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binmail(1) [ultrix man page]

binmail(1)						      General Commands Manual							binmail(1)

       binmail - send or receive mail among users

       /bin/mail [+] [-i] [person...]
       /bin/mail [+] [-i] -f file

       This  is the old version 7 UNIX system mail program.  The default command is described in and its binary is in the directory The program is
       still used to actually deliver a mail message into the users system-wide mailbox ( ), however, the  reading  of	these  messages  has  been
       replaced with the program Do not remove from your system.

       The  command  with  no argument prints a user's mail, message-by-message, in last-in, first-out order; the optional argument + displays the
       mail messages in first-in, first-out order.  For each message, it reads a line from the standard input to direct  the  disposition  of  the

       Issue the following commands from the program prompt:

       <CR>		   Go on to next message

       d		   Delete message and go on to the next.

       p		   Print message again.

       -		   Go back to previous message.

       s [file...]	   Save the message in the named files (`mbox' default).

       w [file...]	   Save the message, without a header, in the named files (`mbox' default).

       m [person...]	   Mail the message to the named persons (yourself is default).

       EOT (control-D)	   Put unexamined mail back in the mailbox and stop.

       q		   Same as EOT.

       !command 	   Escape to the Shell to do command.

       *		   Print a command summary.

       An interrupt normally terminates the command; the mail file is unchanged.

       When  persons  are  named, takes the standard input up to an end-of-file (or a line with just `.')  and adds it to each person's mail file.
       The message is preceded by the sender's name and a postmark.  Lines that look like postmarks are prepended with `>'.  A person is usually a
       user  name  recognized  by  To  denote  a recipient on a remote system, prefix person by the system name and exclamation mark.  For further
       information, see

       The program sends a message to the screen that there is mail when the user logs in.

       When is used to deliver mail, (usually calls to do this), a mailbox is created for the user in the directory if it doesn't  already  exist.
       The mailbox is created with the mode 700 so that only its owner can access it.  In addition, the directory has the mode 777 with the sticky
       bit set.  The mode is 777 so that other mail programs, notably can create the appropriate lock files to prevent another process from  writ-
       ing to the mailbox at the same time.  The sticky bit set on the directory prevents one user from unlinking another user's mailbox.

       -f		   Displays mail messages contained in the specified file (next argument) in place of your mailbox file.

       -i		   Notifies mail to continue after interrupts.

       Race conditions sometimes result in a failure to remove a lock file.

       /etc/passwd	      to identify sender and locate persons
       /usr/spool/mail/*      incoming mail for user *
       mbox		      saved mail
       /tmp/ma* 	      temp file
       /usr/spool/mail/*.lock lock for mail directory
       dead.letter	      unmailable text

See Also
       mail(1), uucp(1c), uux(1c), write(1), sendmail(8)


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mail.local(1M)						  System Administration Commands					    mail.local(1M)

mail.local - store mail in a mailbox SYNOPSIS
/usr/lib/mail.local [-f sender] [-d] recipient DESCRIPTION
mail.local reads the standard input up to an end-of-file and appends it to each user's mail file (mailbox). This program is intended to be used by sendmail(1M) as a mail delivery agent for local mail. It is not a user interface agent. Messages are appended to the user's mail file in the /var/mail directory. The user must be a valid user name. Each delivered mail message in the mailbox is preceded by a "Unix From line" with the following format: From sender_address time_stamp The sender_address is extracted from the SMTP envelope address (the envelope address is specified with the -f option). A trailing blank line is also added to the end of each message. The mail files are locked with a .lock file while mail is appended. The mail files are created with mode 660, owner is set to recipient, and group is set to mail. If the ``biff'' service is returned by get- servbyname(3SOCKET), the biff server is notified of delivered mail. This program also computes the Content-Length: header which will be used by the mailbox reader to mark the message boundary. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -f sender Specifies the "envelope from address" of the message. This flag is technically optional, but should be used. -d Specifies the recipient of the message. This flag is also optional and is supported here for backward compatibility. That is, mail.local recipient is the same as mail.local -d recipient. -l Turn on LMTP mode. -r from Specify the sender's name (for backward compatibility). -7 Do not advertise 8BITMIME support in LMTP mode. -b Return a permanent error instead of a temporary error if a mailbox exceeds quota. OPERANDS
The following operand is supported: recipient The recipient of the mail message. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
TZ Used to set the appropriate time zone on the timestamp. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful operation. >0 An error occurred. FILES
/tmp/local.XXXXXX temporary files /tmp/lochd.XXXXXX temporary files /var/mail/user_name user's mail file ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWsndmu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
mail(1), comsat(1M), sendmail(1M), getservbyname(3SOCKET), attributes(5) SunOS 5.11 11 Apr 1997 mail.local(1M)
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