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lp(1) [ultrix man page]

lp(1)							      General Commands Manual							     lp(1)

       lp - send requests to an LP line printer

       lp [-c] [-d dest] [-n number] [-] [files]

       The command arranges for the named files and associated information (collectively called a request) to be printed by a line printer.  If no
       file names are mentioned, the standard input is assumed.  When a file name is designated by a minus sign (-) it	stands	for  the  standard
       input  and may be supplied on the command line in conjunction with named files.	The order in which files appear is the same order in which
       they are printed.

       This command exists for X/OPEN compatibility.

       The following options to may appear in any order and may be intermixed with file names:

       -c	   Makes copies of the files to be printed immediately when is invoked.  Normally, files are not copied, but are  linked  whenever
		   possible.  If the -c option is not given, then the user should be careful not to remove any of the files before the request has
		   been printed in its entirety.  It should also be noted that without the -c option, any changes made to the  named  files  after
		   the request is made but before it is printed are reflected in the printed output.

       -d dest	   Chooses  dest  as  the  printer that is to do the printing.	If dest is a printer, then the request is printed on that specific
		   printer.  By default, dest is taken from the environment variable PRINTER if it is set.  Otherwise, a default destination,  lp,
		   is used.

       -n number   Prints number copies (default of 1) of the output.

       /etc/passwd	      personal identification
       /etc/printcap	      printer capabilities data base
       /usr/lib/lpd*	      line printer daemons
       /usr/spool/*	      directories used for spooling
       /usr/spool/*/cf*       daemon control files
       /usr/spool/*/df*       data files specified in cf files
       /usr/spool/*/tf*       temporary copies of cf files

See Also
       lpq(1), lpr(1), lprm(1), pr(1), symlink(2), printcap(2), lpc(8), lpd(8)


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lpq(1)							      General Commands Manual							    lpq(1)

       lpq - spool queue examination program

       lpq [ options ] [ job #...  ] [ user...	]

       The  command  examines  the  spooling  area used by for printing files on the printer, and reports the status of jobs.  The command invoked
       without any arguments reports on any jobs currently in the default queue.

       When jobs are being printed, reports the queue as being ``active''.  For each job submitted, reports the user's name, current rank  in  the
       queue,  the names of files comprising the job, the job identifier and the total size in bytes.  The job identifier is a number which may be
       supplied to to remove a specific job.

       Job ordering is determined by the FIFO (First In, First Out) algorithm used to scan the spooling  directory.   When  the  queue	is  empty,
       reports that there are ``no entries''.

       File  names  may  be unavailable for some jobs, for example, if the command is used without specifying a file name, or if is used in a pipe
       line.  If file names are unavailable, the file name reported by is ``standard input''.

       job #...    Causes to report on only the job number(s) specified.

       user...	   Causes to report on only the jobs for the specified user(s).

       +n   Scan and display the spool queue until the queue is empty.	The queue is scanned every n seconds, if  no  argument	is  specified  the
	    queue is scanned every 30 seconds.

       -l   Display the status of each job on more than one line if necessary.	If this option is not used, the status of each job is displayed on
	    one line.

	    Report the status of the spool queue for the printer specified.  If this option is not used, the spool  queue  displayed  is  the  one
	    defined by the PRINTER environment variable.  If a queue is not defined by the PRINTER environment variable, the spool queue displayed
	    is for the printer named ``lp'' in the file.

       The displayed status of the spool queue may not always be the current status.  This is because jobs may be completed after  the	queue  has
       been examined, but before the status has been displayed.

Error Messages
       Two of the most common error messages from are:

       Warning: no daemon present (R)
       A daemon is not available for the specified printer.  Refer to the command to find out how to restart the printer daemon.

       unknown printer (R)
       The printer specified as an argument to the -P option, doesn't have an entry in the file.

       For manipulating the screen for repeated display

       To determine printer characteristics

       The spooling directory, as determined from printcap

       Control files specifying jobs

       The lock file to obtain the currently active job

See Also
       lpr(1), lprm(1), lpc(8), lpd(8)

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