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passwd(1) [ultrix man page]

passwd(1)						      General Commands Manual							 passwd(1)

       passwd - create or change password

       passwd [-aefs] [name]

       The  command  lets you or the superuser change your password.  When you enter the command, the program prompts you for the old password and
       then for the new password.  Next, the program asks you for the new password again, to verify that you have typed it correctly.	Note  that
       the passwords are not displayed on the screen.

       Your  new password must meet the length requirements specified by the superuser.  To review these requirements, refer to the file. (This is
       a read-only file.)

       If your system is running with increased security, you may have to choose a password from a list of randomly generated  passwords,  or  you
       may  need  authorization  to  change your password.  At higher security levels, you may be prohibited from changing your password until its
       minimum lifetime has expired, as specified in the Authorization Database.

       If you are running the BIND/Hesiod service, your password will be updated automatically on the server.

       -a   Supply a list of randomly generated passwords.  (See the Examples section.)

       -e   Use an extended protocol when communicating with a prompter program.  As a result, the standard input and output (used by is  sent	to
	    this program.

       -f   Change the finger information, not the password. The finger program provides information about current ULTRIX users, such as login and
	    terminal name, idle time and office location.

       -s   Change the login shell of the password file, not the password entry.

       If you use a hardcopy terminal, you must destroy all print outs of valid passwords.

       The following example illustrates the -a option, which displays a list of randomly generated passwords and  their  suggested  pronunciation
       with hyphens.  The hyphens delineate the syllables of the passwords:
       passwd -a abcd
       Changing password for abcd

       Here are some suggested passwords:

       ryegd	       ryeg-di
       aswurku	       a-swurk-u
       ryedok	       ryed-ok
       teleccs	       tel-ec-cos
       wahislas        wa-hi-slas

       Enter new password:

       Password must be at least 6 characters long, password unchanged
	    Your password does not meet the minimum length requirement specified in

       Warning: Only the first 8 characters of the password are significant
	    Your password exceeds the maximum length requirement specified in

       Permission denied
	    You do not have the privilege to change your password. The minimum lifetime has not expired.

       Password is not different enough, unchanged
	    Your new password must be different from your old password.

       Password must be different than logname, and not resemble previous password
	    Your new password must be different from your login name.

       Verification failed, password unchanged
	    You misspelled the verification of your new password.

       Password file

       Authorization data base directory

       Authorization data base page

       Data base service selection and security configuration file
			   Only the superuser and members of the group can access the and files.

See Also
       chfn(1), chsh(1), finger(1), login(1), shexp(1), yppasswd(1yp), passwd(5yp), edauth(8), vipw(8)
       Guide to System Environment Setup
       Security Guide for Users
       Security Guide for Administrators
       "Password Security: A Case History", Supplementary Documents, Volume 3: System Manager


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yppasswd(1)						      General Commands Manual						       yppasswd(1)

yppasswd - change login password in Network Information System (NIS) SYNOPSIS
[name] Remarks The Network Information Service (NIS) was formerly known as Yellow Pages (YP). The functionality remains the same; only the name has changed. DESCRIPTION
changes or installs a password associated with the login name in the Network Information System (NIS). The NIS password can be different from the one on your own machine. If name is omitted, it defaults to the name returned by (see getlogin(3C)). prompts for the old NIS password (even if it does not exist), then twice for the new one. The old password must be entered correctly for the change to take effect. Checks occur to ensure that the new password meets the following construction requirements. o Only the first eight characters are significant. o A password can be as few as four characters long if it contains o at least one special character or o a mixture of numeric, uppercase and lowercase letters. o A password can be as few as five characters long if it contains a mixture of o uppercase and lowercase letters or o numeric and either uppercase or lowercase letters. o A password must contain at least six characters if it contains only monocase letters. All these rules except the first are relaxed if you try three times to enter an unacceptable new password. You cannot, however, enter a null password. Only the owner of the name or the superuser can change a password. The Network Information System password daemon, must be running on the master NIS password server to change NIS passwords. See yppass- wdd(1M). WARNINGS
The password update protocol passes the old and new passwords to the master NIS server at once. Thus, if the old NIS password is incor- rect, no notification is given until the new NIS password is successfully entered. The password construction rules are different from those of the HP-UX command (see passwd(1)). The root user's password cannot be changed using or Therefore, root users must change their password in the files database and then recon- struct the NIS maps using the command. For more information on how to use the command, see ypmake(1M). User applications that call this routine must be linked with For example, AUTHOR
was developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. SEE ALSO
id(1), passwd(1), su(1), yppasswdd(1M), getlogin(3C), yppasswd(3N), ypfiles(4). yppasswd(1)
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