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kill(1) [ultrix man page]

kill(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   kill(1)

       kill - send a signal to a process

       kill [-sig] processid...
       kill -l

       The command sends the TERM (terminate, 15) signal to the specified processes.  If a signal name or number preceded by `-' is given as first
       argument, that signal is sent instead of terminate.  For further information, see

       The terminate signal kills processes that do not catch the signal; `kill -9 ...' is a sure kill, as the KILL (9) signal cannot  be  caught.
       By convention, if process number 0 is specified, all members in the process group (that is, processes resulting from the current login) are
       signaled.  This works only if you use and not if you use To kill a process it must either belong to you or you must be superuser.

       The process number of an asynchronous process started with `&' is reported by the shell.  Process numbers can also be  found  by  using	It
       allows job specifiers ``%...''  so process ID's are not as often used as arguments.  See for details.

       -l   Lists  signal  names.  The signal names are listed by `kill -l', and are as given in /usr/include/signal.h, stripped of the common SIG

See Also
       csh(1), ps(1), kill(2), sigvec(2)


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KILL(1) 						     Linux Programmer's Manual							   KILL(1)

kill - terminate a process SYNOPSIS
kill [ -s signal | -p ] [ -a ] [ -- ] pid ... kill -l [ signal ] DESCRIPTION
The command kill sends the specified signal to the specified process or process group. If no signal is specified, the TERM signal is sent. The TERM signal will kill processes which do not catch this signal. For other processes, it may be necessary to use the KILL (9) signal, since this signal cannot be caught. Most modern shells have a builtin kill function, with a usage rather similar to that of the command described here. The `-a' and `-p' options, and the possibility to specify pids by command name is a local extension. OPTIONS
pid... Specify the list of processes that kill should signal. Each pid can be one of five things: n where n is larger than 0. The process with pid n will be signaled. 0 All processes in the current process group are signaled. -1 All processes with pid larger than 1 will be signaled. -n where n is larger than 1. All processes in process group n are signaled. When an argument of the form `-n' is given, and it is meant to denote a process group, either the signal must be specified first, or the argument must be preceded by a `--' option, otherwise it will be taken as the signal to send. commandname All processes invoked using that name will be signaled. -s signal Specify the signal to send. The signal may be given as a signal name or number. -l Print a list of signal names. These are found in /usr/include/linux/signal.h -a Do not restrict the commandname-to-pid conversion to processes with the same uid as the present process. -p Specify that kill should only print the process id (pid) of the named processes, and not send any signals. SEE ALSO
bash(1), tcsh(1), kill(2), sigvec(2), signal(7) AUTHOR
Taken from BSD 4.4. The ability to translate process names to process ids was added by Salvatore Valente <>. Linux Utilities 14 October 1994 KILL(1)
Man Page

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