QSUB(1) User Contributed Perl Documentation QSUB(1)NAME
qsub - submit a batch job in a familiar pbs format
qsub [-a date_time]
[-A account_string]
[-b secs]
[-C directive_prefix]
[-e path]
[-l resource_list]
[-m mail_options] [-M user_list]
[-N name]
[-o path]
[-p priority]
[-q destination]
[-W additional_attributes]
The qsub command displays information about nodes. It is aimed to be feature-compatible with PBS' qsub.
OPTIONS -a Display information for all nodes. This is the default if no node name is specified.
-I Interactive execution.
-j join
It is not necessary (currently also not possible) since stderr/stdout are always joined.
-v [variable_list]
Exporting single variables via -v is not supported, since the entire login environment is exported by the default.
-V The -V option to export the current environment is not required since it is done by default.
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perl v5.14.2 2012-04-10 QSUB(1)
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QSUB(1) User Contributed Perl Documentation QSUB(1)NAME
qsub - submit a batch job in a familiar pbs format
qsub [-a date_time]
[-A account_string]
[-b secs]
[-C directive_prefix]
[-e path]
[-l resource_list]
[-m mail_options] [-M user_list]
[-N name]
[-o path]
[-p priority]
[-q destination]
[-W additional_attributes]
The qsub command displays information about nodes. It is aimed to be feature-compatible with PBS' qsub.
OPTIONS -a Display information for all nodes. This is the default if no node name is specified.
-I Interactive execution.
-j join
It is not necessary (currently also not possible) since stderr/stdout are always joined.
-v [variable_list]
Exporting single variables via -v is not supported, since the entire login environment is exported by the default.
-V The -V option to export the current environment is not required since it is done by default.
-? | --help
brief help message
full documentation
perl v5.14.2 2012-04-10 QSUB(1)
I am trying to run a Matlab function, file.m, with qsub. Here is a portion of my .sge file:
echo Starting to run Matlab
matlab -nojvm -nodesktop -r "file('${inputfile}');exit;"
echo finished running Matlab
The last two lines of the Matlab function are:
So my... (1 Reply)
I have a perl script that takes in one file of input and outputs to a file. I would like to run this script on several input files, and I would like to run it with qsub, something like this:
Input files:
... (1 Reply)
I was just wondering if it is permissible to qsub from a bash script as follows:
#! /bin/sh
echo "altering .txt in dir $DIR with retokenize.py"
for f in $DIR/txt/*.txt; do
echo $f;
/l2/nlp/i2b2/retokenize.py < $f > ${f//.txt/.tok};
echo "altering .tok in dir $DIR with awk... (0 Replies)
I have some issue with qsub and the standard output : I launch a script that "echoes" the string "abc" and then executes a C program in which I print informations with the printf function ; the .o file contains "abc" but not the information displayed by printf. I also tried... (0 Replies)
Hello. Hopefully this is the right forum, did a search and found some similar questions here.
I'm trying to find out if there is a way to get the job id while submitting a job using qsub. I want to monitor the list of active jobs using qstat and when my jobid is no longer on the active list, I... (3 Replies)
"bsub -o /dev/null -P something -q normal -a optimize -n 1 -R \"rusage\ span\\" -J GUISETUP_${PID} \"dc_shell-t -f .dc_script_$job_index.tcl -output_log_file .dc_shell_$job_index.log \""
Can anybody please tell me the qsub equivalent for this command?
---------- Post updated at 06:48 AM... (0 Replies)
Hello again,
I am runnning a job on a cluster and I submit a job with the command
qsub script.sh
where script.sh is a script with the command i want o use. When i enter this command the cluster gives a huber like 123456 as the JOB ID.
I want the job to run about 12 hours and when it... (5 Replies)
Hi all,
Today, I want to ask how to submit multiple qsub jobs.
I want to submit 100 .sh files for the simulations.
The name of files is
Submitting each file manually are time-consuming, hence, I want to make another .sh file... (11 Replies)
I'm trying to edit my working bash script to an SGE script in order to submit it as a job to the cluster.
Currently I have:
# Perform fastqc on files in a specified directory.
for ((j=1; j <=17; j++))
... (0 Replies)
I'm working on a SGE cluster and trying to echo the variables passed to the qsub command.
My script is as follows
#$ -V
#$ -cwd
#$ -pe make 10
if ; then
echo "Variable is not set"
echo "Variable says: $StatedUserName"
and I run the... (1 Reply)