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SDL(3)							User Contributed Perl Documentation						    SDL(3)

SDL_perl - Simple DirectMedia Layer for Perl DISCLAIMER
First to clarify: THIS IS THE LAST RELEASE OF THIS API. That said we are actively redesigning the SDL Bindings on the redesign branch here: git:// The newrelease will break backwards compatibility. We recommend you try the redesign branch to get a head start on any new code you are developing. SYNOPSIS
SDL_perl is a package of perl modules that provides both functional and object orient interfaces to the Simple DirectMedia Layer for Perl 5. This package does take some liberties with the SDL API, and attempts to adhere to the spirit of both the SDL and Perl. This document describes the low-level functional SDL_perl API. For the object oriented programming interface please see the documentation provided on a per class basis. The SDL Perl 2009 Development Team Documentation Nick: magnet Perl Development Nick: Garu Name: Breno G. de Oliveira Nick: Dngor Name: Rocco Caputo Nick: nferraz Name: Nelson Ferraz Maintainance Nick: kthakore Name: Kartik Thakore MacOSX Experimental Usage Please get libsdl packages from Fink perl Build.PL perl Build test perl Build bundle perl Build install Running SDL Perl Scripts in MacOSX First set the PERL5LIB environment variable to the dependencies of your script %export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:./lib Use the SDLPerl executable made in the bundle and call your scripts Functions exported by Init(flags) As with the C language API, SDL_perl initializes the SDL environment through the "SDL::Init" subroutine. This routine takes a mode flag constructed through the bitwise OR product of the following functions: o INIT_AUDIO() o INIT_VIDEO() o INIT_CDROM() o INIT_EVERYTHING() o INIT_NOPARACHUTE() o INIT_JOYSTICK() o INIT_TIMER() "SDL::Init" returns 0 on success, or -1 on error. GetError() The last error message set by the SDL library can be retrieved using the subroutine "SDL::GetError", which returns a scalar containing the text of the message if any. Delay(ms) This subroutine allows an application to delay further operations for atleast a number of milliseconds provided as the argument. The actual delay may be longer than the specified depending on the underlying OS. GetTicks() An application may retrieve the number of milliseconds expired since the initilization of the application through this subroutine. This value resets rougly ever 49 days. AddTimer(interval,callback,param) "AddTimer" will register a SDL_NewTimerCallback function to be executed after "interval" milliseconds, with parameter "param". SDL_NewTimerCallback objects can be constructed with the "NewTimer" subroutine. "SDL::PerlTimerCallback" will return a valid callback for executing a perl subroutine or closure. This subroutine returns a SDL_TimerID for the newly registered callback, or NULL on error. NewTimer(interval,subroutine) The "NewTimer" takes an interval in milliseconds and a reference to a subroutine to call at that interval. The subroutine will be invoked in a void context and accepts no parameters. The callback used is that returned by "SDL::PerlTimerCallback". "NewTimer" returns the SDL_TimerID for the new timer or NULL on error. RemoveTimer(id) This subroutine taks a SDL_TimerID and removes it from the list of active callbacks. RemoveTimer returns false on failure. SetTimer This subroutine is depreciated, please use "NewTimer" or "AddTimer" instead. CDNumDrives() "SDL::CDNumDrives" returns the number of available CD-ROM drives in the system. CDName(drive) The subroutine "SDL::CDName" returns the system specific human readable device name for the given CD-ROM drive. CDOpen(drive) This subroutine opens a CD-ROM drive for access, returning NULL if the drive is busy or otherwise unavailable. On success this subroutine returns a handle to the CD-ROM drive. CDTrackListing(cd) "SDL::CDTrackListing" returns a human readable description of a CD-ROM. For each track one line will be produced with the following format: Track index: %d, id %d, %2d.%2d This is provided to ease the creation of human readable descriptions and debugging. CDTrackId(track) "CDTrackId" returns the id field of the given SDL_CDtrack structure. CDTrackType(track) "CDTrackType" returns the type field of the given SDL_CDtrack structure. CDTrackLength(track) "CDTrackLength" returns the length field of the given SDL_CDtrack structure. CDTrackOffset(track) "CDTrackOffset" returns the offset field of the given SDL_CDtrack structure. CDStatus(cd) The function "CDStatus" returns the current status of the given SDL_CDrom. "CDStatus"'s return values are: o CD_TRAYEMPTY o CD_PLAYING o CD_STOPPED o CD_PAUSED o CD_ERROR CDPlayTracks(cd,track,tracks,frame,frames) To start playing from an arbitrary portion of a CD, one can provide "SDL::CDPlayTracks" with a CD, a starting track, the number of tracks, a starting frame, and the number of frames to be played. CDPlay(cd,track,length) "SDL::CDPlay" plays the next "length" tracks starting from "track" CDPause(cd) This function will pause CD playback until resume is called. CDResume(cd) This function will resume CD playback if paused. CDStop(cd) "SDL::CDStop" will stop CD playback if playing. CDEject(cd) This function will eject the CD. CDClose(cd) This function will release an opened CD. CDNumTracks This function return the number of tracks on a CD, it take a SDL_CD as first parameter. CDCurTrack This function return the number of the current track on a CD, it take a SDL_CD as first parameter. CDCurFrame this function return the frame offset within the current track on a CD. it take a SDL_CD as first parameter. CDTrack CDtrack stores data on each track on a CD, its fields should be pretty self explainatory. CDtrack take a SDL::CD as input and return a SDL_CDTrack. PumpEvents Pumps the event loop, gathering events from the input devices. PumpEvents gathers all the pending input information from devices and places it on the event queue. Without calls to PumpEvents no events would ever be placed on the queue. Often the need for calls to PumpEvents is hidden from the user since " PollEvent" and WaitEvent implicitly call PumpEvents. However, if you are not polling or waiting for events (e.g. you are filtering them), then you must call PumpEvents to force an event queue update. PumpEvents doesn't return any value and doesn't take any parameters. Note: You can only call this function in the thread that set the video mode. NewEvent Create a new event.It return a SDL::Event. FreeEvent FreeEvent delete the SDL::Event given as first parameter. it doesn't return anything. PollEvent Polls for currently pending events. If event is not undef, the next event is removed from the queue and returned as a " SDL::Event". As this function implicitly calls " PumpEvents", you can only call this function in the thread that set the video mode. it take a SDL::Event as first parameter. WaitEvent Waits indefinitely for the next available event, returning undef if there was an error while waiting for events, a " SDL::Event" otherwise. If event is not NULL, the next event is removed. As this function implicitly calls " PumpEvents", you can only call this function in the thread that set the video mode. WaitEvent take a SDL::Event as first parameter. EventState This function allows you to set the state of processing certain event types. it take an event type as first argument, and a state as second. If state is set to SDL_IGNORE, that event type will be automatically dropped from the event queue and will not be filtered. If state is set to SDL_ENABLE, that event type will be processed normally. If state is set to SDL_QUERY, SDL_EventState will return the current processing state of the specified event type. A list of event types can be found in the " SDL_Event section". it returns a state(?). IGNORE ENABLE QUERY ACTIVEEVENT KEYDOWN KEYUP MOUSEMOTION MOUSEBUTTONDOWN MOUSEBUTTONUP QUIT SYSWMEVENT EventType EventType return the type of the SDL::Event given as first parameter. ActiveEventGain ActiveEventGain return the active gain from the SDL::Event given as first parameter. see " SDL::Event" for more informations about the active state. ActiveEventState ActiveEventState return the active state from the SDL::Event given as first parameter. see " SDL::Event" for more informations about the active state. APPMOUSEFOCUS APPINPUTFOCUS APPACTIVE KeyEventState KeyEventState return the active key state from the SDL::Event given as first parameter. see " SDL::Event" for me more informations about the active key. SDLK_BACKSPACE SDLK_TAB SDLK_CLEAR SDLK_RETURN SDLK_PAUSE SDLK_ESCAPE SDLK_SPACE SDLK_EXCLAIM SDLK_QUOTEDBL SDLK_HASH SDLK_DOLLAR SDLK_AMPERSAND SDLK_QUOTE SDLK_LEFTPAREN SDLK_RIGHTPAREN SDLK_ASTERISK SDLK_PLUS SDLK_COMMA SDLK_MINUS SDLK_PERIOD SDLK_SLASH SDLK_0 SDLK_1 SDLK_2 SDLK_3 SDLK_4 SDLK_5 SDLK_6 SDLK_7 SDLK_8 SDLK_9 SDLK_COLON SDLK_SEMICOLON SDLK_LESS SDLK_EQUALS SDLK_GREATER SDLK_QUESTION SDLK_AT SDLK_LEFTBRACKET SDLK_BACKSLASH SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET SDLK_CARET SDLK_UNDERSCORE SDLK_BACKQUOTE SDLK_a SDLK_b SDLK_c SDLK_d SDLK_e SDLK_f SDLK_g SDLK_h SDLK_i SDLK_j SDLK_k SDLK_l SDLK_m SDLK_n SDLK_o SDLK_p SDLK_q SDLK_r SDLK_s SDLK_t SDLK_u SDLK_v SDLK_w SDLK_x SDLK_y SDLK_z SDLK_DELETE SDLK_KP0 SDLK_KP1 SDLK_KP2 SDLK_KP3 SDLK_KP4 SDLK_KP5 SDLK_KP6 SDLK_KP7 SDLK_KP8 SDLK_KP9 SDLK_KP_PERIOD SDLK_KP_DIVIDE SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY SDLK_KP_MINUS SDLK_KP_PLUS SDLK_KP_ENTER SDLK_KP_EQUALS SDLK_UP SDLK_DOWN SDLK_RIGHT SDLK_LEFT SDLK_INSERT SDLK_HOME SDLK_END SDLK_PAGEUP SDLK_PAGEDOWN SDLK_F1 SDLK_F2 SDLK_F3 SDLK_F4 SDLK_F5 SDLK_F6 SDLK_F7 SDLK_F8 SDLK_F9 SDLK_F10 SDLK_F11 SDLK_F12 SDLK_F13 SDLK_F14 SDLK_F15 SDLK_NUMLOCK SDLK_CAPSLOCK SDLK_SCROLLOCK SDLK_RSHIFT SDLK_LSHIFT SDLK_RCTRL SDLK_LCTRL SDLK_RALT SDLK_LALT SDLK_RMETA SDLK_LMETA SDLK_LSUPER SDLK_RSUPER SDLK_MODE SDLK_HELP SDLK_PRINT SDLK_SYSREQ SDLK_BREAK SDLK_MENU SDLK_POWER SDLK_EURO KMOD_NONE KMOD_NUM KMOD_CAPS KMOD_LCTRL KMOD_RCTRL KMOD_RSHIFT KMOD_LSHIFT KMOD_RALT KMOD_LALT KMOD_CTRL KMOD_SHIFT KMOD_ALT KeyEventSym KeyEventSym return the key pressed/released information from the SDL::Event given as first parameter. see " SDL::Event" for more informations about the keyboard events. KeyEventMod KeyEventMod return the mod keys pressed information from the SDL::Event given as first parameter. see " SDL::Event" for more informations about the keyboard events. KeyEventUnicode KeyEventMod return the unicode translated keys pressed/released information from the SDL::Event given as first parameter. see " SDL::Event" for more informations about the keyboard events. KeyEventScanCode MouseMotionState MouseMotionX MouseMotionY MouseMotionXrel MouseMotionYrel MouseButtonState MouseButton MouseButtonX MouseButtonY SysWMEventMsg EnableUnicode EnableKeyRepeat GetKeyName PRESSED RELEASED CreateRGBSurface CreateRGBSurfaceFrom IMG_Load FreeSurface SurfacePalette SurfaceBitsPerPixel SurfaceBy perl v5.12.1 2010-07-05 SDL(3)
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