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dis(1) [ultrix man page]

dis(1)							      General Commands Manual							    dis(1)

       dis - disassemble an object file

       dis [-h] [-S] [-p procedure] [ file ... ]

       The dis command disassembles object files into machine instructions.  Note that assembler code and machine code can differ depending on the
       machine type.  A file can be an object or an archive file.

       -h   Prints the general register names, rather than the software register names.

       -p   Disassembles only the specified procedure from the object file.

       -S   Lists the source listings.	Otherwise, only instructions are listed.

       You cannot disassemble an archive.

								       RISC								    dis(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

disassembler(3x)														  disassembler(3x)

       disassembler - disassemble a MIPS instruction and print the results

       int disassembler (iadr, regstyle, get_symname, get_regvalue, get_bytes, print_header)
       unsigned  iadr;
       int	 regstyle;
       char	 *(*get_symname)();
       int	 (*get_regvalue)();
       long	 (*get_bytes)();
       void	 (*print_header)();

       The disassembler function disassembles and prints a MIPS machine instruction on stdout.

       The  argument  is the instruction address to be disassembled.  The regstyle parameter specifies how registers are named in the disassembly.
       The value is 0 if compiler names are used; otherwise, hardware names are used.

       The next four arguments are function pointers, most of which give the caller some flexibility in the appearance of  the	disassembly.   The
       only  function  that  must be provided is get_bytes.  All other functions are optional.	The get_bytes function is called without arguments
       and returns the next byte or bytes to disassemble.

       The get_symname is passed an address, which is the target of a jal instruction. If null is returned or if get_symname is null the disassem-
       bler  prints  the address; otherwise, the string name is printed as returned from get_symname.  If get_regvalue is not null, it is passed a
       register number and returns the current contents of the specified register.  The disassembler function prints this information  along  with
       the  instruction  disassembly.	If print_header is not null, it is passed the instruction address, iadr, and the current instruction to be
       disassembled, which is the return value from get_bytes.	The print_header function can use these parameters to print any  desired  informa-
       tion before the actual instruction disassembly is printed.

       If  get_bytes  is  null,  the  disassembler returns -1 and errno is set to EINVAL; otherwise, the number of bytes that were disassembled is
       returned.  If the disassembled word is a jump or branch instruction, the instruction in the delay slot is also disassembled.

See Also

								       RISC							  disassembler(3x)
Man Page

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