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ctod(1) [ultrix man page]

ctod(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   ctod(1)

       ctod - combine DDIS objects into DOTS format

       ctod [ -x ] object.ddis

       The  command  combines  a  DDIS encoded object into a Data Object Transport Syntax (DOTS) format, which is written to standard output.  The
       object may contain references to other DDIS files.  The purpose of is to create a single file from multiple references to other	files,	in
       order to transfer or move DDIS objects from one location to another.

       object.ddis  is a file name, or a minus sign (-) for standard input.  If a minus sign is specified, or if no file name is present, standard
       input is read.  The named object and its external references, if any, are combined into a DOTS data stream which  is  written  to  standard

       Because a DOTS stream contains binary data, output should be redirected to a file or a pipe.

       -x   Specifies that is to DOTS encode the input file without resolving any external references present in the file.  This option is for use
	    only with files containing no external references.

       The only DDIS object types supported in this release are DDIF and DTIF.

       The exit status is 0 if all files were combined successfully and 1 if any of the files could not be combined.  Consult `standard error'	to
       see what files failed, and why.

       If  the	-x  option  is	used  and contains any external references, returns an error status of 1, and writes an error message to `standard

See Also
       dtoc(1), DDIS(5), DDIF(5), DTIF(5), DOTS(5)


Check Out this Related Man Page

CDA(5)								File Formats Manual							    CDA(5)

       CDA - Compound Document Architecture

       Digital's CDA architecture for compound documents is an open architecture that establishes a framework for the interchange of many types of
       data in a multivendor environment.  Utilizing CDA converters, compound revisable format data can be handled much the same  as  ASCII  text.
       With  CDA  converters, you can write applications that handle compound documents, regardless of the environment in which you or application
       users are working.

       CDA includes the Digital Document Interchange Format (DDIF), the Data Object Transport Syntax (DOTS), and  the  Digital	Table  Interchange
       Format  (DTIF).	 Each of these formats is encoded using the Digital Data Interchange Syntax (DDIS).  Using these representations, CDA pro-
       vides a method for manipulating files that contain a number of integrated components.

       The tools associated with CDA include the CDA Toolkit (libddif.a), the CDA Converter (the main converter is and the CDA Viewers.   The  CDA
       Toolkit	is  a collection of routines that support the creation of CDA applications.  The CDA Converter converts files of a specified input
       format to a specified output format.  The CDA Viewers are used to display CDA-encoded files on a workstation display or character cell ter-

       All  of	the  following products support CDA-encoded files.  If you only intend to manipulate CDA files, and do not have an interest in the
       particulars of the file format,	you can use any one of these products to manipulate a CDA-encoded file:

       CDA Converters
       CDA Viewers (dxvdoc, vdoc)

See Also
       cdoc(1), vdoc(1), DDIF(5), DDIS(5), DOTS(5), DTIF(5)
       Compound Document Architecture Manual

Man Page

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