
	      Town	Households
	      	Number	Size
	      Bedminster	789	3.26
	      Bernards Twp.	3087	3.74
	      Bernardsville	2018	3.30
	      Bound Brook	3425	3.04
	      Branchburg	1644	3.49
	      Bridgewater	7897	3.81
	      Far Hills	240	3.19


		  Household Population
		  Town	       Households
			      Number   Size
	      Bedminster	789    3.26
	      Bernards Twp.    3087    3.74
	      Bernardsville    2018    3.30
	      Bound Brook      3425    3.04
	      Branchburg       1644    3.49
	      Bridgewater      7897    3.81
	      Far Hills 	240    3.19

       If  no  arguments are given, reads the standard input, so it may be used as a filter.  When is used with or the command should be first, to
       minimize the volume of data passed through pipes.

See Also
       "Tbl - A Program to Format Tables," ULTRIX Supplementary Documents, Vol. I:General User


Check Out this Related Man Page

TBL(1)							      General Commands Manual							    TBL(1)

tbl - format tables for nroff or troff SYNOPSIS
tbl [ files ] ... DESCRIPTION
Tbl is a preprocessor for formatting tables for nroff or troff(1). The input files are copied to the standard output, except for lines between Details are given in the tbl(1) reference manual. EXAMPLE tab) thesinputxample, letting represent a tab (which should be typed as a genuine .TS c s s c c s c c c l n n. Household Population Town Households Number Size Bedminster 789 3.26 Bernards Twp. 3087 3.74 Bernardsville 2018 3.30 Bound Brook 3425 3.04 Branchburg 1644 3.49 Bridgewater 7897 3.81 Far Hills 240 3.19 .TE yields Household Population Town Households NumberSize Bedminster 783.26: Bernards Twp. 3083.74: Bernardsville 2013.30: Bound Brook 3423.04: Branchburg 1643.49: Bridgewater 7893.81: Far Hills 243.19: If no arguments are given, tbl reads the standard input, so it may be used as a filter. When tbl is used with eqn or neqn the tbl command should be first, to minimize the volume of data passed through pipes. SEE ALSO
troff(1), eqn(1) M. E. Lesk, TBL. 7th Edition April 29, 1985 TBL(1)
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