Where are the data ?

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# 1  
Old 11-29-2007
Where are the data ?


I have a strange thing, when I want to see where my data are on a partition, and to check too if the partition is filling up...

So, first I check with :
df -k /my/partition

here is the ouput of this command
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md/dsk/d8       14115659 7272935 6701568    53%    /logs

Sorry, I'm on solaris, and
df -h

still don't exist unfortunately Smilie
So, then, I decide to see wich directory are taking a lot of space, and I do this with :
du -sk /logs

and here the output :
5463367 /logs

This was my first surprise, as the last command tell me that only +/- 5.5 go was used, and with the command df, it tell me someting others.
And when I want to see the size of sub-directory on this partition with :
du -sk /logs/*

I can see this :
367713  /logs/apache
584     /logs/backup
1243    /logs/firewall
280     /logs/ftp
12      /logs/interface
1       /logs/logcheck
5405    /logs/logrotation
8       /logs/lost+found
1       /logs/mount_as
2       /logs/oracle
405     /logs/solaris
1719    /logs/sysload
1       /logs/tmp
5085992 /logs/websphere

and I have no hidden sub-directoy on the partition as this command :
ls -al /logs

tell me this :
drwx------   6 root     other        512 Nov 21 08:00 apache/
drwx------   3 root     other        512 Mar  2  2006 backup/
drwx------   4 root     other        512 Oct 21  2003 firewall/
drwx------   3 root     other        512 Oct 21  2003 ftp/
drwx------   4 root     other        512 Oct 21  2003 interface/
drwx------   2 root     other        512 Oct 21  2003 logcheck/
drwx------   2 root     other       7680 Nov 29 08:30 logrotation/
drwx------   2 root     root        8192 Sep 23  2001 lost+found/
-rw-------   1 root     other         34 Dec  5  2003 mount_as
drwx------   3 root     other        512 Oct 21  2003 oracle/
drwx------   6 root     other        512 Mar  2  2006 solaris/
drwx------   6 root     other        512 Mar  2  2006 sysload/
drwx------   2 root     other        512 Mar 15  2005 tmp/
drwx------   8 root     other        512 Oct 11  2006 websphere/

So, my question, can anyone tell me where are the 1809568 kbytes that I cannot find !! any idea ??

We are using disksuite if I'm right, with metadevices if it can help !!
# 2  
Old 11-29-2007
Suppose that a program was writing to a file called /logs/tmp/uselessfile. Then someone does an "rm /logs/tmp/uselessfile". Now you have a file with no path to it. It won't actually be deleted until the program closes it. My guess is that something like this has happened. Sometimes a program will create a temporary file and then immediately unlink it to create this situation intentionally. The file is very secure since no other process can open it without special help from the original process. And the file is guaranteed to be deleted when the program exits.
# 3  
Old 11-30-2007
someone tell me about also a certain amount ( 5 or 10% ) of a partition are reserved for the root user ?
do you thingk that the place reserved for root user can be seen with the command
df -k

or not ?

If you were true, it seems that I have a lot of wasted space !! Damned !!
# 4  
Old 11-30-2007
No, it's not the reserved space. If it were, all of your filesytems will have the same effect. If you reboot the box, the process holding the space will die and the space will be freed. This is one way to see if I'm right.
# 5  
Old 12-01-2007
As it is a production system, I don't think my boos will appreciate to reboot the system ! But we have a system, that has been reboot not too long ago, so I'll see if we have also there some wasted space !!
Thanks anyway for the advice !
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