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dtoc(1) [ultrix man page]

dtoc(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   dtoc(1)

       dtoc - unpack objects from a DOTS file

       dtoc [ -f ] [ -p ] [[ object.dots ] directory ]

       The command unpacks the contents of a Data Object Transport Syntax (DOTS) file or standard input.

       object.dots  can  be  either a file name, or a minus sign (-).  If a minus sign (-) is specified, or if no file name is present, reads from
       the standard input.  If directory is specified, the contents of the DOTS input is unpacked and  stored  in  the	specified  directory.	If
       directory is not specified, the content of the DOTS input is unpacked into the current directory.  The names of the files created are writ-
       ten to standard output.

       A DOTS file may contain a data object which consists of more than one component.  Therefore, it is possible that more than one output  file
       may  be	generated.  As the object is unpacked, duplicate file or directory names may be encountered.  If a duplicate is encountered, a new
       output file is generated with a sequential number appended to its name.	For example, if discovers an existing file  during  unpacking,	is

       As  an  object  is unpacked, the external references within each object component are updated.  Because DOTS files may have originated from
       non-ULTRIX systems, names of components may be modified as components are unpacked.  References to those  renamed  components  are  updated

       -f   Suppresses output of unpacked file names.

       -p   Causes only the name of the primary input file to be written to standard output.

   Standard Input
       If  a minus sign (-) is specified, or if no parameters are specified, standard input is read until a or EOF (end of file) is read.  It can-
       not be specified more than once.  The contents of standard input must conform to the syntax of a single DOTS file.

   Reconstitution Of Names
       Object file names and file names of referenced components may be modified as objects are extracted or unpacked.	If names are modified, the
       references in the unpacked objects are updated.	The handling of names depends in part on the name-type of the object, as follows:

	      ULTRIX file names

		     Names are unmodified.

	      VMS file names

		     The set of rules is as follows:

			    Convert uppercase letters to lower case.

			    Convert dollar signs ($) to underscores (_) because dollar signs have meaning on ULTRIX systems.

			    Ignore  disk volume and directory specifications, if they are present, because they are not likely to be meaningful on
			    ULTRIX systems.

			    Append duplicate file names with a period and a unique number.

			    Leave all other characters alone.

       A DOTS file is expected to contain only a single primary DDIF or DTIF object in this release.  Any subsequent objects in the DOTS file  are
       external references of the primary object.

       The  exit status is 0 if all objects were unpacked successfully, and 1 if any of the objects could not be unpacked.  Consult standard error
       to see what failed, and why.

       If a nonexistent target directory is specified, returns error status.

See Also
       ctod(1), DDIF(5), DTIF(5), DOTS(5)


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capsar(1)						      General Commands Manual							 capsar(1)

       capsar - prepares documents not in ASCII format for transport in the mail system

       capsar [-c] [-t] [-x[hTD]] [file]

       The  utility  allows  ULTRIX mail to support documents containing non-ASCII data, such as DDIF.	Only the DDIF and DOTS data types are cur-
       rently supported.  DDIF is Digital's standard format for document interchange. DOTS is an encapsulation of the encoded interchange form	of
       a number of related data objects into a single composite object.  For more information, see and

       The utility prepares a DOTS file or a DDIF document for transport in the mail system by performing the following steps:

       1)    The DDIF document is converted to DOTS format.  As a DDIF document may contain more than one file, all files within the DDIF document
	     are incorporated into one DOTS file which can be sent as one mail message.

       2)    Each DOTS file is then compressed and encoded using only printing ASCII characters.   This is because ULTRIX mail software only  sup-
	     ports 7 bit mail.

       3)    The  routine  encapsulates  coded	documents by adding leading and trailing lines, each surrounded by a <CR>.  The lines should begin
	     with 2 or more dashes (-) and some text that indicates the nature of the encapsulated message. The following is  a  typical  encapsu-
	     lated mail message:
	     To: anybody@anynode
	     Subject: Another DDIF document

	     -----------motd.ddif : DOTS.ctod.compress.uuencode message

	     begin 0 motd.ddif
	     M__]@*" ,(" !BO.#P$# 8$* &UO=&0N9&1I9H0$)%546     "A@"B !@8K
	     MS@ P$''T1$248M96YC;V1E9"!R979I<V%B;&4@9&]C=6UE;G2@@/__?X"@
	     M@( ! 8$! ((/1$1)1B1?4D5!1%]415A4HX#)% !$1$E&(%1E>'0@1G)O;G0@


	     -----------End of motd.ddif : DOTS.ctod.compress.uuencode message
	     The command can also extract different parts of a mail message, namely, the header information, the text part of the message, and the
	     DOTS file that was encapsulated as described above.

       Extracting the DOTS file is done by parsing the mail message and detecting the leading and trailing encapsulation boundaries.  Decoding and
       uncompressing the data results in the original DOTS file.

       The utility is built into Rand MH to provide DDIF mail support.	It can, however, be used with mail.

       -c   Causes to create an encapsulated DOTS bodypart from file. The file must be a DOTS/DDIF type document.

       -t   Causes to write to the standard output the message type of file. Message type can be either text or DOTS.

       -xh  Extracts  the mail header lines from file.	The header line must be at the beginning of the file and separated from the remaining text
	    by a <CR> or <CRLF>.  Each header line is a string containing a header field name (for example, Subject), a colon  (:),  one  or  more
	    spaces,  and  a  field  value.  Each header line may have embedded continuation sequences it it (for example, LF followed by spaces or

       -xT  Extracts all the text parts of the mail message in file to the standard output.

       -xD  Extracts any DOTS bodyparts in file. The DOTS document is sent to the standard output.  This is the reverse of the -c option above.

	    The file must be specified for the -c option.  If file is not specified with the -x or -t option then the standard input is used.

       The following are examples of how to use the command:

       Encapsulates a DDIF document
       capsar -c file.ddif | more

       Lists the header line from the mail message
       capsar -xh file.mail

       Extracts the encapsulated DOTS file from the file
       capsar -xD file > file.dots


       capsar -xD file | dtoc

       In order to mail a DDIF/DOTS document you can use one of the following:
       capsar -c file.ddif | mail -s "subject" address

       capsar -c file.ddif | mhmail -subject "subject" address

       Use the second command if you are using RAND mh.

       A DOTS file is extracted from dxmail first extracting the message into a file. The dxmail utility has an extract feature built in so  isn't

See Also
       compress(1), ctod(1), dtoc(1), mail(1), mh(1mh), mhmail(1mh), uuencode(1), vdoc(1), prompter(1mh), DDIF(5), DOTS(5)

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