edit(1) [ultrix man page]
ex(1) General Commands Manual ex(1) Name ex, edit - text editor Syntax ex [ - ] [ -v ] [ -x ] [ -t tag ] [ -r ] [ +command ] [ -l ] name... edit [ ex options ] Description The editor is the root of a family of editors: and The editor is a superset of with the most notable extension being a display-editing facility. Display-based editing is the focus of The name argument indicates the files to be edited. Options - Suppresses all interactive-user feedback. This option is useful in processing editor scripts in command files. -v Equivalent to using rather than -t Equivalent to an initial tag command, that is, editing the file containing the tag and positioning the editor at its definition. -r Used to recover after an editor or system crash. It recovers by retrieving the last saved version of the named file. If no file is specified, it displays a list of saved files. -R Sets the read-only option at the start. +command Indicates that the editor should begin by executing the specified command. If the command is omitted, it defaults to $, positioning the editor at the last line of the first file, initially. Other useful commands here are scanning patterns of the form +/pattern or line numbers. -l Sets up for LISP. That is, it sets the showmatch and lisp options. The -x option is available only if the Encryption layered product is installed. -x Causes to prompt for a key. The key is used to encrypt and decrypt the contents of the file. If the file contents have been encrypted with one key, you must use the same key to decrypt them. Restrictions The command causes all marks to be lost on lines changed and then restored if the marked lines were changed. The command does not clear the buffer modified condition. The z command prints a number of logical rather than physical lines. More than a screenful of output may result if long lines are present. File input/output errors do not print a name if the command line minus sign (-) option is used. There is no easy way to do a single scan ignoring case. The editor does not warn you if you place text in named buffers and do not use it before exiting the editor. Null characters are discarded from input files, and cannot appear in output files. Files /usr/lib/ex?.?recover recover command /usr/lib/ex?.?preserve preserve command /etc/termcap terminal capabilities ~/.exrc editor startup file /tmp/Exnnnnn editor temporary /tmp/Rxnnnnn named buffer temporary /usr/preserve preservation directory See Also awk(1), ed(1), grep(1), sed(1), vi(1), termcap(5), environ(7) "Edit: A Tutorial" and the "Ex Reference Manual" in the Supplementary Documents, Volume 1: General User ex(1)
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vi(1) General Commands Manual vi(1) Name vi - screen editor Syntax vi [ -t tag ] [ +command ] [ -l ] [ -r ] [ -wn ] [ -x ] name... Description The (visual) editor is a display-oriented text editor based on The command and the command run the same code. You can access the command mode of from within The following is a list of some of the commands. See the vi Beginner's Reference Card and "An Introduction to Display Editing with vi" in the Supplementary Documents, Volume 1: General User for more details on using Screen Control Commands <CTRL/L> Reprints current screen. <CTRL/Y> Exposes one more line at top of screen. <CTRL/E> Exposes one more line at bottom of screen. Paging Commands <CTRL/F> Pages forward one screen. <CTRL/B> Pages back one screen. <CTRL/D> Pages down half screen. <CTRL/U> Pages up half screen. Cursor Positioning Commands j Moves cursor down one line, same column. k Moves cursor up one line, same column. h Moves cursor back one character. l Moves cursor forward one character. <RETURN> Moves cursor to beginning of next line. 0 Moves cursor to beginning of current line. $ Moves cursor to end of current line. <SPACE> Moves cursor forward one character. nG Moves cursor to beginning of line n. Default is last line of file. /pattern Moves cursor forward to next occurrence of pattern. ?pattern Moves cursor backward to next occurrence of pattern. n Repeats last / or ? pattern search. Text Insertion Commands a Appends text after cursor. Terminated by <ESC>. A Appends text at the end of the line. Terminated by <ESC>. i Inserts text before cursor. Terminated by <ESC>. I Inserts text at the beginning of the line. Terminated by <ESC>. o Opens new line below the current line for text insertion. Terminated by <ESC>. O Opens new line above the current line for text insertion. Terminated by <ESC>. <DELETE> Overwrites last character during text insertion. <ESC> Stops text insertion. Text Deletion Commands dw Deletes current word. x Deletes current character. dd Deletes current line. D, d$ Deletes from cursor to end of line. P Puts back text from the previous delete. Text Change Commands cw Changes characters of current word until stopped with escape key. c$ Changes text up to the end of the line. C, c$ Changes remaining text on current line until stopped by pressing the escape key. ~ Changes case of current character. xp Transposes current and following characters. J Joins current line with next line. rx Replaces current character with x. Buffer Usage Commands [a-z]n yy Yanks n lines to the [a-z] buffer. Default is current line. [a-z]n p Puts n yanked text lines from the a-z buffer, after the cursor. Exiting vi ZZ Exits and saves changes :wq Writes changes to current file and quits edit session. :q Quits edit session (no changes made). The command uses all of the same edit or commands as However, does not allow you to write the file. See Options -t tag Specifies a list of tag files. The tag files are preceded by a backslash () and are separated by spaces. The tag option should always be the first entry. +command Tells the editor to begin by executing the specified command. A useful example would be +/pattern to search for a pattern. -l Sets the showmatch and lisp options for editing LISP code. -r name Retrieves the last saved version of the name'd file in the event of an editor or system crash. If no file is specified, a list of saved files is produced. -wn Sets the default window size to n. This option is useful for starting in a small window on dialups. The -x option is available only if the Encryption layered product is installed. -x Causes to prompt for a key. The key is used to encrypt and decrypt the contents of the file. If the file contents have been encrypted with one key, you must use the same key to decrypt the file. Restrictions Software tabs using ^T work only immediately after the autoindent. Left and right shifts on intelligent terminals do not make use of insert and delete character operations in the terminal. The wrapmargin option sometimes works incorrectly because it looks at output columns when blanks are typed. If a long word passes through the margin and onto the next line without a break, then the line is not broken. Insert/delete within a line can be slow if tabs are present on intelligent terminals, since the terminals need help in doing this cor- rectly. Saving text on deletes in the named buffers is somewhat inefficient. The source command does not work when executed as :source; there is no way to use the :append, :change, and :insert commands, since it is not possible to give on a :global you must Q to command mode, execute them, and then reenter the screen editor with or See Also ed(1), ex(1), view(1) The Little Gray Book: An ULTRIX Primer The Big Gray Book: The Next Step with ULTRIX "An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi", Supplementary Documents, Volume 1: General User vi(1)